For courses in criminal procedure
From Arrest to Sentencing: A Comprehensive Guide to Criminal Justice Procedures
Procedures in the Justice System presents the judicial procedures and related issues involved in criminal cases from arrest to conviction and sentencing. Real cases are used throughout to illuminate key points. Down-to-earth examples, illustrations, and court documents help make students grasp the application of key concepts and practice. The Eleventh Edition has been updated throughout and expanded to include new chapters on police and citizen encounters and interrogation procedures.
Cliff Roberson LLM, Ph.D. is an Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice at Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas and a retired Professor of Criminology at California State University, Fresno, California. He has authored or co-authored over 60 books and texts on legal subjects. His previous academic experiences include Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Arkansas Tech University; Dean of Arts and Sciences, University of Houston, Victoria; Director of Programs, National College of District Attorneys; Professor of Criminology and Director of Justice Center, California State University, Fresno; and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, St. Edwards University. Dr. Roberson’s non-academic experience includes U.S. Marine Corps service as an infantry officer, trial and defense counsel and military judge as a marine judge advocate; and Director of the Military Law Branch, U.S. Marine Corps. Other legal employment experiences include Trial Supervisor, Office of State Counsel for Offenders, Texas Board of Criminal Justice and judge pro-tem in the California courts. Cliff is admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Military Appeals, U.S. Tax Court, Federal Courts in California and Texas, Supreme Court of Texas and Supreme Court of California. Educational background includes: Ph.D. in Human Behavior, U.S. International University; L.L.M., in Criminal Law, Criminology, and Psychiatry, George Washington University; J.D. American University; B.A. in Political Science, University of Missouri; and one year of post-graduate study at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Harvey Wallace, who died in 2007, was a professor and chair of the criminology department at California State University, Fresno, California. He also served as the academic coordinator for the U.S. Department of Justice, National Victim Assistance Academy in Washington, DC. Professor Wallace had a JD and was the former City Attorney for Fresno, California and County Counsel for Butte County, California. He also served as a deputy district attorney for San Diego County, California. He retired from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. He has written and published numerous articles in academic and professional journals and eight textbooks in the social sciences and criminal justice field. He was noted for his work with victims and victim assistance programs.
Brief Contents
1. An Introduction to the Justice System
2. Search and Seizure
3. Arrest and Custody
4. Law Enforcement and the Citizen on the Street
5. Privilege Against Compulsory
6. Charging and Initial Appearance
7. Assistance of Counsel
8. Pretrial Motions, Hearings, and Plea
9. Courtroom Evidence
10. Jury
11. Trial Procedure
12. Deliberation of the Jury and the Verdict
13. Sentencing and Appeals
14. Collateral Proceedings and Writs
Appendix A: Outline of Trial Procedure
Appendix B: Motion for the Production and Inspection of Evidence and Information That May Lead to Evidence