Mathematical Analysis: A Straightforward Approach

Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1983-02-28
Publisher(s): Cambridge University Press
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For the second edition of this very successful text, Professor Binmore has written two new chapters on analysis in vector spaces. The discussion extends to the notion of the derivative of a vector function as a matrix and the use of second derivatives in classifying stationary points. Some necessary concepts from linear algebra are included where appropriate.

Table of Contents

Preface to the first edition
Preface to the second edition
1. Real numbers
2. Continuum property
3. Natural numbers
4. Convergent sequences
5. Subsequences
6. Series
7. Functions
8. Limits of functions
9. Continuity
10. Differentiation
11. Mean value theorems
12. Monotone functions
13. Integration
14. Exponential and logarithm
15. Power series
16. Trigonometric functions
17. The gamma function
18. Vectors
19. Vector derivatives
20. Appendix
Solutions to exercises
Further problems
Suggested further reading

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