Of the People Volume II: Since 1865 with Sources

by ; ; ; ;
Edition: 5th
Format: Loose-leaf
Pub. Date: 2021-09-15
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
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Of the People: A History of the United States does more than tell the history of America--of its people and places, of its dealings and ideals. It unfolds the story of American democracy, carefully marking how this country's evolution has been anything but certain, from its complex beginnings
to its modern challenges.

The authors see American history as a story "of the people," of their struggles to shape their lives and their land. Their narrative focuses on the social and political lives of people--some famous, some ordinary--revealing the compelling story of America's democracy from an individual perspective,
from across the landscapes of diverse communities, and ultimately from within the larger context of the world.

The theme of democracy concentrates attention on the most fundamental concerns of history: people and power. These concerns have been especially relevant as the authors completed revising the book for this new edition. The tumultuous presidential campaign of 2020, one of the most divisive in
American history, took place in the midst of a deadly pandemic and culminated in the extraordinary storming of the federal Capitol building in Washington, D.C. in January 2021. Recent history is always a challenge and always subject to revision, but the authors have wanted to show how contemporary
struggles over democracy are rooted in the past. Their balanced, inclusive approach makes it more possible for teachers and students to deal with the most controversial events.

Author Biography

Michael McGerr is Paul V. McNutt Professor of History at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Camilla Townsend is Distinguished Professor of History at Rutgers University.

Karen M. Dunak is Associate Professor of History at Muskingum University.

Mark Summers is Thomas D. Clark Professor of History at the University of Kentucky.

Jan Ellen Lewis was Professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-Newark.

Table of Contents


New to the Fifth Edition
Hallmark Features
Learning Resources for Of the People
About the Authors

CHAPTER 15 Reconstructing a Nation, 1865-1877
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: John Dennett Visits a Freedmen's Bureau Court
Wartime Reconstruction
Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan Versus the Wade-Davis Bill
The Meaning of Freedom
Experiments with Free Labor
Presidential Reconstruction, 1865-1867
The Political Economy of Contract Labor
Resistance to Presidential Reconstruction
Congress Clashes with the President
Origins of the Fourteenth Amendment
Congressional Reconstruction
The South Remade
The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson
Radical Reconstruction in the South
Achievements and Failures of Radical Government
The Political Economy of Sharecropping
The Gospel of Prosperity
A Counterrevolution of Terrorism and Economic Pressure
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: Reconstructing America's Foreign Policy
A Reconstructed West
The Overland Trail
The Origins of Indian Reservations
Reforming Native American Tribes out of Existence
The Retreat from Republican Radicalism
Republicans Become the Party of Moderation
Reconstructing the North
The Fifteenth Amendment and Nationwide African American Suffrage
Women and Suffrage
The End of Reconstruction
Corruption Is the Fashion
Liberal Republicans Revolt
"Redeeming" the South
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: An Incident at Coushatta, August 1874
The Twice-Stolen Election of 1876
Sharecropping Becomes Wage Labor

Chapter 15 Primary Sources
15.1 Petroleum V. Nasby [David Ross Locke], A Platform for Northern Democrats (1865)
15.2 A Black tenant farmer describes working conditions
15.3 Sharecropping Contract Between Alonzo T. Mial and Fenner Powell (1886)
15.4 Joseph Farley, An Account of Reconstruction
15.5 A Southern Unionist Judge's Daughter Writes the President for Help (1874)
15.6 Red Cloud Pleads the Plains Indians' Point of View at Cooper Union (1870)

CHAPTER 16 The Triumph of Industrial Capitalism, 1850-1890
The Political Economy of Global Capitalism
The "Great Depression" of the Late Nineteenth Century
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: The Global Migration of Labor
The Economic Transformation of the West
Cattlemen: From Drovers to Ranchers
Commercial Farmers Remake the Plains
Changes in the Land
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: Pioneers' Paradise Lost
America Moves to the City
The Rise of Big Business
The Rise of Andrew Carnegie
Carnegie Dominates the Steel Industry
Big Business Consolidates
A New Social Order
Lifestyles of the Very Rich
The Consolidation of the New Middle Class
The Industrial Working Class Comes of Age
Social Darwinism and the Growth of Scientific Racism
The Knights of Labor and the Haymarket Disaster

Chapter 16 Primary Sources
16.1 Stephen Crane Visits the "Breaker" at a Coal Mine
16.2 Visual Document: Alfred R. Waud, "Bessemer Steel Manufacture" (1876)
16.3 George Steevens, Excerpt from The Land of the Dollar (1897)
16.4 James Baird Weaver, A Call to Action (1892)
16.5 Visual Documents: "Gift for the Grangers" (1873) and the Jorns Family of Dry Valley, Custer County, Nebraska (1886)
16.6 William A. Peffer Pleads the Farmer's Cause, 1891

