The Making of the West, Combined Volume

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Edition: 6th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2018-09-26
Publisher(s): Bedford/St. Martin's
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With a superior chronological organization, The Making of the West tells the story of the cross-cultural, global exchanges that have shaped western history. The book offers primary sources in each chapter, a full-color map and art program, and comprehensive supplement options, including LaunchPad and a free companion sourcebook. The Making of the West is an excellent value at an outstanding price.

Available for free when packaged with the print book, the popular digital assignment and assessment options for this text bring skill building and assessment to a more highly effective level. The greatest active learning options come in LaunchPad, which combines an accessible e-book with LearningCurve, an adaptive and automatically graded learning tool that—when assigned—helps ensure students read the book; the complete companion reader with comparative questions that help students build arguments from those sources; and many other study and assessment tools. For instructors who want the easiest and most affordable way to ensure students come to class prepared Achieve Read & Practice pairs LearningCurve, adaptive quizzing and our mobile, accessible Value Edition e-book, in one easy-to-use product.

Table of Contents

The Combined Volume includes all chapters.

Volume 1 includes Chapters 1-17.

Volume 2 includes Chapters 14-29.

NOTE: LaunchPad material that does not appear in the print book – including guided reading exercises, source feature quizzes, LearningCurve adaptive quizzes, summative quizzes, all of the documents from the companion reader – has been labeled on this table of contents as shown. Each chapter in LaunchPad also comes with a wealth of additional documents, videos, key terms flashcards, map quizzes, and much more, all of which can be easily integrated and assigned.


Versions and Supplements

Brief Contents


Maps and Figures



1. Early Western Civilization, 400,000–1000 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

From the Stone Age to Mesopotamian Civilization, 400,000-1000 B.C.E.

Life and Change in the Stone Age

The Emergence of Cities in Mesopotamia, 4000–2350 B.C.E.

Metals and Empire Making: The Akkadians and the Ur III Dynasty, c. 2350–c. 2000 B.C.E.

The Achievements of the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and the Canaanites, 2000–1000 B.C.E.

Egypt, the First Unified Nation, 3050–1000 B.C.E.

From the Unification of Egypt to the Old Kingdom, 3050–2190 B.C.E.

The Middle and New Kingdoms in Egypt, 2061–1081 B.C.E.

The Hittites, the Minoans, and the Mycenaeans, 2200–1000 B.C.E.

The Hittites, 1750–1200 B.C.E.

The Minoans, 2200–1400 B.C.E.

The Mycenaeans, 1800–1000 B.C.E.

The Violent End to Early Western Civilization, 1200–1000 B.C.E.

Mapping the West: The Violent End to Early Western Civilization, 1200–1000 B.C.E.?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 1 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Hammurabi’s Laws for Physicians

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Gains and the Losses of Life in Civilization vs. Life in Nature

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Civilization

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 1.1 Defining Humanity: Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2000 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1.1 LaunchPad

Document 1.2 Establishing Law and Justice: King Hammurabi, The Code of Hammurabi (Early Eighteenth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1.2 LaunchPad

Document 1.3 Praising the One God: Hymn to the Aten (Fourteenth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1.3 LaunchPad

Document 1.4 Sources in Conversation: Writing in Life and the Afterlife: Agricultural scenes, Tomb of Nakhut, (c. 1400-1390 B.C.E.) and Egyptian Scribal Exercise Book (Twelfth Century B.C.E.)
Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 1.5 Allying for Peace: The "Eternal Treaty" between the Egyptians and Hittites (c. 1259 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 1.5 LaunchPad

Chapter 2. Near East Empires and the Reemergence of Civilization in Greece, 1000–500 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

From Dark Age to Empire in the Near East, 1000–500 B.C.E.

The New Empire of Assyria, 900–600 B.C.E.

The Neo-Babylonian Empire, 600–539 B.C.E.

The Persian Empire, 557–500 B.C.E.

The Israelites, Origins to 539 B.C.E.

The Reemergence of Greek Civilization, 1000–750 B.C.E.

The Greek Dark Age

The Values of the Olympic Games

Homer, Hesiod, and Divine Justice in Greek Myth

The Creation of the Greek City-State, 750–500 B.C.E.

The Physical Environment of the Greek City-State

Trade and "Colonization," 800–580 B.C.E.

Citizenship and Freedom in the Greek City-State

New Directions for the Greek City-State, 750–500 B.C.E.

Oligarchy in the City-State of Sparta, 700–500 B.C.E.

