Editor's Preface |
xi | |
Preface |
xiii | |
Abbreviations |
xvii | |
Introduction |
1 | (7) |
8 | (1) |
9 | (3) |
12 | (2) |
14 | (3) |
17 | (6) |
23 | (20) |
39 | (4) |
Translation, Notes, Interpretation |
I. Prologue, Address, and Inaugural Vision |
43 | (2) |
45 | (4) |
Vision of One Like a Son of Man (1:9-20) |
49 | (5) |
II. The Messages to the Seven Churches |
Message to Ephesus (2:1-7) |
54 | (4) |
Message to Smyrna (2:8-11) |
58 | (2) |
Message to Pergamum (2:12-17) |
60 | (3) |
Message to Thyatira (2:18-29) |
63 | (4) |
Message to Sardis (3:1-6) |
67 | (2) |
Message to Philadelphia (3:7-13) |
69 | (4) |
Message to Laodicea (3:14-22) |
73 | (5) |
III. The Scroll Vision |
The Heavenly Temple (Ch. 4) |
78 | (5) |
The Lamb and the Scroll (Ch. 5) |
83 | (6) |
IV. The Seven Seals |
The First Four Seals (6:1-8) |
89 | (3) |
92 | (3) |
95 | (2) |
The Sealing of the Faithful (7:1-8) |
97 | (3) |
100 | (3) |
103 | (2) |
V. The Seven Trumpets |
The First Four Trumpets (8:6-13) |
105 | (3) |
The Fifth Trumpet (First Woe) (9:1-12) |
108 | (3) |
The Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe) (9:13-21) |
111 | (3) |
114 | (4) |
The Temple Measured (11:1-2) |
118 | (2) |
The Two Witnesses (11:3-14) |
120 | (5) |
The Seventh Trumpet (11:15-19) |
125 | (3) |
VI. The Woman and the Dragon |
The Woman and the Dragon (12:1-6) |
128 | (3) |
Victory in Heaven (12:7-12) |
131 | (4) |
Dragon and Woman (12:13-18) |
135 | (2) |
VII. The Two Beasts |
The First Beast (13:1-10) |
137 | (5) |
The Second Beast (13:11-18) |
142 | (4) |
VIII. Salvation and Judgment |
The Companions of the Lamb (14:1-5) |
146 | (3) |
Proclamation of Judgment (14:6-13) |
149 | (4) |
153 | (3) |
156 | (2) |
IX. The Last Plagues |
Song of Moses and the Lamb (15:1-4) |
158 | (2) |
The Angels of the Bowls (15:5-16:1) |
160 | (2) |
The First Four Bowls (16:2-9) |
162 | (3) |
The Fifth Bowl (16:10-11) |
165 | (1) |
The Sixth Bowl (16:12-16) |
165 | (3) |
The Seventh Bowl (16:17-21) |
168 | (2) |
X. The Harlot and the Beast |
The Harlot and the Beast (Ch. 17) |
170 | (6) |
XI. The End of Babylon |
The Fall of Babylon (18:1-8) |
176 | (3) |
Dirges Over Babylon (18:9-19) |
179 | (3) |
The Judgment of Babylon (18:20-24) |
182 | (3) |
The Vindication of God's People (19:1-10) |
185 | (4) |
XII. The End of Evil |
The End of the Beasts (19:11-21) |
189 | (6) |
The End of Satan (20:1-10) |
195 | (7) |
The Last Judgment (20:11-15) |
202 | (4) |
XIII. The New Jerusalem |
The New Heaven and Earth (21:1-8) |
206 | (6) |
The New Jerusalem (21:9-22:5) |
212 | (8) |
XIV. Epilogue and Conclusion |
Epilogue and Conclusion (22:6-21) |
220 | |
Excursus. Positive Eschaton Only: Revelation and ``Universal Salvation'' |
229 | |
237 | |
Indexes |
Principal Ancient Parallels |
261 | |
267 | |
269 | |