Voices from This Long Brown Land : Oral Recollections of Owens Valley Lives and Manzanar Pasts

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2006-02-19
Publisher(s): Palgrave Macmillan
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The legacy of the past in the Owens Valley of California reverberates today, as it has for over a century, through the West and across the nation. The valley's water that flows to Los Angeles has long symbolized the dilemmas and conflicts associated with large-scale water transfers. Here, too, is Manzanar, a former Paiute area and pioneer community, a symbol as well of the confinement of more than 110,000 persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation camps during World War II.

Author Biography

Jane Wehrey is a Research Associate with the Oral History Program, California State University-Fullerton.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1(28)
ONE Nettie Roeper Fausel (1874-1968) 29(8)
I raised some coyotes once
TWO W.C. "Stub" Lydston (1870-1957) 37(6)
The valley is nothin' like it was in the old days
THREE Truman Buff (1906-1996) 43(16)
That's how I spent most of my time, among the white people
FOUR Vic Taylor (1910-2001) 59(20)
Water is everything
FIVE Emily Roddy (b. 1911) 79(16)
It was a railroad hotel, made of box cars—everything was box cars
SIX Concha Lozano Salas (1915-2003) 95(14)
We were a close bunch of people, a lot of good people
SEVEN Owen Cooper (b. 1916) 109(14)
We maintained the individuality of the towns and the newspapers
EIGHT LaVerne Reynolds Zediker (1919-1996) 123(14)
I was what they called a real good cowgirl
NINE Ritsuko Eder (b. 1917), Doris Semura (1912-2005), Dawn Kashitani (b. 1910) 137(12)
On that day, the sand blew and it got into our eyes and oh, it made us weep
TEN Nancy Connor Zischank (1907-2000) 149(20)
I would give the Japanese an idea of what the country was like
ELEVEN Mary Kageyama Nomura (b. 1925) 169(18)
I was able to continue singing in camp
TWELVE Keith Bright (b. 1915) 187(18)
I enjoy being involved
Afterword 205(2)
Appendix I: Narrators, Interviewers, and Transcribers 207(4)
Appendix II: Owens Valley Historical Periods: A Chronology 211(4)
Notes 215(8)
Readings/Sources Consulted 223(6)
Index 229

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