Procedures in the Justice System

by ;
Edition: 10th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2012-01-05
Publisher(s): Pearson
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Procedures in the Justice System, 10e, is comprehensive yet readable. Designed for one-semester courses on American criminal courts, it covers the court systems and processes using a sequential approach-following law violators from arrest to conviction and sentencing. Each chapter examines the roles that law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional departments play in the process, and builds logically on previous material. Down-to-earth examples, illustrations, court documents, and cases help make procedures more real and concrete.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1        Historical Development of Law and the Justice System

Chapter 2        Search and Seizure

Chapter 3        Arrest and Custody

Chapter 4        Initial Appearance

Chapter 6        Place and Time of Trial

Chapter 7        Trial

Chapter 8        Assistance of Counsel

Chapter 9        Pretrial Motions, Hearings, and Plea Negotiations

Chapter 10      Courtroom Evidence

Chapter 11      Trial: Roles of Major Participants

Chapter 12      Jury

Chapter 13      Trial Procedure

Chapter 14      Instructions and Deliberation of the Jury

Chapter 15      The Verdict and Appeals

Chapter 16      Sentencing

Chapter 17      Collateral Proceedings

Chapter 18      Victims’ Rights

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