Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood : Social Becoming in an African Context

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Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2006-12-30
Publisher(s): Stylus Pub Llc
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This book focuses on the lives and experiences of young people in Africa. On agents who, willingly or unwillingly, see themselves as belonging to the socio-generational category of youth and the ways in which they seek to shape and unfold their lives in a positive manner. Rather than seeing youth as either a social or cultural entity in itself, or as a predefined life-stage, the book argues for an exploration of how youth position themselves and are positioned within generational categories. In studying young people, social scientists must conceptualise youth as both social being and social becoming; a position in movement. It is from the duality of being positioned and seeking one's own socio-generational position that this book engages in the debate on contemporary African youth. The chapters are based on ethnographic research across the African continent and provide in-depth analyses of the perceptions, positions, possibilities, and practices of diverse groups of young people. The book will be of value to scholars and students of African studies and social science interested in this major, yet marginalized, social category in contemporary Africa.

Table of Contents

Catrine Christiansen, Mats Utas and Henrik E. Vigh
Chapter 1. Social Death and Violent Life Chances
Henrik E. Vigh
Chapter 2. Coping with Unpredictability: "Preparing for life" in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
Trond Waage
Chapter 3. Child Migrants in Transit: Strategies to assert new identities in Rural Burkina Faso
Dorte Thorsen
Chapter 4. Popular Music and Luo Youth in Western Kenya: Ambiguities of modernity, morality and gender relations in the era of AIDS
Ruth Prince
Chapter 5. Industrial Labour, Marital Strategy and Changing Livelihood Trajectories among Young Women in Lesotho
Christian Boehm
Chapter 6. Relocation of Children: Fosterage and child death in Biombo, Guinea-Bissau
Jónina Einarsdóttir
Chapter 7. Meaningful Rebels? Young adult perceptions on the Lord's Resistance Movement/Army in Uganda
Sverker Finnström
Chapter 8. The Serendipity of Rebellious Politics: Inclusion and exclusion in a Togolese town
Nadia Lovell
Michael A. Whyte

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