Tyranny in the City-State of Corinth, 657–585 B.C.E.

Democracy in the City-State of Athens, 632–500 B.C.E.

New Ways of Thought and Expression in Greece, 630–500 B.C.E.

Mapping the West: Mediterranean Civilizations, c. 500 B.C.E.

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 2 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Zaleucus’s Law Code for a Greek City-State in Seventh-Century B.C.E. Italy

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Persians Debate The Best Form of Government

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: The State

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 2.1 Empires and Divine Right: Inscription Honoring Cyrus, King of Persia (r. c. 557–530 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2.1 LaunchPad

Document 2.2 Monotheism and Mosaic Law: The Book of Exodus, Chapters 19–20 (c. Tenth–Sixth Centuries B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2.2 LaunchPad

Document 2.3 Concepts of Civilization: Homer, The Odyssey (Eighth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2.3 LaunchPad

Document 2.4 Sources in Conversation: Two Visions of the City-State: Tyrtaeus of Sparta and Solon of Athens, Poems (Seventh–Sixth Centuries B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 2.5 Representations of Difference: Greek Janiform Flask (c. 520-510 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2.5 LaunchPad

Document 2.6 Economics and the Expansion of Slavery: Xenophon, Revenues (Fourth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 2.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 3. The Greek Golden Age, c. 500–c. 400 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Wars between Persia and Greece, 499–479 B.C.E.

From the Ionian Revolt to the Battle of Marathon, 499–490 B.C.E.

The Great Persian Invasion, 480–479 B.C.E.

Athenian Confidence in the Golden Age, 478–431 B.C.E.

The Establishment of the Athenian Empire

Radical Democracy and Pericles’ Leadership, 461–431 B.C.E.

The Urban Landscape in Athens

Tradition and Innovation in Athens’s Golden Age

Religious Tradition in a Period of Change

Women, Slaves, and Metics

Innovative Ideas in Education, Philosophy, History, and Medicine

The Development of Greek Tragedy

The Development of Greek Comedy

The End of Athens’s Golden Age, 431–403 B.C.E.

The Peloponnesian War, 431–404 B.C.E.

Athens Defeated: Tyranny and Civil War, 404–403 B.C.E.

Mapping the West: Greece, Europe, and the Mediterranean, 400 B.C.E.?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 3 Review

Primary Source Analysis: How to Argue Both Sides of a Case

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Nature of Women and Marriage

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Democracy

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 3.1 The Golden Age of Athens: Thucydides, The Funeral Oration of Pericles (429 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.1 LaunchPad

Document 3.2 Sources in Conversation: Movement in Stone: Myron of Eleutherai, Discus Thrower (c. 450 B.C.E.) and Atalanta (c. 300-200 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 3.3 The Emergence of Philosophy: Plato, The Apology of Socrates (399 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.3 LaunchPad

Document 3.4 The Advance of Science: Hippocrates of Cos, On the Sacred Disease (400 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.4 LaunchPad

Document 3.5 Human Commodities: Auction of confiscated slaves (c. 414 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.5 LaunchPad

Document 3.6 Domestic Boundaries: Euphiletus, A Husband Speaks in His Own Defense (c. 400 B.C.E.) and Overhead Views of a House on the North Slope of the Areopagus (Fifth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.6 LaunchPad

Document 3.7 Protesting War, Performing Satire: Aristophanes, Lysistrata (411 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 3.7 LaunchPad

Chapter 4. From the Classical to the Hellenistic World, 400–30 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Classical Greece after the Peloponnesian War, 400–350 B.C.E.

Athens’s Recovery after the Peloponnesian War

The Execution of Socrates, 399 B.C.E.

The Philosophy of Plato

Aristotle, Scientist and Philosopher

Greek Political Disunity

The Rise of Macedonia, 359–323 B.C.E.

Macedonian Power and Philip II, 359–336 B.C.E.

The Rule of Alexander the Great, 336–323 B.C.E.

The Hellenistic Kingdoms, 323–30 B.C.E.

Creating New Kingdoms

The Layers of Hellenistic Society

The End of the Hellenistic Kingdoms

Hellenistic Culture

The Arts under Royal Support

Philosophy for a New Age

Scientific Innovation

Cultural and Religious Transformations

Mapping the West: Roman Takeover of the Hellenistic World, to 30 B.C.E.

