The Thief Lord

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Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-05-01
Publisher(s): Chicken House
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Customer Reviews

The Thief Lord, Just read it  April 26, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

The Thief Lord is about 2 orphans who run away to Venice, Italy. They have a lot of adventures and they live on the money that they steal. This is a lovely rental textbook with engaging characters. Although the element of magic is subtle and not added until close to the end of the story, I thought it gave the story a much greater depth and was not at all jarring. I would recommend this textbook to people who like magical things that wouldn't normally happen in everyday life. I suggest you read this textbook. This was a great read!

The Thief Lord: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Two orphaned brothers, Prosper and Bo, have run away to Venice, where crumbling canals and misty alleyways shelter a secret community of street urchins. Leader of this motley crew of lost children is a clever, charming boy with a dark history of his own: He calls himself the Thief Lord.

Propser and Bo relish their new "family" and life of petty crime. But their cruel aunt and a bumbling detective are on their trail. And posing an even greater threat to the boys' freedom is something from a forgotten past: a beautiful magical treasure with the power to spin time itself.

The Thief Lord was the first of internationally acclaimed author Cornelia Funke's novels to be translated from her native German into English, and was awarded the prestigious Batchelder award when it was originally published in hardcover in 2003.

New York Times Bestseller and Notable Book

USA Today Bestseller

Winner of the 2003 Mildred L. Batchelder Award for Outstanding Translated Book

Book Sense Book of the Year Award

School Library Journal Best Book of the Year

Child Magazine Best Book of the Year

ALA Notable Children's Book

NCTE Notable Children's Book in the Language Art

"A radiant novel...Today's young readers will probably love this book as they love the Harry Potter series, for its zany plot and well-defined characters. Splendid."-The New York Times Book Review

"An exquisitely told tale of adventure and intrigue...displays the kind of zest that makes you inhale a book in as few sittings as possible."-USA Today

"A darn good yarn--the charming tale of a band of urchin-thieves, a magical carousel, and two orphaned brothers."-Newsweek

"Funke's deft exploration of a timeless theme--the longing of kids to grow up and of grown-ups to relive their youth--should engage both yound and old."-People

Author Biography

Cornelia Funke is the internationally acclaimed, bestselling author of The Thief Lord, Dragon Rider, and the Inkheart trilogy, along with many other chapter and picture books for younger readers. She lives in Los Angeles, California, in a house filled with books.

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