Mathematics and Science Education in Developing Countries : Issues, Experiences, and Cooperation Prospects

by ; ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2007-12-01
Publisher(s): Univ of Hawaii Pr
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Table of Contents

Issues Relating to Mathematics and Science Education in Developing Countriesp. 1
Introductionp. 3
Science Education in Developing Countries in Asia: Issues and Concerns for Planners and Implementersp. 21
Science Education Research in Southern Africap. 68
Towards a Theory of Curriculum Development with Reference to Science Education in Developing Countriesp. 127
Cultural Competence and the Transfer of Science Literacyp. 172
Nurturing Scientific and Technological Literacy through Environmental Educationp. 187
Case Studies of Specific Projectsp. 207
Improving the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in Basic Schools in Ghana - Challenges and Lessons from Technical Cooperation Assistancep. 209
Ten Best Practices in a Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Program in the Philippinesp. 231
Closing the Math Learning Gap between Chile and Developed Countriesp. 252
Localization Process of Mathematics Education in Post-independence Kenyap. 276
The Relationships between the Constructs of a Theory of Curriculum Implementationp. 291
Evaluating Project Impact: The Case of MSSI in South Africap. 322
Perspectives on Issues Arising out of Donor/Recipient Collaborationp. 337
Can Japan Be a Successful Mathematics and Science Education Teacher for Africa?p. 339
Ownership and Implementation: Shifting Rationales and Missing Links in Dutch Assistance with Capacity Development for Science Education Reform in Africap. 365
The Role of a Professional Organization for Educational Researchers in Developing Expertise in Researching Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Southern Africap. 405
Lessons Learned from the JICA Science and Mathematics Education Projects in Africa and Asiap. 430
Reaping the Harvest: Sustaining the Initiativesp. 458
List of Contributorsp. 499
The Editorsp. 501
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