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 4 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Epigrams by Women Poets

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Roman Attitudes Toward Cleopatra VII, The Last Hellenistic Queen

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Hellenistic

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 4.1 The Conquest of New Lands: Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander the Great (Fourth Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4.1 LaunchPad

Document 4.2 Imperial Bureaucracy: Zeno, Egyptian Official, Records (259–250 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4.2 LaunchPad

Document 4.3 Everyday Life: Funerary Inscriptions and Epitaphs (Fifth–First Centuries B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4.3 LaunchPad

Document 4.4 Sources in Conversation: Modelling Femininity: Terracotta figurines (Second to Third Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 4.5 In Pursuit of Happiness: Epicurus, Letter to a Friend (Late Third Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4.5 LaunchPad

Document 4.6 Exacting Science: Archimedes, Letter to Eratosthenes (Third Century B.C.E.) and Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Archimedes’ "Eureka!" Moment (c. 30–20 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 4.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 5. The Rise of Rome and Its Republic, 753–44 B.C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Roman Social and Religious Traditions

Roman Moral Values

The Patron-Client System

The Roman Family

Education for Public Life

Public and Private Religion

From Monarchy to Republic

Roman Society under the Kings, 753–509 B.C.E.

The Early Roman Republic, 509–287 B.C.E.

Roman Imperialism and Its Consequences

Expansion in Italy, 500–220 B.C.E.

Wars with Carthage and in the East, 264–121 B.C.E.

Greek Influence on Roman Literature and the Arts

Stresses on Society from Imperialism

Civil War and the Destruction of the Republic

The Gracchus Brothers and Violence in Politics, 133–121 B.C.E.

Marius and the Origin of Client Armies, 107–100 B.C.E.

Sulla and Civil War, 91–78 B.C.E.

Julius Caesar and the Collapse of the Republic, 83–44 B.C.E.

Mapping the West: The Roman World at the End of the Republic, 44 B.C.E.

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 5 Review

Primary Source Analysis: The Rape and Suicide of Lucretia

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: What Was Julius Caesar Like?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Republic

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 5.1 Formalizing Roman Law: The Twelve Tables (451–449 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5.1 LaunchPad

Document 5.2 Sources in Conversation: Artistic Influences: Etruscan Statuette of a Rider (c. 434–400 B.C.E.) and Roman Bust of Lucius Junius Brutus (c. 300 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 5.3 Status and Discrimination: Roman Women Demonstrate against the Oppian Law (195 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5.3 LaunchPad

Document 5.4 "Cultivating Humanity": Cicero, In Defense of Archias ?(62 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5.4 LaunchPad

Document 5.5 Failure and Factionalism: The Gracchan Reforms (133 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5.5 LaunchPad

Document 5.6 Toward Empire: Julius Caesar, The Gallic War (52 B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 5.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 6. The Creation of the Roman Empire, 44 B.C.E.–284 C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

From Republic to Empire, 44 B.C.E.–14 C.E.

Civil War, 44–27 B.C.E.

The Creation of the Principate, 27 B.C.E.–14 C.E.

Daily Life in the Rome of Augustus

Changes in Education, Literature, and Art in Augustus’s Rome

Politics and Society in the Early Roman Empire

The Perpetuation of the Principate after Augustus, 14–180 C.E.

Life in the Roman Golden Age, 96–180 C.E.

The Emergence of Christianity in the Early Roman Empire

Jesus and His Teachings

Growth of a New Religion

Competing Religious Beliefs

From Stability to Crisis in the Third Century C.E.

Threats to the Northern and Eastern Frontiers of the Early Roman Empire

Uncontrolled Spending, Natural Disasters, and Political Crisis, 193–284 C.E.

Mapping the West: The Roman Empire in Crisis, 284 C.E.?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 6 Review

Primary Source Analysis: A Roman Stoic Philosopher on the Capabilities of Women

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad ?

Contrasting Views: Christians in the Empire: Conspirators or Faithful Subjects?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Empire

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 6.1 An Empire Foretold: Virgil, The Aeneid (First Century B.C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6.1 LaunchPad

Document 6.2 An Urban Empire: Notices and Graffiti Describe Life in Pompeii (First Century C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6.2 LaunchPad

Document 6.3 New Influences to the North: Tacitus, Germania (c. 98 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6.3 LaunchPad

Document 6.4 Sources in Conversation: The Making of a New Religion: The Gospel According to Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount (28 C.E.) and Paul of Tarsus, Letter to the Galatians (c. 50-60 C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 6.5 Deadly Beliefs: The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas (203 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6.5 LaunchPad

Document 6.6 Private Piety: Household shrine, Pompeii (first century C.E.)