CHAPTER 17 The Culture and Politics of Industrial America, 1870-1892
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: Luna Kellie and the Farmers' Alliance
The Elusive Boundaries of Male and Female
The Victorian Construction of Male and Female
The Moralists' Crusade for Morality
Urban Culture
A New Cultural Order: New Americans Stir Old Fears
Josiah Strong Attacks Immigration
From Immigrants to Ethnic Americans
The Catholic Church and Its Limits in Immigrant Culture
Immigrant Cultures
The Enemy at the Gates
Two Political Styles
The Triumph of Party Politics
Masculine Partisanship and Feminine Voluntarism
The Women's Christian Temperance Union
The Critics of Popular Politics
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: The "Crusade" Against Alcohol
Economic Issues Dominate National Politics
Greenbacks and Greenbackers
Weak Presidents Oversee a Stronger Federal Government
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: Foreign Policy: The Limited Significance of Commercial Expansion
Government Activism and Its Limits
States Discover Activism
Cities: Boss Rule and New Responsibilities
Challenging the New Industrial Order
Henry George and the Limits of Producers' Ideology
Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Clubs
Agrarian Revolt
The Rise of the Populists

Chapter 17 Primary Sources
17.1 Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus" (1883)
17.2 Josiah Strong, Excerpts from "The Superiority of the Anglo-Saxon Race" (1885)
17.3 Henry George, Excerpts from "That We Might All Be Rich" (1883)
17.4 Jacob Riis, Excerpt from How the Other Half Lives (1890) and Visual Document: Jacob Riis, Visual Document "Nomads of the Street" (ca. 1890)
17.5 New York World, "How Tim Got the Votes" (1892)
17.6 Tammany Times, "And Reform Moves On" (1895)

CHAPTER 18 Industry and Empire, 1890-1900
The Crisis of the 1890s
Hard Times and Demands for Help
The Overseas Frontier
The Drive for Efficiency
The Struggle Between Management and Labor
Corporate Consolidation
A Modern Economy
Currency: Gold Versus Silver
The Cross of Gold
The Battle of the Standards
The Retreat from Politics
The Lure of the Cities
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: Galveston, Texas, 1900
Inventing Jim Crow
The Atlanta Compromise
Disfranchisement and the Decline of Popular Politics
Organized Labor Retreats from Politics
American Diplomacy Enters the Modern World
Sea Power and the Imperial Urge
The Scramble for Empire
War with Spain
The Anti-Imperialists
The Philippine-American War
The Open Door

Chapter 18 Primary Sources
18.1 Frederick Winslow Taylor, Excerpts from The Principles of Scientific Management (1911)
18.2 Booker T. Washington, "The Atlanta Compromise" (1895)
18.3 Theodore Roosevelt, Excerpts from "The Strenuous Life" (1899)
18.4 Platform for the Anti Imperialist League (1899)

CHAPTER 19 A United Body of Action, 1900-1916
Toward a New Politics
The Insecurity of Modern Life
The Decline of Partisan Politics
Social Housekeeping
Evolution or Revolution?
The Progressives
Social Workers and Muckrakers
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: Public Response to The Jungle
Dictatorship of the Experts
Progressives on the Color Line
Progressives in State and Local Politics
Redesigning the City
Reform Mayors and City Services
Progressives and the States
A Push for "Genuine Democracy" and a "Moral Awakening"
The Executive Branch Against the Trusts
The Square Deal
Conserving Water, Land, and Forests
Theodore Roosevelt and Big Stick Diplomacy
Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: The Hetch Hetchy Valley
Rival Visions of the Industrial Future
The New Nationalism
The 1912 Election
The New Freedom

Chapter 19 Primary Sources
19.1 Daniel Burnham and Edward H. Bennet, Plan of Chicago (1909)
19.2 Upton Sinclair, Excerpts from The Jungle (1906)
19.3 Visual Documents: Lewis Wickes Hine, National Child Labor Committee Photographs (Early 1900S)
19.4 Helen Keller, Excerpts from "Blind Leaders" (1913)

