Pennsylvania History: Essays and Documents

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Edition: 1st
Format: Nonspecific Binding
Pub. Date: 2015-01-28
Publisher(s): Routledge
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Designed as a primary and secondary source reader for courses in US and Pennsylvania History. An edited collection of primary and secondary documents on Pennsylvaniars"s role in national and international events from Pennrs"s time to the present. The book introduces the complexities of the modern world by investigating the wide array of peoples and interests that have defined Pennsylvaniars"s "pluralistic" past. Issues that are relevant to our twenty-first century world, such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, politics, culture, labor, immigration, migration, war, rebellion, industrialization, de-industrialization, and transportation, etc., are explored through the lives and experiences of ordinary as well as extraordinary Pennsylvanians. This work presents the perspectives of working historians and of the diverse peoples they chronicle.

Author Biography

Jeffrey A. Davis

Jeffrey A. Davis is Associate Professor of American History at Bloomsburg University.  He is the author of The Pennsylvania Journey (Gibbs-Smith, 2005) and is the Associate Editor of Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies.


Paul Douglas Newman

Paul Douglas Newman is Professor of Early American History at the University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown.  He is author of Fries’s Rebellion: The Enduring Struggle for the American Revolution (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004) and is the Editor of Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies.

Table of Contents

Chapter One:

Native Pennsylvania


1.      Daniel Richter, “A Framework for Pennsylvania Indian History,” (1990)

2.      Roger M. Carpenter, “From Indian Women to English Children: The Lenni-Lenape and the Attempt to Create a  New Diplomatic Identity,” (2007)


1.      William Penn’s Letter to the Indians, 1681

2.      Gabriel Thomas describes the Pennsylvania Indians, 1698

3.      Delaware Spokesman compares the French and English, 1754

4.      Ohio Indian Woman’s Vision of Separate Indian Creation, c. 1750s 


Map.  Native Pennsylvania c. 1550

Photograph.  Susquehannock Hair Combs


Chapter Two:

Developing the Delaware Valley     


1.      Evan Haefeli, “The Pennsylvania Difference: Religious Diversity on the Delaware Before 1683,”  (2003)

2.      Sally Schwartz, “William Penn and Toleration,” (1983)


1.      Peter Stuyvesant, “The Dutch Conquest of New Sweden,” 1655

2.      William Penn, “Some Account of the Province of Pennsylvania,” 1681

3.      Daniel Pastorius, “The Founding of Germantown,” 1700

4.      William Penn, “The Frame of Government,” 1682


Painting.   Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, 1771—72 by Benjamin West


Chapter Three:

Pennsylvania Peoples           


1.      Katharine Gerbner, “We are Against the Traffik of Men-Body: The Germantown Quaker Protest of 1688 and the Origins of American Abolitionism,” (2007)

2.      Jane T. Merritt, “Cultural Encounters along a Gender Frontier: Mahican, Delaware, and German Women in

         Eighteenth-Century Pennsylvania,” (2000)


1.      John Stuart, “The Scotch-Irish Migration to Pennsylvania,” 1720-1775

2.      Gottlieb Mittelberger, “On the Misfortune of Indentured Servants,” 1750

3.      Peter Hall, Advertisement Seeking Owners of Suspected Runaway Slaves,” 1742

4.      Nicholas Bearcraft, Advertisement for Runaway Slave, 1749


 Advertisement for Runaway Slave,  American Weekly Mercury, Philadelphia, 1738


Chapter Four:

Pennsylvania and the Struggle for Empire


1.      Michael Bradley McCoy, “Absconding Servants, Anxious Germans, and Angry Sailors: Working People and the Making of the Philadelphia Election Riot of 1742,” (2007)

2.      Matthew C. Ward, “The ‘Peaceable Kingdom’ Destroyed: The Seven Years’ War and the Transformation of the Pennsylvania Backcountry," (2007)


1.      Mary Jemison, “Description of Adoption into Her Indian Family,” 1758

2.      Ketiushund, “Indian Warning about the British Occupation of the Forks of the Ohio,” 1758

3.      Benjamin Franklin, “A Narrative of the Late Massacre,” 1763

4.      Joseph Dodderidge, “Pioneer Settlement and Landholding in Southwestern Pennsylvania,” 1773


Political Cartoon.  Quakers Impede Colonial Defense, 1764


Chapter Five:

