Technical Skills for Adventure Programming : A Curriculum Guide

Edition: CD
Format: Package
Pub. Date: 2009-01-12
Publisher(s): Human Kinetics
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This book is an all in one resource for 12 land, water, ice and snow sports and outdoor activities. Written by expert instructors, the curriculum guide presents 12 pedagogically sound teaching units, with each containing 7 to 15 progressive lesson plans that teach foundational knowledges and skills for each activity. The format provides the reader with the flexibility to select and utilise the number of lesson plans and assessment strategies appropriate for the reader's group and number of classes for the setting. Both a classroom and field-friendly guide, the book has a bound in CD-ROM to support classroom instruction. Rather than take the book into the field, lessons or units worksheets or student assignments can be printed for on site instruction.

Table of Contents

How to Use This Book
Purpose and Intended Audience
Teaching Adventure-Based Activities
Three Global Goals
Theory and Practice of Adventure-Based Education
Experiential Learning
Learning Styles
Kolb's Four Styles
Experiential Teaching
Outdoor Teaching Tips
Additional Teaching Considerations
Land-Based Units
Introduction to Backpacking
Trip Planning
Food and Nutrition
Food Preparation and Cooking
Equipment Selection
Clothing Systems
Pack Packing
Health and Sanitation
Basic Camping Skills
Travel Techniques
Route Finding
Route Finding With a Map and Compass
Risk Management Plan
Leave No Trace Considerations
Inclusion and Accessibility
References and Resources
Rock Climbing
Introduction to Rock Climbing
Introduction to Climbing Equipment
Basic Climbing Knots
Basic Movement Over Rock
Top-Rope Anchors I (Natural Anchors)
Top-Rope Anchors II (Artificial Anchors)
Top-Rope Anchors III (Fixed or Permanent Anchors)
Rappel Rescue
Top-Rope Site Management
Belay Escape
Hauling and Lowering Systems
Leave No Trace Considerations
Inclusion and Accessibility
References and Resources
Introduction to Caving
Cave Life and Cave Geology
Caving Equipment
Movement Through Caves
Anchor Systems and Equipment
Caving Safety
Caving Ethics
References and Resources
Mountain Biking
Introduction to Mountain Biking
Bicycle Sizing and Basic Operation
Group Games
Basic Safety Tips
Riding Techniques
Leave No Trace Considerations
Maintenance and Repair
References and Resources
Water-Based Units
Sea Kayaking
Introduction to Sea Kayaking
Equipment and Use
Transporting and Carries
Getting Comfortable With the Sea Kayak
The Sea Kayak Roll
Basic Strokes
Preparing to Paddle
Tides and Crossings
Safety Equipment
Safety Considerations
Leave No Trace Considerations
References and Resources
Whitewater Kayaking
Introduction to Whitewater Kayaking
Introduction to Equipment and Use
River Reading
Basic River Maneuvers
The Kayak Roll
Play Boating
Kayak Safety Considerations
Leave No Trace Considerations
References and Resources
Introduction to Flatwater and Whitewater Canoeing
Canoeing Equipment and Use
Transport, Carries, and Launches
Preparing to Paddle
Basic Tandem Strokes
Basic Solo Strokes
Mechanical Rescues
Safety Considerations
Inclusion and Accessibility
Leave No Trace Considerations
References and Resources
Introduction to Rafting
Equipment and Use
Rafting Safety Considerations
Transporting a Raft
Preparing to Paddle
Maneuvering an Oar Rig
Maneuvering a Paddle Raft
Basic Rescue
Advanced Rescue
Leave No Trace Considerations
Snow- and Ice-Based Units
Introduction to Snowshoeing
Snowshoeing Basics
Equipment for Recreational Snowshoeing
Basic Techniques
Cold-Weather Safety
Emergency Survival Techniques and Prevention Steps
Leave No Trace Considerations
Inclusion and Accessibility
References and Resources
Introduction to Mountaineering
Equipment and Use
Preparing to Climb
Traveling on Snow
Self-Arrest Techniques
Snow Protection and Anchor Building
Rope Travel and Belaying
Leave No Trace Considerations
Avalanche Awareness and Safety
References and Resources
Nordic Skiing
Introduction to Nordic Skiing
Backcountry Ski Equipment
Preparing to Teach Backcountry Skiing
Applying the Base Wax
Applying the Kick Wax
Beginning Skiing Techniques
The Diagonal Stride
Uphill Ski Techniques
Beginning Downhill Techniques
Beginning Telemark Turns
Leave No Trace Considerations
Inclusion and Accessibility
References and Resources
Ice Climbing
Introduction to Ice Climbing
Equipment and Use
Preparing to Climb
The Anatomy of Ice
Low-Angled and Vertical Ice-Climbing Techniques
Anchors for Ice Climbing
Safety Considerations
Leave No Trace Considerations
References and Resources
Leave No Trace Principles
Professional Associations
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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