CHAPTER 20 A Global Power, 1914-1919
The Challenge of Revolution
The Mexican Revolution
Bringing Order to the Caribbean
A One-Sided Neutrality
The Lusitania's Last Voyage
The Drift to War
The Election of 1916
The Last Attempts at Peace
War Aims
The Fight in Congress
Mobilizing the Nation and the Economy
Enforcing Patriotism
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: Eugene Debs Speaks Out Against the War
Regimenting the Economy
The Great Migration
Reforms Become "War Measures"
Over There
Citizens into Soldiers
The Fourteen Points
The Final Offensive
Revolutionary Anxieties
Wilson in Paris
The Senate Rejects the League
Red Scare
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: The 1918 Influenza Epidemic

Chapter 20 Primary Sources
20.1 Eugene V. Debs, Excerpts from Canton, Ohio, Speech (1918)
20.2 George Creel, Excerpts from How We Advertised America (1920)
20.3 Woodrow Wilson, "Fourteen Points" Speech (1918)
20.4 Marysville Evening Tribune, Influenza and the American military (1918)

CHAPTER 21 The Modern Nation, 1919-1928
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: "America's Sweetheart"
A Dynamic Economy
The Development of Industry
The Trend Toward Large-Scale Organization
The Transformation of Work and the Workforce
The Defeat of Organized Labor
The Decline of Agriculture
The Urban Nation
A Modern Culture
The Spread of Consumerism
New Pleasures for a Mass Audience
A Sexual Revolution
Changing Gender Ideals
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: Flappers and Feminists
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: The Tulsa Race Massacre
The Family and Youth
The Celebration of the Individual
The Limits of the Modern Culture
The Limits of Prosperity
The "Lost Generation" of Intellectuals
Fundamentalist Christians and "Old-Time Religion"
Nativists and Immigration Restriction
The Rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan
Mexican Americans
African Americans and the "New Negro"
A "New Era" in Politics and Government
The Modern Political System
The Republican Ascendancy
The Politics of Individualism
Republican Foreign Policy
Extending the "New Era"
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: J. Walter Thompson and International Markets

Chapter 21 Primary Sources
21.1 Hiram Wesley Evans, Excerpts from "The Klan: Defender of Americanism" (1925)
21.2 Marie Prevost on "The Flapper" (1923)
21.3 Visual Document: Colgate & Co. Advertisement (1925)
21.4 Robert Lynd and Helen Lynd, Excerpt from "Remaking Leisure in Middletown" (1929)

CHAPTER 22 A Great Depression and a New Deal, 1929-1940
The Great Depression
Descending into Depression
Hoover Responds
The First New Deal
The Election of 1932
FDR Takes Command
Federal Relief
The Farm Crisis
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: The Civilian Conservation Corps and a New Brand of Environmentalism
The Blue Eagle
The Second New Deal
Critics Attack from All Sides
The Second Hundred Days
Social Security for Some
Labor and the New Deal
The New Deal Coalition
Crisis of the New Deal
Conservatives Counterattack
The Liberal Crisis of Confidence

Chapter 22 Primary Sources
22.1 Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address (1933)
22.2 Visual Documents: Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration Photographs (1930S)
22.3 "Ballad for Americans," Federal Theater Project, Sing for Your Supper (1939)
22.4 Remembering the Great Depression, Excerpts from Studs Terkel's Hard Times (1970)

CHAPTER 23 The Second World War, 1941-1945
Island in a Totalitarian Sea
A World of Hostile Blocs
The Good Neighbor
America First?
Means Short of War
Turning the Tide
Midway and Coral Sea
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: Martial Law in Hawaii
Gone with the Draft
The Winning Weapons
The Second Front
Organizing for Production
A Mixed Economy
Industry Moves South and West
New Jobs in New Places
Women in Industry
Between Idealism and Fear
Japanese Internment
No Shelter from the Holocaust
Closing with the Enemy
Taking the War to Europe
Island Hopping in the Pacific
Building a New World
The Fruits of Victory

Chapter 23 Primary Sources
23.1 Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Four Freedoms" Speech (1941)
23.2 Charles Lindbergh, America First Committee Address (1941)
23.3 Letter from James G. Thompson to the Editor of the Pittsburgh Courier (1942)
23.4 From Italy to Chicago, Pfc. Ray Latal Comes Home (1945)

CHAPTER 24 The Cold War, 1945-1954
Origins of the Cold War
Ideological Competition
Uneasy Allies
From Allies to Enemies
National Security
The Truman Doctrine
Taking Risks
Global Revolutions
The Reconversion of American Society
The Postwar Economy
The Challenge of Organized Labor
Opportunities for Women
Civil Rights for African Americans
The Frustrations of Liberalism
The Democrats' Troubles
Truman's Comeback
Fighting the Cold War at Home
Doubts and Fears in the Atomic Age
The Anti-Communist Crusade
The Hunt for Spies
The Rise of McCarthyism

