Six Months In Hawaii Hb

Edition: 1st
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2005-03-21
Publisher(s): Routledge
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Set in the islands in 1873, is the compelling account of the true life adventures that transformed a quiet English lady into the darling and dashing world traveler Isabella Bird, whose exploits held the world enthralled. She spent six months journeying through the islands, cantering through lush forests and grasslands on spirited ponies, drifting over the rolling blue seas on raffish schooners, and finally making her way to the fiery volcano of Mauna Loa. This is a book of singular charm, guaranteed to produce a thirst for adventure and travel. Here, all the beauties of Hawaii and the island way of life are seen through the eyes of one who is, for the first time, tasting life to the full.

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