Psychology Statistics for Dummies

by ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2013-01-29
Publisher(s): For Dummies
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The introduction to statistics that psychology students cant afford to be without Understanding statistics is a requirement for obtaining and making the most of a degree in psychology, a fact of life that often takes first year psychology students by surprise. Filled with jargon-free explanations and real-life examples, Psychology Statistics For Dummies makes the often-confusing world of statistics a lot less baffling, and provides you with the step-by-step instructions necessary for carrying out data analysis. Psychology Statistics For Dummies: Serves as an easily accessible supplement to doorstop-sized psychology textbooks Provides psychology students with psychology-specific statistics instruction Includes clear explanations and instruction on performing statistical analysis Teaches students how to analyze their data with SPSS, the most widely used statistical packages among students About the author Donncha Hanna PhD is a psychology lecturer at Queens University Belfast whose primary teaching responsibilities include statistics and research methods. Martin Dempster PhD is a health psychologist and the research coordinator for the doctorate in clinical psychology program at Queens University Belfast.

Author Biography

Donncha Hanna, PhD is a psychology lecturer at Queen's University Belfast whose primary teaching responsibilities include statistics and research methods. Martin Dempster, PhD is a health psychologist and the research coordinator for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology programme at Queen's University Belfast.

Table of Contents

Introduction  1

Part I: Describing Data  7

Chapter 1: Statistics? I Thought This Was Psychology! 9

Chapter 2: What Type of Data Are We Dealing With? 19

Chapter 3: Inputting Data, Labelling and Coding in SPSS 27

Chapter 4: Measures of Central Tendency 53

Chapter 5: Measures of Dispersion 73

Chapter 6: Generating Graphs and Charts 91

Part II: Statistical Significance  111

Chapter 7: Understanding Probability and Inference 113

Chapter 8: Testing Hypotheses 123

Chapter 9: What’s Normal about the Normal Distribution? 139

Chapter 10: Standardised Scores 155

Chapter 11: Effect Sizes and Power 165

Part III: Relationships between Variables  183

Chapter 12: Correlations 185

Chapter 13: Linear Regression 211

Chapter 14: Associations Between Discrete Variables 243

Part IV: Analysing Independent Groups Research Designs  265

Chapter 15: Independent t-tests and Mann-Whitney Tests 267

Chapter 16: Between-Groups ANOVA 285

Chapter 17: Post Hoc Tests and Planned Comparisons for Independent Groups Designs 313

Part V: Analysing Repeated Measures Research Designs  327

Chapter 18: Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon Tests 329

Chapter 19: Within-Groups ANOVA 347

Chapter 20: Post Hoc Tests and Planned Comparisons for Repeated Measures Designs 379

Chapter 21: Mixed ANOVA 395

Part VI: The Part of Tens  415

Chapter 22: Ten Pieces of Good Advice For Inferential Testing 417

Chapter 23: Ten Tips for Writing Your Results Section 421

Index  425

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