Chapter 24 Primary Sources
24.1 President Harry S Truman (1947)
24.2 High School and College Graduates in the Cold War (1948-1950)
24.3 Statements by the United Auto Workers and General Motors (1945)
24.4 Harry S. Truman, Excerpts from Special Message to the Congress Recommending a Comprehensive Health Program (1945)
24.5 Joseph McCarthy, Excerpts from Wheeling, West Virginia Speech (1950)

CHAPTER 25 The Consumer Society, 1945-1961
Living the Good Life
Economic Prosperity
The Suburban Dream
The Pursuit of Pleasure
A Homogeneous Society?
The Discovery of Conformity
The Decline of Class and Ethnicity
The Resurgence of Religion and Family
Maintaining Gender Roles
Persisting Racial Differences
The Survival of Diversity
The Eisenhower Era at Home and Abroad
"Ike" and 1950s America
Modern Republicanism
An Aggressive Cold War Strategy
Avoiding War with the Communist Powers
Crises in the Third World
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: American Tourists in Cold War Europe
Challenges to the Consumer Society
Rebellious Youth
The Beat Movement
The Rebirth of Environmentalism
The Struggle for Civil Rights
The Crisis of "Misplaced Power"

Chapter 25 Primary Sources
25.1 Gael Greene, "The Battle of Levittown" (1957)
25.2 H. H. Remmers and D. H. Radler, Excerpts from "Teenage Attitudes" (1958)
25.3 Malvina Lindsay, "Science Alone No Answer to Sputnik" (1957)
25.4 United States Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, Excerpts from "Survive Nuclear Attack" (1960)

CHAPTER 26 "The Table of Democracy," 1960-1968
New Approaches to Power
Grassroots Activism for Civil Rights
The New Liberalism
The New Conservatism
The New Left
The Presidential Election of 1960
The New Frontier
Style and Substance
Civil Rights
Flexible Response and the Third World
Two Confrontations with the Soviets
Kennedy and Vietnam
The Great Society
Lyndon Johnson's Mandate
"Success Without Squalor"
Preserving Personal Freedom
The Death of Jim Crow
The American War in Vietnam
Johnson's Decision for War
Fighting a Limited War
The War at Home
The Great Society Comes Apart
The Emergence of Black Power
The Youth Rebellion
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: Protest in the Schools
The Rebirth of the Women's Movement
Conservative Backlash
1968: A Tumultuous Year

Chapter 26 Primary Sources
26.1 Martin Luther King Jr.,"Statement to the Press at the Beginning of the Youth Leadership Conference" (1960) and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Statement Of Purpose (1960)
26.2 John F. Kennedy, Excerpts from Inaugural Address (1961)
26.3 Lyndon B. Johnson, Excerpts from Address at Johns Hopkins University, "Peace Without Conquest" (1965)
26.4 Diane Carlson Evans, Oral History Interview on Her Service as an Army Nurse in Vietnam (2012)
26.5 John Wilcock, "The Human Be-In" and "San Francisco" (1967)

CHAPTER 27 Living with Less, 1968-1980
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: "Fighting Shirley Chisholm"
A New Crisis: Economic Decline
Weakness at Home
The Energy Crisis
Competition Abroad
The Multinationals
The Impact of Decline
Confronting Decline: Nixon's Strategy
A New Foreign Policy
Ending the Vietnam War
Chile and the Middle East
Taming Big Government
An Uncertain Economic Policy
Refusing to Settle for Less: Struggles for Rights
African Americans' Struggle for Racial Justice
Women's Liberation
Mexican Americans and "Brown Power"
Asian American Activism
The Struggle for Native American Rights
Gay Power
Backlash: From Radical Action to Conservative Reaction
"The Movement" and the "Me Decade"
The Plight of the White Ethnics
The Republican Counterattack
Political Crisis: Three Troubled Presidencies
Watergate: The Fall of Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford and a Skeptical Nation
"Why Not the Best?": Jimmy Carter

Chapter 27 Primary Sources
27.1 Testimony of Gerald Dickey, Mergers and Industrial Concentration; Hearings Before The Subcommittee on Antitrust And Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary (1978)
27.2 Nixon Decides on the Christmas Bombing (1972)
27.3 New York Radical Women, Principles (1968) and Pat Maxwell, "Homosexuals in the Movement" (1970)
27.4 Statements by Roman Pucinski, Ethnic Heritage Studies Centers; Hearings Before the General Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor (1970)
27.5 Clyde Warrior, "Statement," 1967

