The New Interpreter's Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2003-05-01
Publisher(s): INGRAM
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The New Interpreter's Study Bible brings the best of biblical scholarship to the service of the Church. In this new study Bible, based on The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible with Apocrypha, sixty distinguished scholars have provided background and insight on the biblical text. Features of this valuable new study Bible include extensive historical and theological annotations on the biblical text; brief introductions and outlines for each biblical book; excursuses giving further background and insight regarding particular themes and passages; and nineteen newly commissioned maps detailing the biblical world at various historical periods. Available in leather #0687278317 and on CD-Rom #068702496X."Here are superb introductory essays and excellent notes on the biblical texts. The New Interpreter's Study Bible is a first-rate aid for all who desire a serious, scholarly encounter with scripture."- Marion L Soards, Professor of New Testament Studies, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary"Of the current editions of Study Bibles, in my opinion the most helpful for pastors, teachers, and all students of the Scriptures has now been issued by Abingdon Press under the dedicated guidance of Dr. Walter Harrelson." - Bruce M. Metzger, Professor of New Testament, Emeritus, Princeton Theological Seminary"The combination of theological reflection, scriptural scholarship, and the practical engagement of life and faith found in the NISB will provide a dependable and rich resource for communicators, students and other spiritual leaders." - Rob Weber, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church, Shreveport, Louisiana."I would like to put this in the hands of every teacher. I have long searched for a simply written study Bible that engages our thoughts and also stimulates personal spiritual growth. I became engrossed in it and was reluctant to put it aside." - Delia Halverson, Christian Education and Curriculum Specialist, Faith Discovery Ministries The feature of the NISB that got me to switch from two other study Bibles is the self-pronouncing text. I know of no other study Bible, from any publisher, that provides that benefit to the reader--especially important to those who read the Scriptures aloud to adds so much to the ease of reading all those difficult personal and place names! -Reverend William C. B. Lowe; Camarillo, CaliforniaNeed more info? Download The New Interpreter's r Study Bible marketing brochure. Adobe Acrobat Reader Required . Available formats for the New Interpreter'sr Study Bible: Hardcover with dust jacket Genuine Black Leather Software Edition on CD-ROM for Windows

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