Pennsylvania’s Revolutions 


1.      Judith Van Buskirk, “They Didn’t Join the Band: Disaffected Women in Revolutionary Philadelphia,” (1995)

2.      Liam Riordan, “Identity and Revolution: Everyday Life and Crisis in a Rural Delaware Valley Town,” (1997)


1.      “The Riots in Philadelphia” 1773

2.      “Parliamentary Examination of Joseph Galloway” 1779

3.      “The Sullivan Expedition” 1779


Drawing.  Mary Ludwig Hays, aka “Molly Pitcher” of Carlisle, PA


Chapter Six:

Pennsylvania and the New Nation   


1.      Jeffrey A. Davis, “Guarding the Republican Interest: The Western Pennsylvania Democratic Societies and the Excise Tax,” (2000)

2.      Paul Douglas Newman, “The Fries Rebellion, National Security, and the State, 1790-1800,” (2000)


1.      Opposition to the Ratification the Federal Constitution, 1787

2.      Proposed Amendments to the Federal Constitution, 1788

3.      Petition Against the Federal Excise Tax, 1794


Painting.  George Washington reviewing troops in 1794 in Bedford, Pennsylvania, on their way to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion


Chapter Seven:

Pennsylvania ’s Market and Transportation Revolutions  


1.      L. Diane Barnes, “Urban Rivalry in the Upper Ohio Valley: Wheeling and Pittsburgh in the Nineteenth Century,” (1999)

2.      Edward J. Gibbons, “The Building of the Schuylkill Navigation System, 1815-1828,” (1990)


1.      Journeyman House Carpenters, “A Demand for a Ten Hour Day” 1827

2.      Anonymous, “A Protest Against Child Labor in Philadelphia” 1830

3.      Charles Dickens, “Travelling the Pennsylvania Mainline Canal-Railroad” 1842


Map.  Pennsylvania Transportation Map, 1820-1850


Chapter Eight:

Jacksonian Pennsylvania


1.      Eric Ledell Smith, “The End of Black Voting Rights in Pennsylvania: African Americans and the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention of 1837-1838,” (1998)

2.      Christopher Malone, “Rethinking the End of Black Voting Rights in Antebellum Pennsylvania: Racial Ascriptivism, Partisanship and Political Development in the Keystone State,” (2005)


1.      Public Meeting in Philadelphia, “Pro-Jackson Political Sentiment” 1826

2.       “Anti-Abolitionist Meeting in Philadelphia” 1835

3.      Pennsylvania Hall Association, “The Burning of Pennsylvania Hall” 1838


Drawing.  “A View of the City of Brotherly Love.” A Philadelphia Race Riot.


Chapter Nine:

Pennsylvania and the Coming Crisis


1.      Charlene Mires, “Slavery, Nativism, and the Forgotten History of Independence Hall,” (2000)

2.      Ira V. Brown, “An Antislavery Journey: Garrison and Douglass in Pennsylvania, 1847,” (2000)


1.      David Wilmot, “The Wilmot Proviso” 1846

2.      Thaddeus Stevens, “Opposition to the Compromise of 1850” 1850

3.       James Buchanan, “President Buchanan on the Secession Crisis” 1860


Drawing. William Birch, Independence Hall


Chapter Ten:

Pennsylvania and the Civil War


1.      Christian B. Keller, “Keystone Confederates: Pennsylvanians Who Fought for Dixie,” in, (2001)

2.      Judith Ann Giesberg, “From Harvest Field to Battle Field: Rural Pennsylvania Women and the U.S. Civil War,” (2005)


1.      “The Altoona Conference Report on Emancipation,” 1862

2.      Private Henry Keiser, Lykens Pennsylvania, “Gettysburg Diary,” 1863

3.      Governor Curtin’s Annual Message to the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1864


Painting.  Paul Philippoteaux, Battle of Gettysburg, 1882


Chapter Eleven:

Gilded Age Pennsylvania


1.      Jonathan Rees, “Homestead in Context: Andrew Carnegie and the Decline of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers” (1997)

