Through Women's Eyes, Combined Version (Volumes 1 & 2) An American History with Documents

by ;
Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2008-09-10
Publisher(s): Bedford/St. Martin's
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Now available in two-volume splits as well as the combined version.Through Women's Eyes: An American Historywas the first textbook in U.S. women's history to present an inclusive narrative within the context of the central developments of U.S. history and to integrate written and visual primary sources into each chapter. The result, according to authors Ellen Carol DuBois and Lynn Dumenil, was to "reveal the relationship between secondary and original sources, to show history as a dynamic process of investigation and interpretation rather than a set body of facts and figures." The enormous success of the first edition confirms that the field of U.S. women's history was ready for a ground-breaking textbook that focuses on women from a broad range of ethnicities, classes, religions, and regions and that helps students understand how women and women's history are an integral part of U.S. history.

Author Biography

ELLEN CAROL DUBOIS is Professor of History at the University of California at Los Angeles. DuBois is the author of Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women’s Movement in America, 1848-1969; Harriot Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Women’s Suffrage (winner of the 1998 Joan Kelly Price Award from the American Historical Association); and Woman Suffrage and Women’s Rights.

LYNN DUMENIL is Robert Glass Cleland Professor of American History at Occidental College. Dumenil has written The Modern Temper: American Culture and Society in the 1920s and Freemasonry and American Culture: 1880-1930, and she is co-author with James Henretta and David Brody of America’s History.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. America in the World to 1650

Native American Women

Europeans Arrive

African Women and the Atlantic Slave Trade

Conclusion: Many Beginnings

Documents: African Women and the Slave Trade

Visual Sources: Images of Native American Women

Chapter 2. Colonial Worlds, 1607-1750

Southern British Colonies

Northern British Colonies

Other Europes/Other Americas

Conclusion: The Diversity of American Women

Documents: By and About Colonial Women

Visual Sources: Material Culture

Visual Sources: Depictions of Family in Colonial America

Chapter 3. Mothers and Daughters of the Revolution 1750–1800

Background to Revolution, 1754-1775

Women and the Face of War, 1775-1783

Revolutionary Legacies

Women and Religion: The Great Awakening

Conclusion: To the Margins of Political Action

Visual Sources: Portraits of Revolutionary Women

Visual Sources: Gendering Images of the Revolution

Documents: Phillis Wheatley, Poet and Slave

Documents: Education and Republican Motherhood

Chapter 4. Pedestal, Loom, and Auction Block, 1800–1860

The Ideology of True Womanhood

Women and Wage Earning

Women and Slavery

Conclusion: True Womanhood and the Reality of Women’s Lives

Documents: Prostitution in New York City, 1858

Documents: Two Slave Love Stories

Visual Sources: Godey’s Lady’s Book

Visual Sources: Early Photographs of Factory Operatives and Slave Women

Chapter 5. Shifting Boundaries: Expansion, Reform, and Civil War, 1840-1865

An Expanding Nation, 1843-1861

Antebellum Reform

Civil War

Conclusion: Reshaping Boundaries, Redefining Womanhood

Documents: Cross-Cultural Encounters in California, 1848-1850

Documents: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Woman’s Rights

Visual Sources: Women on the Civil War Battlefields

Chapter 6. Reconstructing Women’s Lives North and South, 1865-1900

Gender and the Postwar Constitutional Amendments

Women’s Lives in Southern Reconstruction and Redemption

Female Wage Labor and the Triumph of Industrial Capitalism

Women of the Leisured Classes

Conclusion: Toward a New Womanhood

Documents: Ida B. Wells, "Race Woman"

Documents: The Woman Who Toils

Visual Sources: The Higher Education of Women in the Postbellum Years

Visual Sources: Alice Austen: Gilded Age Photographer
Chapter 7. Women in an Expanding Nation: Consolidation of the West, Mass Immigration, and the Crisis of the 1890s

Consolidating the West

Late Nineteenth-Century Immigration

Century’s End: Challenges, Conflict, and Imperial Ventures

Conclusion: Nationhood and Womanhood on the Eve of a New Century

Documents: Zitkala-Ša: Indian Girlhood and Education

Documents: Jane Addams and the Charitable Relation

Visual Sources: Jacob Riis’s Photographs of Immigrant Girls and Working Women

Visual Sources: Women in the Cartoons of Puck Magazine

Chapter 8. Power and Politics: Women in the Progressive Era, 1900-1920

The Female Labor Force

The Female Dominion

Votes For Women

The Emergence of Feminism

The Great War, 1914-1919

Conclusion: New Conditions, New Challenges

Visual Sources: Parades, Picketing and Power

Visual Sources: Uncle Sam Wants You: Women and World War I Posters

Documents: Modernizing Womanhood

Documents: African American Women and the Great Migration

Chapter 9. Change and Continuity: Women in Prosperity, Depression, and War, 1920-1945

Prosperity Decade: The 1920s

Depression Decade: The 1930s

Working for Victory: Women and War, 1941-1945

Conclusion: The New Woman in Ideal and Reality

Documents: Young Women Speak Out

Documents: Women in New Deal Networks

Visual Sources: Women at Work

Chapter 10. Beyond the Feminine Mystique: Women’s Lives, 1945-1965

Family Culture and Gender Roles

Women’s Activism in Conservative Times

A Mass Movement for Civil Rights

Women and Public Policy

Conclusion: The Limits of the Feminine Mystique

Visual Sources: Television’s Prescriptions for Women

Documents: "Is a Working Mother a Threat to the Home?"

Documents: Women in the Civil Rights Movement

Chapter 11. Modern Feminism and American Society, 1965 to 1977

Roots of Sixties Feminism

Women’s Liberation and the Sixties Revolutions

Ideas and Practices of Women’s Liberation

Diversity, Race, and Feminism

The Impact of Feminism

Changing Public Policy and Public Consciousness

Conclusion: Feminism’s Legacy

Visual Sources: Feminism and the Drive for Equality in the Workplace

Documents: Women’s Liberation

Chapter 12. U.S. Women in a Global Age, 1980-Present

Feminism and the New Right in American Politics

Women and Politics

Women’s Lives in Modern America and the World

Conclusion: Women Face a New Century

Documents: Feminist Revival in the 1990s

Visual Sources: American Women in the World

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