Space Planning Basics

by ;
Edition: 4th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2016-03-14
Publisher(s): Wiley
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Conquer the complexity of interior design with a logical, methodical approach

Space Planning Basics is a definitive introduction and principle resource for thousands of designers. With step-by-step methodology based on the author’s several decades of design experience, this authoritative guide has become the de facto reference for an entire generation of designers. This updated fourth edition includes digitized drawings, diagrams, and matrices throughout, and newly added supplemental photographs. The text has been revised to reflect the latest developments in sustainable and universal design, including coverage of daylighting, benchmarking, LEED system standards, and green code issues. The companion website provides AutoCAD files, intrustor videos and matrices to give you a deeper real-world understanding of the design process. This book is perfect preparation for the NCIDQ exam.

Proper space planning goes way beyond sketching a preliminary floor plan. Successful implementation includes a balanced integration of code compliance, system support, and adherence to the client’s functional needs. Sustainability adds a new, important layer of complexity. This book shows you how to approach space planning in a way that ensures all considerations are met, and nothing gets lost in the process.

  • Adopt an organized and comprehensive planning methodology
  • Work effectively with dimensionally challenging spaces
  • Consider building systems, codes, lighting, acoustics, and more
  • Develop advanced skills and conquer new challenges

Space planning encompasses many components and processes, making a comprehensive reference necessary for mastery of the field. Space Planning Basics is a thorough, methodical resource that gets you started on the right track, with plenty of room for creativity.

Author Biography

MARK KARLEN, PHD, AIA, has been practicing, teaching, and writing about interior design and architecture for several decades. A practicing architect, he currently teaches at Philadelphia University, in Pennsylvania.

ROB FLEMING, AIA, LEED® AP BD&C, co-founded the Master of Science in Sustainable Design at Philadelphia University, where he currently serves as the Program Director.

Table of Contents

Preface. ix

Introduction. xi

Chapter 1 Planning Methodology 1

Defining Terms and Intent 2

The Synthesis Gap 3

The Design Program 5

Criteria Matrix 12

Prototypical Plan Sketches 14

Completing the Criteria Matrix 21

Relationship Diagrams 28

A Final Note on Planning Methodology 33

Recommended Reading 34

Chapter 2 The First Planning Steps: Bubble Diagrams and Block Plans 35

Bubble Diagramming 35

Space Planning Exercises 41

Block Planning 42

Recommended Reading 46

Chapter 3 Small and Dimensionally Demanding Spaces 47

Human Factors 52

Barrier-Free Design Standards 53

Travel and Egress 54

Furniture Planning and Placement 59

Recommended Reading 62

Chapter 4 The Building Shell and Major Systems 63

The Building Shell 64

Plumbing Systems 67

Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems 69

Recommended Reading 72

Chapter 5 Important Influencing Factors 73

Building Codes 73

Green Building Rating Systems 75

Lighting Design 75

Acoustical Planning 81

Planning Rules of Thumb 84

Flexibility/Multiuse 85

Furniture 86

Spatial Quality 86

Interior Design Specialties 87

Recommended Reading 88

Chapter 6 Developing a Rough Floor Plan 91

Getting Started 93

Construction Reality 94

Start with Plumbing 95

Major Spaces Next 96

Circulation Spaces 96

Basic Room Allocations 98

Furniture and Equipment 98

Storage and Filing 101

Spatial Quality 101

Sustainability Objectives 103

Review 103

Revisions 105

Recommended Reading 109

Chapter 7 Refining the Solution 111

Refining the Rough Plan 112

The Preliminary Floor Plan 113

Drawing Quality and Techniques 114

Recommended Reading 124

Chapter 8 Developing Skills beyond the Basic Level 125

Basic Implications 125

Programs within Programs 127

Open Plan/Systems Furniture 129

The Speculative Office Building 130

Future Expansion 131

Planning New Buildings 132

A Final Note 134

Chapter 9 Stair Design Basics 135

Codes, Dimensions, and Configurations 148

Stair Design Case Studies—Phase I 168

Stair Design Case Studies—Phase II 179

Recommended Reading 189

Appendix A: Stair Terminology. 191

Appendix B: Design Programs and Building Shells. 193

Design Program 1A: Suite for Dual Pediatric Practice 193

Design Program 1B: Township Youth Organization 195

Design Program 1C: A Small Accounting Firm Suite 197

Design Program 2A: Regional Management Office 199

Design Program 2B: Popular Culture Institute 201

Design Program 2C: Meeting/Marketing Facility 204

Design Program 2S: University Career Counseling Center 206

Design Program 3A: Market Research Group 209

Design Program 3B: The Cosmopolitan Club 212

Design Program 3C: Community Counseling Consortium 213


Building Description 1A 216

Building Description 1B 218

Building Description 1C 219

Building Description 2A 220

Buiding Description 2B 222

Building Description 2C 223

Building Description 2S 225

Building Description 3A 225

Building Description 3B 228

Building Description 3C 229

Index. 231

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