Unequal Sisters: An Inclusive Reader in US Women's History

by ;
Edition: 4th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2007-11-26
Publisher(s): Routledge
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Unequal Sisters has become a beloved and classic reader in American Women's History. It provides an unparalleled resource for understanding women's history in the United States today. When it was first published in 1990, it revolutionized the field with its broad multicultural approach, and continued, through its next two editions, to emphasize feminist perspectives on race, ethnicity, region, and sexuality. This classic work is in its fourth edition, and has incorporated the feedback of end-users in the field, to make it the most user-friendly version to date.

Table of Contents

Race and the Politics of Identity in U.S. Feminism
Bodies in Motion: Lesbian and Transsexual Histories
Teaching the Differences Among Women from a Historical Perspective: Rethinking Race and Gender as Social Categories
This Evil Extends Especially to the Feminine Sex: Captivity and Identity in New Mexico, 1700-1846
'Deluders and Seducers of Each Other': Gender and the Changing Nature of Resistance
The Pleasures of Resistance: Enslaved Women and Body Politics in the Plantation South, 1830-1861
Race, Culture and Justice in Mexican Los Angeles
To Earn her Daily Bread: Housework and Antebellum Working-Class Subsistence
The Feminized Civil War: Gender, Northern Popular Literature, and the Memory of War, 1861-1900
To Catch the Vision of Freedom: Reconstructing Southern Black Women's Political History, 1865-1880
'To Dark to be Angels': The Class System Among the Cherokees at the Female Seminary-Devon
The Practice of Everyday Colonialism: Indigenous Women at Work in the Hop Fields and Tourist Industry of Puget Sound
Black and White Visions of Welfare: Women's Welfare Activism, 1890-1945
Migrations and Destinations: Reflections on the Histories of U.S. Immigrant Women
The Social Awakening of Chinese American Women as Reported in Chung Sai Yat Po, 1900-1911
Working Women, Class Relations, and Suffrage Militance: Harriot Stanton Blatch and the New York Woman's Suffrage Movement, 1894-1909
In Politics to Stay: Black Women Leaders and Party Politics in the 1920s-Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Miscegenation Law, Court Cases, and Ideologies of 'Race' in Twentieth-Century America
Sexual Geography and Gender Economy: The Furnished Room Districts of Chicago, 1890-1930
Making Faces: The Cosmetics Industry and the Cultural Construction of Gender, 1890-1930
'Star Struck': Acculturation, Adolescence, and Mexican American Women, 1920-1940
Japanese American Women and the Creation of Urban Nisei Culture in the 1930s
In Search of Unconventional Women: Histories of Puerto Rican Women in Religious Vocations Before Mid-Century
'We are that Mythical Thing Called the Public': Militant Housewives during the Great Depression
Raiz Fuerte: Oral History and Mexicana Farmworkers
From Servitude to Service Work: Historical Continuities in the Racial Division of Paid Reproductive Labor
Open Secrets: Memory, Imagination, and the Refashioning of Southern Identity
Was Mom Chung a 'Sister Lesbian'?: Asian American Gender Experimentation
Telling Performances: Jazz History Remembered and Remade by the Women in the Band
Rethinking Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique: Labour Union Radicalism and Feminism in Cold War America
Non Mothers as Bad Mothers: Infertility and the 'Maternal Instinct'
Polishing Brown Diamonds: African-American Women, Popular Magazines, and the Advent of Modeling in Early Postwar America
More than a Lady: Ruby Doris Smith Robinson and Black Women's Leadership in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Towards Trans-Pacific Social Justice: Women and Protest in Filipino American History
Silencing Religiosity: Secularity and Arab American Feminisms
Migrant Melancholia: Emergent Discourses of Mexican Migrant Traffic in Transnational Space
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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