CHAPTER 28 The Triumph of Conservatism, 1980-1991
Creating a Conservative Majority
The New Economy
The Rehabilitation of Business
The Rise of the Religious Right
The 1980 Presidential Election
The Reagan Revolution at Home
The Reagan Style
Shrinking Government
The 1984 Presidential Election
The Reagan Revolution Abroad
Restoring American Power
Confronting the "Evil Empire"
The Reagan Doctrine in the Third World
The Middle East and Terrorism
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: The Ethiopian Famine
The United States and the World Economy
The Battle over Conservative Social Values
Attacking the Legacy of the 1960s
Women's Rights and Abortion
Gays and the AIDS Crisis
African Americans and Racial Inequality
"The Decade of the Hispanic"
From Scandal to Triumph
Business and Religious Scandals
Political Scandals
Setbacks for the Conservative Agenda
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: Times Beach, Missouri
A Vulnerable Economy
Reagan's Comeback
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: Reagan at the Berlin Wall

Chapter 28 Primary Sources
28.1 Jerry Falwell, Excerpts from Listen, America! (1980)
28.2 Ronald Reagan, Excerpts from "Address To The Nation On The Economy" (1981)
28.3 The Debate Over the Defense Build-Up (1983)
28.4 Equal Pay for Women (1982)
28.5 Excerpts from The Republican and Democratic Party Platforms on the State of the American Family (1984)

CHAPTER 29 The Globalized, Information Society 1989-2008
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: David Rockefeller
The Age of Globalization
The Cold War and Globalization
New Communications Technologies
Multinationals and NGOs
Expanding Trade
Moving People
Contesting Globalization
AMERICA IN THE WORLD: Titanic and the Globalization of Hollywood
A New Economy
From Industry to Information
A Second Economic Revolution?
Downsizing America
Boom and Insecurity
Democracy Deadlocked
George H. W. Bush and the End of the Reagan Revolution
The Rebellion Against Politics as Usual
Clinton's Compromise with Conservatism
Domestic Dissent and Terrorism
Culture Wars
African Americans in the Post-Civil Rights Era
Family Values
Women in the Postfeminist Era
Contesting Gay and Lesbian Rights
Redefining Foreign Policy in the Global Age
The New World Order
The Persian Gulf War
Retreating from the New World Order
A New Threat
Twin Crises
"Bush 43"
The Global War on Terror
The Iraq War
Iraq and Afghanistan in Turmoil
Financial Crisis

Chapter 29 Primary Sources
29.1 Kenichi Ohmae, "Declaration of Interdependence Toward The World-2005" (1990) and Helena Norberg-Hodge, "Break Up The Monoculture" (1996)
29.2 Solomon D. Trujillo, "Opportunity in the New Information Economy" (1998)
29.3 The Defense of Marriage Act (1996)
29.4 George H. W. Bush, Excerpts from "Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Cessation of Hostilities in the Persian Gulf Conflict" (1991)
29.5 George W. Bush, Excerpts from "Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the United States Response to the Terrorist Attacks of September 11" (2001)

CHAPTER 30 "The American Dream," 2008-2021
AMERICAN PORTRAIT: Maria "Bambi" Roaquin
Obama and the Promise of Change
The Presidential Election of 2008
Confronting Economic Crisis
Ending the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
The Politics of Frustration
A Second Term
Climate Change
Unending War?
Diversity and Division
A Diverse Society of Color
Tolerance and Intolerance
STRUGGLES FOR DEMOCRACY: #BlackLivesMatter, "Black Twitter," and Smartphones
LGBTQ Rights
Shifting Religious Beliefs and Practices
Economic Change and a Divided Nation
Jobs and Growth
AMERICAN LANDSCAPE: The Winter Strawberry Capital of the World
The Rich, the Poor, and the Middle Class
Women and Men
Baby Boomers and Millennials
Urban and Rural
Democracy Under Stress
Money and Politics
Polarized Politics
The Presidential Election of 2016
Economic Dynamism and Presidential Politics
"Make America Great Again"
"America First"
The Crisis of 2020
"I Can't Breathe"
The Presidential Election of 2020

Chapter 30 Primary Sources
30.1 Barack Obama, Keynote Address, Democratic Party Convention (2004)
30.2 Debate in the House of Representatives on a Resolution "That Symbols and Traditions of Christmas Should Be Protected" (2005)
30.3 Harry M. Reid, "The Koch Brothers" (2015)
30.4 Donald Trump, Extract of Remarks at a "Make America Great Again" Rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2017)
30.5 Children and Immigration Policy (2018)

Appendix A Historical Documents
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States of America

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Appendix B Historical Facts and Data
US Presidents and Vice Presidents
Admission of States into the Union

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