So Much to Be Done

by ; ;
Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1998-07-01
Publisher(s): Univ of Nebraska Pr
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In this new and enlarged edition the editors have built on an already strong collection with four new accounts. Colorado pioneer Augusta Tabor gives a sense of the heady days as Leadville became a major mining center. Abigail Duniway describes the challenges of life for women in the Pacific Northwest. Effie Wiltbank's short selection is a reminiscence of her grandmother's "receet" for washing clothes, a chore that epitomizes the practical skill, determination, and common sense required of so many Western women. Apolinaria Lorenzana offers a rare glimpse of the operations of the mission system while illuminating the perils of living with the acquisitive Americans.

Author Biography

Ruth B. Moynihan is an independent historian and writer. She is the editor of Second to None: A Documentary History of American Women.

Susan Armitage is a professor of history at Washington State University and series editor for the University of Nebraska Press’s Women in the West series.

Christiane Fischer Dichamp, an independent scholar, is editor of Let Them Speak for Themselves: Women in the American West, 1849-1900.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Acknowledgments ix(2)
Introduction xi
PART I. California, Nevada, and the Northwest, 1800-1883 3(134)
1. "All was done under my direction and care"
Apolinaria Lorenzana
2. "I am willing to go with you to any part of God's Foot Stool"
Mary Jane Hayden
3. "We are satisfied to dig our gold in San Francisco"
Jerusha Merrill
4. "I suppose you thought me foolish in wishing to go"
Lucetta Rogers
5. "We surely thought a hoodoo was over us"
Mrs. E. A. Van Court
6. "Turbulence and evil of every description"
Mrs. Lee Whipple-Haslam
7. "It was a great trial for me to know just how to approach them"
Mrs. J. W. Likins
8. "No persuits in common between us any more"
Carrie Williams
9. "Odors not of Araby"
Abigail Scott Duniway
10. "Of course we move in the best society"
Louise Palmer
PART II The High Plains and Rocky Mountains, 1870-1890 137(102)
11. $80,000 worth of gold dust"
Augusta Pierce Tabor
12. "I resolved to try and be cheerful"
Mrs. A. M. Green
13. "To complain was never one of my traits of nature"
Mrs. Nat Collins
14. "They go by the name of fancy women"
Louisa Cook
15. "I couldn't stand Willie's laziness another day"
Malinda Jenkins
16. "No door or window was ever locked"
Mary Ronan
17. "My people will never believe me again"
Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins
PART III. The Southwestern Desert, 1863-1900 239(108)
18. "Set and rest and rock a spell"
Effie May Butler Wiltbank
19. "It was all a wonder to me"
Mary Barnard Aguirre
20. "A stopping place for travelers"
Sarah Butler York
21. "If you are not afraid, neither am I"
Sister Blandina Segale
22. "This is desolation itself"
Angeline Mitchell Brown
23. "Nothing seemed permanent on the desert"
Sadie Martin
Selected Bibliography 347

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