Understanding the Presidency : 2004 Election Season Update

by ;
Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2005-01-01
Publisher(s): Longman
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Updated for the 2004 Presidential Election season, this collection of essays provides a fascinating tour of the history, development, and current day issues facing the American Presidency. Constitutional Origins of the Presidency; Historical Perspectives on the Presidency; Selecting Presidents: Campaigns, Elections, and Mandates; The Public Presidency: Press, Media, and Public Approval; The Institutional Presidency; The Separation of Powers; Domestic Policy Leadership; Commander-in-Chief and National Security; Evaluating Presidents: Greatness and Abuse of Power. Anyone interested in the American presidency

Table of Contents

Constitutional Origins of the Presidency
The Creation of the Presidency
James Madison to Thomas Jefferson
Federalist No. 69
Federalist No. 70
To the Citizens of the State of New York
Historical Perspectives on the Presidency
The Strict Constructionist Presidency
The Stewardship Presidency
The Public Presidency
The Prerogative Presidency
Toward a Modern Presidency
Presidency in the Political Order
Selecting Presidents: Campaigns, Elections, and Mandates
Revaluating the Electoral College
Nomination Politics, Party Unity, and Presidential Elections
Campaigning for Cash Amid Chaos?
Campaign Finance Reform, and Presidential Fundraising in 2004
Party Favors
The 2000 Presidential Election
The Myth of Presidential Mandate
The Permanent Campaign
The Public Presidency: Press, Media, and Public Approval
The Press and the Presidency
Spin Control in the White House
The Presidential Pulpit: Bully or Baloney?
Public Opinion Polls: The New Referendum
Presidential Impeachment Politics
The Institutional Presidency
The White House Staff, The President's Committee on Administrative Management (Brownlow Committee)
The President's Cabinet
Locked in the Cabinet
The Changing Presidential Office
Can the President Manage the Government?
Bureaucracy in the American Constitutional Order
Presidential Appointments and the Office of Presidential Personnel
The Separation of Powers
Presidential Relations with Congress
"The Disappearing Political Center,"
The Presidency in a Separated System
Is the Separation of Powers Obsolete?
Judicial Control of the Presidency: Stability and Change
Domestic Policy Leadership
The Hundred Days
The Power to Persuade
The Presidency and Domestic Policy: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Presidential Management of the Economy
Commander-in-Chief and National Security
Invitation to Struggle: The President, Congress, and National Security
The Demise of the War Clause
(Iran-Contra) What Was Wrong, Report of the President's Special Review Board
Making Foreign Policy: President and Congress
Evaluating Presidents: Greatness and Abuse of Power
Watergate: Implications for Responsible Government
"Three Crises of Character in the Modern Presidency,"
Being Liked and Being President
"If Men Were Angels...: Presidential Leadership and Accountability,"
"The Transformation of the Bush Presidency,"
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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