The Memoirs and Memorials of Sir Hugh Cholmley of Whitby 1600-1657

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2000-06-01
Publisher(s): Boydell & Brewer Inc
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Sir Hugh Cholmley played many roles in an extraordinary life, transforming himself from a spendthrift play-boy into a successful estate manager, local militia officer, and member of parliament for Scarborough. He became identified with a parliamentary group of rebellious Yorkshire gentry who conspired to kill Charles I's chief minister, the earl of Strafford, but after holding Scarborough's harbour and castle for Parliament he suddenly and controversially defected to the Royalist cause; after the king's defeat he endured years in exile before returning to a ruined estate in Yorkshire. Dr Binns' book is the first to bring together Sir Hugh's surviving writings, which bear witness to some of the most momentous events in English history: of principal importance are his autobiography and his three Civil War essays on the tragic fate of the Hothams, the bloody battle on Marston Moor, and the great siege of Scarborough Castle. JACK BINNS is former history master at Scarborough Sixth Form College, and Scarborough in the Civil War period has been the focus of much of his research as a local historian.

Table of Contents

List of illustrations
Acknowledgments ix
Abbreviations x
Bibliography xii
Editorial method xxii
Preface: the life and works of Sir Hugh Cholmley 1(30)
The Memoirs
Introduction: Purpose
The manuscript
Historical value
The Memorials
Text: `Some Observations and Memorialls touching the Hothams'
`Memorialls touching the Battle of Yorke'
`Memorialls tuching Scarbrough'
A: Sir Hugh Cholmely 1600-1657: chronology
B: Writ of extent for Cholmely estate, 11 November 1626
C: Recovery deed listing Cholmley properties, 5 September 1638
D: Cholmley's pre-war sales of land in Whitby town from October 1638 to September 1640
E: Cholmley's post-war sales of land in Whitby town from February 1640 to October 1657
F: Cholmley's pre-war sales of land in Robin Hood's Bay, Fyling Thorpe, Raw and Dales from February 1628 to November 1641
G: Cholmely's post-war sales of land in Robin Hood's Bay, Fyling Thorpe, Raw and Dales from August 1649 to November 1657
H: Whitby town properties recorded in Cholmley leases book
J: Letter from Sir Hugh Cholmely to Scarborough bailiffs, 1 February 1626
K: Letter from Sir Hugh Cholmley to Viscount Wentworth, Lord Deputy in Ireland, May 1635
L: Copy of Sir Hugh Cholmley's last will, 19 November 1657
Index 195

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