We : New Edition

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Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1993-08-01
Publisher(s): Penguin Classics
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Before Brave New World... Before 1984...There was... WE In the One State of the great Benefactor, there are no individuals, only numbers. Life is an ongoing process of mathematical precision, a perfectly balanced equation. Primitive passions and instincts have been subdued. Even nature has been defeated, banished behind the Green Wall. But one frontier remains: outer space. Now, with the creation of the spaceship Integral, that frontier -- and whatever alien species are to be found there -- will be subjugated to the beneficent yoke of reason. One number, D-503, chief architect of the Integral, decides to record his thoughts in the final days before the launch for the benefit of less advanced societies. But a chance meeting with the beautiful 1-330 results in an unexpected discovery that threatens everything D-503 believes about himself and the One State. The discovery -- or rediscovery -- of inner space...and that disease the ancients called the soul. A page-turning SF adventure, a masterpiece of wit and black humor that accurately predicted the horrors of Stalinism, We is the classic dystopian novel. Its message of hope and warning is as timely at the end of the twentieth century as it was at the beginning.

Author Biography

Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin (1884-1937) was a naval architect by profession and a writer by nature. His favorite idea was the absolute freedom of the human personality to create, to imagine, to love, to make mistakes, and to change the world. This made him a highly inconvenient citizen of two despotisms, the tsarist and the Communist, both of which exiled him, the first for a year, the latter forever. He wrote short stories, plays, and essays, but his masterpiece is We, written in 1920-21 and soon thereafter translated into most of the languages of the world. It first appeared in Russia only in 1988. It is the archetype of the modern dystopia, or anti-utopia; a great prose poem on the fate that might befall all of us if we surrender our individual selves to some collective dream of technology and fail in the vigilance that is the price of freedom. George Orwell, the author of 1984, acknowledged his debt to Zamyatin. The other great English dystopia of our time, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, was evidently written out of the same impulse, though without direct knowledge of Zamyatin’s We.
Clarence Brown is the author of several works on the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam. He is editor of The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader, which contains his translation of Zamyatin’s short story “The Cave,” and of Yury Olesha’s novel Enpy.
Clarence Brown is the author of several works on the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam. He is editor of The Portable Twentieth-Century Russian Reader, which contains his translation of Zamyatin’s short story “The Cave,” and of Yury Olesha’s novel Enpy.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Zamyatin and the Rooster
Notes to Introduction
Suggestions for Further Reading
The Wisest of Lines
An Epic Poem
Harmony Squared
The Table
Savage with Barometer
Rulers of the World
Pleasant and Useful Function
Damned "Clear"
24 Hours
An Eyelash
Henbane and Lily of the Valley
The Irrational Root
Iambs and Trochees
Cast-Iron Hand
Hairy Me
No, I Can't...
Skip the Contents
Limitation of Infinity
Reflections on Poetry
Familiar "You"
An Absolutely Inane Occurrence
Cold Floor
Mirror-like Sea
My Fate to Burn Forever
Two-Dimensional Shadow
Incurable Soul
Through Glass
I Died
Logical Labyrinth
Wounds and Plaster
Never Again
Third-Order Infinitesimal
A Sullen Glare
Over the Parapet
Idea Material
Zero Cliff
An Author's Duty
Swollen Ice
The Most Difficult Love
Frozen Waves
Everything Tends to Perfection
I Am a Microbe
Dissolution of a Crystal
If Only
Limit of Function
Cross It All Out
Descent from Heaven
History's Greatest Catastrophe
End of the Known
The World Exists
A Rash
41[degree] Centigrade
No Contents - Can't
Both Women
Entropy and Energy
Opaque Part of the Body
Threads on the Face
Unnatural Compression
The Final Number
Galileo's Mistake
Wouldn't It Be Better?
The Great Operation
I Have Forgiven Everything
A Train Wreck
I Do Not Believe
The Human Chip
(No Time for Contents, Last Note)
Those on Leave
A Sunny Night
In a Hoop
Blank Pages
The Christian God
About My Mother
Her Room
(I Don't Know What Goes Here, Maybe Just: A Cigarette Butt)
The End
The Bell
I Am Certain
Translator's Notes
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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