Pastoral Australia

by ;
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-08-31
Publisher(s): Csiro
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Pastoral Australia tells the story of the expansion of Australia's pastoral industry, how it drove European settlement and involved Aboriginal people in the new settler society. The rural life that once saw Australia 'ride on the sheep's back' is no longer what defines us, yet it is largely our history as a pastoral nation that has endured in heritage places and which is embedded in our self-image as Australians. The challenges of sustaining a pastoral industry in Australia make a compelling story of their own. Developing livestock breeds able to prosper in the Australian environment was an ongoing challenge, as was getting wool and meat to market. Many stock routes, wool stores, abattoirs, wharf facilities, railways, roads, and river and ocean transport systems that were developed to link the pastoral interior with the urban and market infrastructure still survive. Windmills, fences, homesteads, shearing sheds, bores, stock yards, travelling stock routes, bush roads and railheads all changed the look of the country. These features of our landscape form an important part of our heritage. They are symbols of a pastoral Australia, and of the foundations of our national identity, which will endure long into the future.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vi
Authors' Prefacep. viii
Acknowledgementsp. ix
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms and Contractionsp. x
Note on Measurementsp. x
Introductionp. 1
Genesis 1788-1830p. 3
The creation of a wool industryp. 3
Expansion to the south and westp. 8
Market forces on the Australian industryp. 13
Adapting the Merinop. 14
Summaryp. 18
Boom, Bust and Gold 1830-1860p. 19
Climbing onto the sheep's backp. 20
Depression and boiling downp. 37
Summaryp. 39
After the Gold Rush: An Evolving Industry 1860-1890p. 40
Changes across Australiap. 40
Transporationp. 54
Meat processingp. 67
The best stock for Australiap. 70
Summaryp. 74
Consolidation and Expansion 1860-1890p. 75
Optimistic expansion in New South Walesp. 75
Victoria: stabilisation after the gold rushp. 83
South Australia and Tasmaniap. 84
Western Australia: the slow starterp. 86
Queensland: separation, boom, gloom and consolidationp. 89
The Northern Territory: the new frontierp. 103
Summaryp. 111
Depression and Drought 1890-1915p. 113
Advance and retreat in New South Walesp. 113
Queensland: depression, drought and recoveryp. 116
The Northern Territory: two decades of stagnationp. 123
Western Australia: the pace quickensp. 126
Mixed fortunes: Victoria, South Australia and Tasmaniap. 129
Summaryp. 132
Maturity and the Golden Years 1915-1967p. 133
A national overviewp. 133
Transportationp. 137
Twentieth-century consolidation in the south-eastern statesp. 142
Queensland: from drought to the golden yearsp. 148
The Northern Territory under the Commonwealth regimep. 158
The growth of Western Australiap. 167
Summaryp. 171
Afterglow: Pastoralism into the Twenty-first Century and the Heritage of Earlier Centuriesp. 174
Endnotesp. 182
Bibliographyp. 190
List of pastoral stations mentioned in the textp. 198
Indexp. 203
Spread of pastoral settlement across south-eastern Australiap. 24
Ludwig Leichhardt's journey to Port Essington 1844-45p. 35
Early long-distance stock routesp. 55
Spread of rabbitsp. 115
North Australia, expansion of pastoral settlementp. 124
Queensland stock routesp. 152
The Australian Agricultural Companyp. 15
A Saxony sagap. 17
The shepherdp. 30
The Overlandersp. 33
Water in a dry landp. 42
From shearing shed to woolshedp. 48
Shearing and the shearerp. 52
Drovingp. 58
Wool storesp. 66
Establishing Bowen Downs station, Queenslandp. 92
The sheepdog and the cattle dogp. 97
Artesian miraclep. 101
The Never Ever?p. 106
Erldunda station, Alice Springs districtp. 108
Whims and windmillsp. 110
Rabbitsp. 114
Wellshot: 'one of Australia's great sheep stations'p. 118
Waltzing Matildap. 120
Bush culturep. 127
The stockmanp. 128
Woolwashing and woolscouringp. 130
Haddon Rigp. 144
Walersp. 147
Country Women's Associationp. 150
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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