Quiz for Document 6.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 7. The Transformation of the Roman Empire, 284–600 C.E.

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

From Principate to Dominate in the Late Roman Empire, 284–395

The Political Transformation and Division of the Roman Empire

The Social Consequences of Financial Pressures

From the Great Persecution to Religious Freedom

The Official Christianization of the Empire, 312–c. 540

Polytheism and Christianity in Competition

The Struggle for Clarification in Christian Belief

The Emergence of Christian Monks

Non-Roman Kingdoms in the Western Roman Empire, c. 370–550s

Non-Roman Migrations into the Western Roman Empire

Social and Cultural Transformation in the Western Roman Empire

The Roman Empire in the East, c. 500–565

Imperial Society in the Eastern Roman Empire

The Reign of Emperor Justinian, 527–565

The Preservation of Classical Traditions in the Late Roman Empire

Mapping the West: Western Europe and the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, c. 600?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 7 Review

Primary Source Analysis: The Edict of Milan on Religious Freedom

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Debate: Did Romans or Huns Better Protect Life, Law, and Freedom?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Barbarian

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 7.1 Sources in Conversation: The Establishment of Roman Christian Doctrine: Arius, Letter to Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria (c. 320 C.E.) and The Nicene Creed (325 C.E.)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 7.2 The Struggle of Conversion: Augustine of Hippo, Confessions (c. 397)

Quiz for Document 7.2 LaunchPad

Document 7.3 The Development of Monasticism: Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict (c. 540)

Quiz for Document 7.3 LaunchPad

Document 7.4 Community Worship: The Torah niche, Dura-Europos synagogue (c. 244-245 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 7.4 LaunchPad

Document 7.5 Germanic Law in the Roman Empire: The Burgundian Code (c. 475–525 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 7.5 LaunchPad

Document 7.6 Emergence of Byzantium: Procopius, Secret History (550 C.E.)

Quiz for Document 7.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 8. The Heirs of Rome: Islam, Byzantium, and Europe, 600–750

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Islam: A New Religion and a New Empire

Nomads and City Dwellers

The Prophet Muhammad and the Faith of Islam

Growth of Islam, c. 610–632

The Caliphs, Muhammad’s Successors, 632–750

Peace and Prosperity in Islamic Lands

Byzantium Besieged

Wars on the Frontiers, c. 570–750

From an Urban to a Rural Way of Life

New Military and Cultural Forms

Religion, Politics, and Iconoclasm

Western Europe: A Medley of Kingdoms

Frankish Kingdoms with Roman Roots

Economic Activity in a Peasant Society

The Powerful in Merovingian Society

Christianity and Classical Culture in the British Isles

Unity in Spain, Division in Italy

Political Tensions and the Power of the Pope

Mapping the West: Rome’s Heirs, c. 750

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 8 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Praising a Merovingian Queen

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Icons: Idols or Aids to Worship

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Medieval

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 8.1 The Foundations of Islam: Qur’an, Suras 1, 53, 98 (c. 610–632)

Quiz for Document 8.1 LaunchPad

Document 8.2 Jihad and Jizya: Islamic Terms of Peace (633–643)

Quiz for Document 8.2 LaunchPad

Document 8.3 Byzantine Life: The Life of St. Theodore of Sykeon (Early Seventh Century)

Quiz for Document 8.3 LaunchPad

Document 8.4 A Noblewoman’s Life: The Life of Lady Balthild, Queen of the Franks (Late Seventh Century)

Quiz for Document 8.4 LaunchPad

Document 8.5 Roman Christian Missions: Pope Gregory the Great, Letters (598–601)

Quiz for Document 8.5 LaunchPad

Document 8.6 Sources in Conversation: Warrior Kings: Helmet fragment from Sutton Hoo, (Early seventh century C.E.) and Beowulf (c. mid-seventh-late tenth century)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 9. From Centralization to Fragmentation, 750–1050

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Byzantine Emperor and Local Elites

Imperial Power

The Macedonian Renaissance, c. 870–c. 1025

The Dynatoi: A New Landowning Elite

The Formation of Eastern Europe and Kievan Rus

The Rise and Fall of the Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate, 750–936

