NYPD A City and Its Police

by ;
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2001-08-01
Publisher(s): Holt Paperbacks
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NYPD details episodes as fresh as the shootings of unarmed men that have triggered mass protests against Mayor Rudy Giuliani. It also tells of forgotten but no less compelling dramas such as the Becker-Rosenthal case, in which a police lieutenant went to the electric chair, and the death of Joe Petrosino, a New York City detective gunned down on the streets of Palermo, Sicily, after his cover was blown by the police commissioner. James Lardner and Thomas Reppetto, who know the police world from the inside, throw today's headlines into vivid relief by taking us back more than 150 years through a succession of immigrant waves, long hot summers, and career-destroying crises and scandals. Fascinating as history, NYPD is also a telling look at the fears, the lore, the slang, the secrets, and the rituals of a chronically misunderstood profession.

Author Biography

James Lardner, a writer for The New Yorker and The Atlantic Monthly, is the author of Crusader: The Hell-Raising Police Career of Detective David Durk.

Thomas Reppetto is a former Chicago commander of detectives and has been the president of New York City's Citizens Crime Commission for twenty years.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Ghosts on Patrol ix
A Cry from the Bottom of the Hudson
``I Might as Well Carry a Club''
The Finest
The Great Detective
``Down with the Police''
The Glorious Retreat
``So Many Races Up Against You''
``Just a Little Lieutenant''
The NYPD Goes to War
The Celebrity Cops
Battle in the Lead
On the Pad
Twenty and Out
``Dave, Do Something!''
The Rediscovery of Crime
A Note on Place-Names 335(2)
Sources 337(12)
Acknowledgments 349(2)
Index 351

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