Patterns Across Cultures

by ;
Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2013-01-17
Publisher(s): Cengage Learning
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Patterns Across Cultures is a rhetorically-organized reader driven by the principle that as the world gets smaller, students should be exposed to a wide variety of cultural perspectives--both from within the United States and from other countries. Many of the reading selections in the text are by writers who have never been anthologized, providing an invigorating alternative to traditional readers. Post-reading features for each selection, including questions on author's "Meaning," "Technique," and "Language," help students examine how the selection utilizes both the primary mode and other modes as well; calls out key vocabulary terms; highlights thematic connections between selections; and provides prompts for both personal and critical writing. To assist those instructors who prefer a thematic framework for discussing the selections, a thematic Table of Contents and Thematic Links questions connecting each essay with one or more others on similar themes will provide inspiration for theme-based discussions and writing assignments.

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