Special Events: The Brave New World for Bolder and Better Live Events, Eighth Edition

Edition: 8th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2020-08-25
Publisher(s): Wiley
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Recent years have seen dramatic changes to the events industry. The influence of social media and global communications technology, increased focus on environmental sustainably and social responsibility, and changes to the economic and cultural landscape have driven rapid expansion and increased competition.

Special Events: Creating and Sustaining a New World for Celebration has been the event planner’s essential guide for three decades, providing comprehensive coverage of the theory, concepts and practice of event management. The new Eighth Edition continues to be the definitive guide for creating, organizing, promoting, and managing special events of all kinds. Authors, Seungwon “Shawn” Lee and Joe Goldblatt, internationally-recognized leaders and educators in the industry, guide readers through all the aspects of professional event planning with their broad understanding of diverse cultures and business sectors. This definitive resource enables current and future event leaders to stretch the boundaries of the profession and meaningfully impact individuals, organizations, and cultures around the globe. Global case studies of high-profile events, such as the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Gamesand theNorway’s Constitution Day annual event, complement discussions of contemporary issues surrounding safety, security, and risk management. Each chapter includes “Ecologic,” “Techview,” and/or “Secureview,” mini-case studies, a glossary of terms, plentiful charts, graphs, and illustrations, and links to additional online resources.

Table of Contents




Part One: Producing Seamless, Secure, and Sustainable (S3) Events

Chapter 1: Welcome to Greener Event Leadership and Economic Success

Chapter 2: Changing Paradigms for Greener Event Leadership and Social Change

Part Two: The New Sustainable Event Algorithms

Chapter 3: Composing the Sustainable Event Plan

Chapter 4: Event Leadership and Human Resources Management

Chapter 5: Financial Sustainability

Part Three: Event Branding and Bold Delivery

Chapter 6: Event Vendors as Strategic Partners

Chapter 7: The Brand, the Buzz, and Better Success Through Event Marketing

Chapter 8: Ensuring a Safer and More Secure Event Environment

Part Four: Trends and Triumphs

Chapter 9: The Virtual View of Live Events

Chapter 10: Reinventing a Joyful and Sustainable Career

Part Five: Best Practices and Real-World Event Experiences

Chapter 11: Best National Events

Chapter 12: Twenty Real-World Event Management Experiences and Mini-Case Studies

Appendix 1: Bibliographic References

Appendixes 2–19 and accompanying Image Gallery are available online at



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