2.      George A. Turner, “The Lattimer Massacre: A Perspective from the Ethnic Community” (2002)


1.      Governor John F. Hartranft, “Railroad Strike of 1877”

2.      John Ward, “Is the Baseball Player a Chattel?,” Lippincott’s Magazine, 1887

3.      Leslie’s Illustrated, “The Conemaugh Calamity,” June 15, 1889


Photograph.  Breaker Boys


Chapter Twelve:

Progressive Era Pennsylvania


1.      Joseph M. Speakman, “The Inspector and His Critics: Child Labor Reform in Pennsylvania,” (2002)

2.      Daniel Sidorick, “The ‘Girl Army’: The Philadelphia Shirtwaist Strike of 1909-1910,” (2004)


1.      Joseph Rothrock, “Report of the Forestry Commission of Pennsylvania” 1895

2.      “The Last Nubbin” Philadelphia North American, December 11, 1907

3.      General Assembly, “Creating a Bureau of Public Morals in Cities of the Second Class,” 1913


Political Advertisement.  Suffrage Facts in Black and White,”


Chapter Thirteen:

World War I and 1920s Pennsylvania


1.      Irwin M. Marcus, “The Johnstown Steel Strike of 1919: The Struggle for Unionism and Civil Liberties,” (2001)

2.      Walter T. Howard, “The National Miners Union: Communists and Miners in the Anthracite,” B (2001)


1.      The Pennsylvania War History Commission, “Pennsylvania’s Contributions in War Munitions,” 1918

2.      Ellis P. Oberholtzer, Secretary of the PA Board of Motion Picture Censors, “Need for Film Censorship” 1921

3.      Governor Gifford Pinchot, “Inaugural Address” 1923


Photograph.  Philadelphia’s Hog Island Shipyard, World War I


Chapter 14:

The Great Depression Pennsylvania


1.      Charles Pete Banner-Haley, “The Philadelphia Tribune and the Persistence of Black Republicanism during the Great Depression” (1998)

2.      Philip Jenkins, “‘It Can’t Happen Here’: Fascism and Right-Wing Extremism in Pennsylvania, 1933-1942” (1995)


1.      Robert Vann, Editor of Pittsburgh Courier, promoting the Democratic Party, 1932

2.      Inauguration Address of Governor George H. Earle, 1935

3.      WPA Artists Pain Murals in Pittsburgh Zoo, 1941


Photograph.  Pittsburgh children attend a food-relief program


Chapter Fifteen:

Pennsylvania and the Second World War


1.      Maryann Lovelace, “Facing Change in Wartime Philadelphia: The Story of the Philadelphia USO” (1999)

2.      David Witwer, “An Incident at the Statler Hotel: A Black Pittsburgh Teamster Demands Fair Treatment During the Second World War” (1998)


1.      Joseph S. Frelinghuysen’s Recalls Training at Fort Indiantown Gap Military Reservation

2.      Mitchell Page Recalls his Service and his Pennsylvania Childhood

3.      David A. Swift Recalls his Civilian Public Service during World War


Poster.  Pennsylvania State Council on Defense, “Pennsylvania On the Homefront.”


Chapter Sixteen

Pennsylvania and the Movements of the 1950s and 1960s


1.      Anne E. Phillips, “A History of the Struggle for School Desegregation in Philadelphia, 1955-1967” (2005)

2.      Kenneth J. Heineman, “Refromation: Monsignor Charles Owen Rice and the Fragmentation of the New Deal Electoral Coalition in Pittsburgh, 1960-1972” (2004)


1.      Levittown, Pennsylvania 1957

2.      Race Riots in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, 1964 and 1968

3.      “Give Peace a Chance,” Bloomsburg State College Maroon and Gold, 1970


Photograph.  “University of Pennsylvania Students Support the ERA”


Chapter Seventeen

Post-Industrial Pennsylvania


1.      Irwin M. Marcus, “The Deindustrialization of America: Homestead, A Case Study, 1959-1984” (1985)

2.      Elizabeth Chiang, “The Great Storm that Swept Through: The Effects of Globalization on Indiana County” (2004)


1.      American Friends Service Committee, “Interviews with Migrant Workers,” 1975-1976

2.      “College Responds to Three Mile Island Nuke Accident,” The Dickinsonian, 1979

3.      “The Pennsylvania Brain Drain,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 2003


Photograph.  Three Mile Island nuclear power facility in York County


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