NEC 2011: National Electrical Code 2011/ Nfpa 70

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-09-24
Publisher(s): Cengage
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Customer Reviews

you need to read this textbook   March 12, 2011
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Adopted in all 50 states, this textbookhas saved untold lives with comprehensive requirements for electrical wiring and equipment. When the Code advances to incorporate new technologies, you can't afford to fall behind! You need this textbook to safeguard people and property, and avoid violations. Whether you are experienced with electrical systems or are simply looking for an introductory course, this seminar will significantly increase your knowledge and confidence, regardless of your experience level.

NEC 2011: National Electrical Code 2011/ Nfpa 70: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Safe, efficient, code-compliant electrical installations are made simple with the latest publication of this widely popular resource. Like its highly successful previous editions, the National Electrical Code? 2011 SOFT COVER combines solid, thorough, research-based content with the tools you need to build an in-depth understanding of the most important topics. It provides the full text of the updated code regulations alongside expert commentary from code specialists, offering code rationale, clarifications for new and updated rules, and practical, real-world advice on how to apply the code. New to the 2011 edition are articles including first-time Article 399 on Outdoor, Overhead Conductors with over 600 volts, first-time Article 694 on Small Wind Electric Systems, first-time Article 840 on Premises Powered Broadband Communications Systems, and more. This winning combination has created a valuable reference for those in or entering careers in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety.

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