Special Events

Edition: 6th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2010-01-01
Publisher(s): Wiley
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This text chronicles and champions the development, changes, and challenges faced by the global celebrations industry for event planners.

In this textbook, new interviews are included with experienced event leaders to give a better understanding of the field. New chapters are included on green events, corporate social responsibility, and theoretical case studies.

In Special Events: A New Generation and the Next Frontier (The Wiley Event Management Series), event measurement, evaluation, and assessment topics are integrated throughout a number of the chapters. Over 200 new Web resources and appendices show how to save money, time, and improve the overall quality of an event.

Event planners will also learn how technology may be harnessed to help them improve their events" financial, quality, environmental and other strategic outcomes.

About the author

Dr. Joe Goldblatt, CSEP, is the Senior Lecturer in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University, as well as their Executive Director for Professional Development and Strategic Partnerships.

An event tourism specialist, Dr. Goldblatt founded The Event Management Program at George Washington University and designed the first Master's of Business Administration concentration in Event Leadership at Johnson & Wales University. He has been an executive producer of his own special events firm, and his credits include presidential inaugurations, galas for foreign governments, and the opening of Trump Taj Mahal Resort.

He is a member of the Events Industry Hall of Fame and the recipient of two lifetime achievement awards as well as Russia's highest honor for creativity and innovation, the Silver Medal.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Gene Columbus.



PART ONE: Theory of Event Leadership.

CHAPTER 1 Welcome to Planned Events.

CHAPTER 2 Models of Global Planned Events.

PART TWO: Event Administration.

CHAPTER 3 Developing and Implementing the Event Plan.

CHAPTER 4 Event Leadership Through Human Resource and Time Management.

CHAPTER 5 Financial Administration.

CHAPTER 6 Greener Events.

PART THREE: Event Coordination.

CHAPTER 7 Managing Vendor Contracts.

CHAPTER 8 On-Site Event Production.

PART FOUR: Event Marketing.

CHAPTER 9 Advertising, Public Relations, Promotions, and Sponsorships.

CHAPTER 10 Online Marketing and Consumer-Generated Media.

PART FIVE: Legal, Ethical, and Risk Management.

CHAPTER 11 Risk Management: Legal and Financial Safeguards.

CHAPTER 12 Inclusiveness, Morality, Law, and Ethics in Event Planning.

CHAPTER 13 Doing the Right Thing: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

PART SIX: Technology for Professional Development.

CHAPTER 14 Technology and Modern Event Planning.

CHAPTER 15 Career Development, Advancement, and Sustainable Success.

CHAPTER 16 The New Best Practices in Planned Events.

CHAPTER 17 New Frontiers in Twenty-First-Century Planned Events.


APPENDIX 1 References.

APPENDIX 2 International Special Events Society Principles of Professional Conduct and Ethics.

APPENDIX 3 The Greener Appendix.


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