Sources for of the People Volume II: Since 1865

Edition: 4th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2019-02-08
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
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Edited by Maxwell Johnson, this two-volume companion sourcebook includes approximately eighty primary sources, both textual and visual. Chapter introductions, document headnotes, and study questions provide learning support. Expertly edited for clarity and pedagogical utility, the sources range from letters, political tracts, memoirs, and fiction, to essays, speeches, and photographs. Affordable and flexible, Sources for Of the People makes for an ideal companion to Of the People.

Table of Contents

How to Read a Primary Source

Chapter 15. Reconstructing a Nation, 1865-1877
15.1 Jourdon Anderson, Letter to His Former Slaveowner (1864)
15.2 Abraham Lincoln's Last Public Address (1865)
15.3 Freedmen's Bureau Bill Text (1865)
15.4 Andrew Johnson Defends Passive Reconstruction Policies (1866)
15.5 Thaddeus Stevens' Speech on Reconstruction (1867)
15.6 Ulysses S. Grant, "Use of the Army in Certain of the Southern States" (1876)

Chapter 16. The Triumph of Industrial Capitalism, 1850-1890
16.1 John Gast, American Progress (1872)
16.2 Andrew Carnegie, excerpt from "Wealth" (1899)
16.3 Ida Tarbell, excerpt from The History of the Standard Oil Company (1904)
16.4 Supreme Court, Majority Opinion in Lochner v. New York (1905)
16.5 Excerpt from Rose Cohen, Out of Shadow (1918)

Chapter 17. The Culture and Politics of Industrial America, 1870-1892
17.1 Know-Nothing Party Platform (1857)
17.2 Text of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
17.3 Frances Willard, excerpt from Woman and Temperance (1883)
17.4 Helen Hunt Jackson, excerpt from Romana (1884)
17.5 William A. Peffer, excerpt from The Farmer's Side: His Troubles and Their Remedy (1890)

Chapter 18. Industry and Empire, 1890-1900
18.1 Alfred Thayer Mahan, excerpt from The Influence of Seapower Upon History (1890)
18.2 Frederick Jackson Turner, excerpt from "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (1893)
18.3 William Jennings Bryan, "The Cross of Gold" (1896)
18.4 Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden" (1899) and Mark Twain, excerpt from "The War Prayer" (1905)

Chapter 19. A United Body of Action, 1900-1916
19.1 Ida Wells, excerpt from The Red Record (1895)
19.2 W.E.B. DuBois, "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others" (1903)
19.3 Gifford Pinchot, "The ABC of Conservation" (1909)
19.4 William "Big Bill" Haywood, excerpt from The General Strike (1911)
19.5 1912 Progressive Party Platform (1912)
19.6 Robert La Follette, excerpt from La Follette's Autobiography (1913)

Chapter 20. A Global Power, 1914-1919
20.1 Woodrow Wilson, "Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Tampico Incident" (1914)
20.2 Selections from British WWI Soldiers' Letters
20.3 Atlee Pomerene Denounces Robert La Follette (1918)
20.4 Henry Cabot Lodge, Senate Speech Opposing the League of Nations (1919)

Chapter 21. The Modern Nation, 1919-1928
21.1 Excerpt from "Billy" Sunday: The Man and His Message (1914)
21.2 Marcus Garvey, "Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World" (1920)
21.3 Clarence Darrow Interrogating William Jennings Bryan in the Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)
21.4 Excerpt from The Autobiography of Margaret Sanger (1938)
21.5 Margaret Onerheim Describes Her Childhood in Rural Iowa
21.6 A. Philip Randolph Discusses African American Equality

Chapter 22. A Great Depression and a New Deal, 1929-1940
22.1 Excerpt from I'll Take My Stand (1930)
22.2 Excerpt from Transcript of Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)
22.3 Upton Sinclair, excerpt from I, Governor of California And How I Ended Poverty (1934)
22.4 Huey Long, "Every Man a King" (1934)
22.5 Charles Coughlin, excerpt from Speech to the Townsendites (1936)

Chapter 23. The Second World War, 1941-1945
23.1 Text of Executive Order 9066 (1942) and excerpt from Korematsu v. United States
23.2 Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum About a Potential Ground Invasion of Japan (1945)
23.3 J. Robert Oppenheimer Ponders the Atomic Age (1945)
23.4 John Hersey, excerpt from Hiroshima (Excerpt from the New Yorker, 1946)
23.5 Excerpt from Studs Terkel, The Good War (1984)

Chapter 24. The Cold War, 1945-1954
24.1 Harry Truman, "Address on Korea" (1950)
24.2 "Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government" (1950)
24.3 Selection from Transcript of Army-McCarthy Hearings (1954)
24.4 Marion Samuels Remembers the 1950s

Chapter 25. The Consumer Society, 1945-1961
25.1 Ho Chi Minh, "Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam" (1945)
25.2 Alan Ginsberg, "America" (1956)
25.3 Dwight D. Eisenhower, "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech (1961)
25.4 Billy Graham, "The Mood and Need of Today's Teenagers" (1962)

Chapter 26. "The Table of Democracy," 1960-1968
26.1 Barry Goldwater, excerpt from The Conscience of a Conservative (1960)
26.2 Michael Harrington, excerpt from The Other America (1962)
26.3 George Wallace, "Segregation Forever" Speech (1963)
26.4 Malcolm X, "The Ballot or the Bullet" (1964)
26.5 Benjamin Mays, 1968 Eulogy for Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter 27. Living with Less, 1968-1980
27.1 Excerpt from Daniel Patrick Moynihan, The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (1965)
27.2 American Indian Movement, "Alcatraz Proclamation" (1969), and "Trail of Broken Treaties" excerpt (1972)
27.3 John Kerry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement (1971)
27.4 Richard Nixon, Resignation Speech (1974)
27.5 Gerald Ford, "Remarks on Taking the Office" (1974)
27.6 Cesar Chavez, Address to the Commonwealth Club of California (1984)

Chapter 28. The Triumph of Conservatism, 1980-1991
28.1 Phyllis Schlafly, "What's Wrong With 'Equal Rights' For Women" (1972)
28.2 Supreme Court, excerpt from Majority and Dissenting Opinions in Roe v. Wade (1973)
28.3 Gloria Steinem, "If Men Could Menstruate" (1978)
28.4 Jimmy Carter Debates Ronald Reagan During the 1980 Election
28.5 Jesse Jackson, 1988 Democratic National Convention Address (1988)

Chapter 29. The Globalized Nation, 1989-2001
29.1 Michael C. Sekora Warns Congress About the Impact of Globalization (1991)
29.2 National Security Council, excerpt from "Defense Planning Guidance" (1992)
29.3 "Contract with America" text, plus Gingrich Speech on it (1995)
29.4 Bill Clinton, Second Inaugural Address (1997)
29.5 PBS Interview with Osama Bin Laden (1998)

Chapter 30. "A Nation Transformed," The Twenty-First Century
30.1 Hugo Chavez, U.N. Speech (2006)
30.2 Barack Obama, "A More Perfect Union" (2008)
30.3 John McCain's Acceptance Speech at the Republican National Convention (2008)
30.4 Occupy Wall Street Manifesto (2011) and The Movement For Black Lives Platform (2017)
30.5 Excerpts from the Third 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate (2016)

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