Regional Diversity in Islamic Lands

Unity of Commerce and Language

The Islamic Renaissance, c. 790–c. 1050

The Carolingian Empire

The Rise of the Carolingians

Charlemagne and His Kingdom, 768–814

The Carolingian Renaissance, c. 790–c. 900

Charlemagne’s Successors, 814–911

Land and Power

Viking, Muslim, and Magyar Invasions, c. 790–955

After the Carolingians: The Emergence of Local Rule

Public Power and Private Relationships

Warriors and Warfare

Efforts to Contain Violence

Political Communities in Italy, England, and France

Emperors and Kings in Central and Eastern Europe

Mapping the West: Europe and the Mediterranean, c. 1050

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 9 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Ibn ‘Abd Rabbihi Celebrates a Military Campaign in Verse

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Charlemagne: Roman Emperor, Father of Europe, or the Chief Bishop?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Feudalism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 9.1 The Rule of Charlemagne: General Capitulary for the Missi (802)

Quiz for Document 9.1 LaunchPad

Document 9.2 Sources in Conversation: Conflicting Views of Byzantium: The Paris Psalter (c. 950) and Liutprand of Cremona, Report to Otto I (968)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 9.3 A New Islamic Dynasty: Ahmad al-Ya‘q?b?, Kit?b al-buld?n (Ninth Century)

Quiz for Document 9.3 LaunchPad

Document 9.4 Advances in Medicine: Ab? Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakar?y? Al-r?z?, A Treatise on the Small-Pox and Measles (c. 910)

Quiz for Document 9.4 LaunchPad

Document 9.5 The Faithful Vassal: Fulbert of Chartres, Letter to William of Aquitaine (1020)

Quiz for Document 9.5 LaunchPad

Chapter 10. Commercial Quickening and Religious Reform, 1050–1150

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Commercial Revolution

Fairs, Towns, and Cities

Organizing Crafts and Commerce

Communes: Self-Government for the Towns

The Commercial Revolution in the Countryside

Church Reform

Beginnings of Reform

The Gregorian Reform and the Investiture Conflict, 1075–1122

The Sweep of Reform

New Monastic Orders of Poverty

The Crusades

Calling the Crusade

The First Crusade

The Crusader States

The Disastrous Second Crusade

The Long-Term Impact of the Crusades

The Revival of Monarchies

Reconstructing the Empire at Byzantium

England under Norman Rule

Praising the King of France

Surviving as Emperor

Mapping the West: Europe and the Mediterranean, c. 1150

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 10 Review

Primary Source Analysis: The First Crusade from the Muslim Point of View

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Henry IV

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: The Commercial Revolution

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 10.1 Medieval Business: Commenda Contracts (Eleventh–Twelfth Centuries)

Quiz for Document 10.1 LaunchPad

Document 10.2 Sources in Conversation: Sources of the Investiture Conflict: Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII, Letter and Excommunication (1076)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 10.3 Calling the First Crusade: Fulcher of Chartres, Pope Urban II’s Speech at Clermont (1095)

Quiz for Document 10.3 LaunchPad

Document 10.4 Arab Response to the First Crusade: Ibn al-Ath?r, A Muslim Perspective (1097–1099)

Quiz for Document 10.4 LaunchPad

Document 10.5 The Power of William I: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1085–1086) and Domesday Book (1086–1087)

Quiz for Document 10.5 LaunchPad

Document 10.6 Living Close to the Land: Labors of the Month, Zodiac Column, Souvigny Priory, mid twelfth century

Quiz for Document 10.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 11. The Flowering of the Middle Ages, 1150–1215

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

New Schools and Churches

The New Learning and the Rise of the University

Architectural Style: From Romanesque to Gothic

Governments as Institutions

England: Unity through Common Law

France: Consolidation and Conquest

Germany: The Revived Monarchy of Frederick Barbarossa

Eastern Europe and Byzantium: Fragmenting Realms

The Growth of a Vernacular High Culture

The Troubadours: Poets of Love and Play

The Birth of Epic and Romance Literature

Religious Fervor and Crusade

New Religious Orders in the Cities

Disastrous Crusades to the Holy Land

Victorious Crusades in Europe and on Its Frontiers

Mapping the West: Europe and Byzantium, c. 1215
Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 11 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Two Letters from Two Lovers

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Magna Carta

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Gothic

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 11.1 New Learning: Peter Abelard, The Story of My Misfortunes (c. 1132)

Quiz for Document 11.1 LaunchPad

Document 11.2 Scholarly Pursuits and Youthful Frolics: Royal Decrees of Special Privileges for Students and Student Letters (Twelfth–Early Thirteenth Centuries)

Quiz for Document 11.2 LaunchPad

Document 11.3 Courtly Love: Chrétien de Troyes, Lancelot: The Knight of the Cart (c. 1170s)

Quiz for Document 11.3 LaunchPad

Document 11.4 Early Bankers: Money Changers Window Panel, Chartres Cathedral (early thirteenth century)

Quiz for Document 11.4 LaunchPad

Document 11.5 Franciscan Piety: St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, Selected Writings (Thirteenth Century)

Quiz for Document 11.5 LaunchPad

Document 11.6 The Sack of Constantinople: Annals of Niketas Choniat?s (1204)

Quiz for Document 11.6 LaunchPad ?

