The Philadelphia Reader

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Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2006-06-28
Publisher(s): Temple Univ Pr
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In this, a collection of profiles of the famous, infamous, and nearly famous of the last quarter century, the writers and editors of Philadelphia magazine have assembled some of the greatest writing from the pages of their magazine. Included in this reader are essays on athletes, like Mike Schmidt and Dr. J; captains of industry, including Brian Roberts; and of course, the politicians: Governor Rendell, Mayor Goode, and many other civic leaders. Performers and personalities, like Patti LaBelle and Terry Gross, also fill the pages, sometimes with their own words, and sometime presented through the writing of some our city's most gifted journalists.The Philadelphia Reader will be the book to read in the city this year, and is an indispensable handbook to knowing the great cast of players that have given our city its characters and our stories.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vi
Introductionp. ix
1988 to 1994p. 2
Mrs. Nose Builds Her Dream Closet (Sandra Newman)p. 3
The Transmogrification of Arlen Specterp. 19
Presumed Innocent (Mumia Abu-Jamal)p. 31
My Philadelphia Story: W. Wilson Goode, Sr.p. 43
Bobby Simone's Last 1,000 Martinisp. 45
"How Many Ed Rendells Are There?"p. 62
1995 to 1999p. 80
End of the Line (Robert Montgomery Scott)p. 81
The Unloved (Mike Schmidt)p. 90
A Proper Distance (Anne d'Harnoncourt)p. 99
My Philadelphia Story: Judy Wicksp. 108
Roberts Rules (Brian Roberts)p. 110
Murder, He Sculpted (Frank Bender)p. 119
Who's Afraid of Richard Glanton?p. 127
My Philadelphia Story: Judith Rodinp. 142
The Trouble with Harry (Harry Jay Katz)p. 144
Richard Sprague Knows Everythingp. 161
Shut Up, You Wimps, and Pull (Mike Teti)p. 171
My Philadelphia Story: Terry Grossp. 181
2000 to 2004p. 184
Second Coming (Mayor John Street)p. 185
Night Moves (M. Night Shyamalan)p. 194
Vernon the Barbarian (Vernon Hill)p. 203
My Philadelphia Story: Smarty Jonesp. 212
The Prodigy and the Playmate (Mark Yagalla)p. 214
Soul Reviver (Kenny Gamble)p. 228
Julius Erving Doesn't Want to Be a Hero Anymorep. 238
My Philadelphia Story: Patti LaBellep. 250
Boo-Boos in Paradise (David Brooks)p. 252
Did Dr. Norwood Go Too Far? (Dr. William Norwood)p. 259
Would You Throw Your Bra at This Kid? (Lang Lang)p. 272
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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