Phonics and Word Study for the Teacher of Reading Programmed for Self-Instruction
by Fox, Barbara J.-
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Author Biography
Barbara J. Fox is a Professor Emerita at North Carolina State University. Her other books include Word Identification Strategies: Building Phonics into a Classroom Reading Program and 100 Activities for Developing Fluent Readers: Patterns and Applications for Word Recognition, Fluency, and Comprehension. Her experience in literacy comes from teaching in the elementary school, working to develop the vocabulary of struggling readers, and educating reading professionals at the university level. Her interest in phonics and other word recognition skills evolved from these three experiences and provide the basis for writing this book. In her spare time, she is an avid reader and enjoys her family and three dogs.
Table of Contents
Self-Evaluation I: A Pretest
Part I: General Knowledge and Concepts
Part II: Single-Letter Consonants
Part III: Consonant Digraphs and Consonant Blends
Part IV: Vowels
Part V: A Review of the Phonemes
Part VI: Onsets and Rimes
Part VII: Syllable and Accent Patterns
Part VIII: Morphemes, Prefixes, Suffixes, Contractions and Compound Words
Self-Evaluation II: A Posttest
Answers to the Pretest and Posttest
Answers to the Reviews
Appendix A: Generalizations for Phonics and Word Study
Appendix B: Graphemes, Key Symbols, and Key Words
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