Chapter 12. The Medieval Synthesis—and Its Cracks, 1215–1340

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Church’s Mission

Innocent III and the Fourth Lateran Council


Lay Piety

Jews as Outcasts

Reconciling This World and the Next

The Achievements and Failures of Scholasticism

New Syntheses in Writing and Music

Gothic Art

The Politics of Control

The Weakening of the Empire

Louis IX and a New Ideal of Kingship

The Birth of Representative Institutions

The Weakening of the Papacy

The Rise of the Signori

The Mongol Takeover

The Great Famine

Mapping the West: Europe, c. 1340?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 12 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Thomas Aquinas Writes about Sex

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Mongols: Instruments of God or Cruel Invaders?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Inquisition

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 12.1 Reconciling Faith and Reason: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae (1273)

Quiz for Document 12.1 LaunchPad

Document 12.2 A Female Mystic: Hadewijch of Brabant, Letters and Poems (1220–1240)

Quiz for Document 12.2 LaunchPad

Document 12.3 Defining Outsiders: Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and Martyrdom of St. William of Norwich (c. 1173)

Quiz for Document 12.3 LaunchPad

Document 12.4 Imagining Hell: Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy (1313–1321)

Quiz for Document 12.4 LaunchPad

Document 12.5 Sources in Conversation: The New Power of Medieval States: Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam (1302) and King Philip IV of France, General Assembly of Paris (1303)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 12.6 Centering the World: Hereford World Map (c. 1290-1300)

Quiz for Document 12.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 13. Crisis and Renaissance, 1340–1492

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Crisis: Disease, War, and Schism

The Black Death, 1347–1352

The Hundred Years’ War, 1337–1453

The Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople, 1453

The Great Schism, 1378–1417

The Renaissance: New Forms of Thought and Expression

Renaissance Humanism

The Arts

Consolidating Power

New Political Formations in Eastern Europe

Powerful States in Western Europe

Power in the Republics

The Tools of Power

Mapping the West: Europe, c. 1492?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 13 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Wat Tyler’s Rebellion (1381)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Joan of Arc: Who Was "the Maid"?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Renaissance

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 13.1 Demographic Catastrophe: The Black Death (Fourteenth Century)

Quiz for Document 13.1 LaunchPad

Document 13.2 Crisis and Change: Jean Froissart on the Jacquerie (1358)

Quiz for Document 13.2 LaunchPad

Document 13.3 Satirizing the Church: Geoffrey Chaucer, The Pardoner’s Prologue (1387–1400)

Quiz for Document 13.3 LaunchPad

Document 13.4 Preaching Reform: Jan Hus, Letters (1408–1415)

Quiz for Document 13.4 LaunchPad

Document 13.5 Extolling Humanism: Giovanni Rucellai and Leonardo Bruni, Florence in the Quattrocento (1427 and 1457)

Quiz for Document 13.5 LaunchPad

Document 13.6 Women’s Place in Renaissance Italy: Alessandra, Letters from a Widow and Matriarch of a Great Family (1450–1465)

Quiz for Document 13.6 LaunchPad

Document 13.7 Sources in Conversation: Artistic Innovation: Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Double Portrait (1434) and Bartolommeo Fazio, On Famous Men (1456)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 14. Global Encounters and the Shock of the Reformation, 1492–1560

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Discovery of New Worlds

Portuguese Explorations

The Voyages of Columbus

A New Era in Slavery

Conquering the New World

The Columbian Exchange

The Protestant Reformation

The Invention of Printing

Popular Piety and Christian Humanism

Martin Luther’s Challenge

Protestantism Spreads and Divides

The Contested Church of England

Reshaping Society through Religion

Protestant Challenges to the Social Order

New Forms of Discipline

Catholic Renewal

Striving for Mastery

Courtiers and Princes

Dynastic Wars

Financing War

Divided Realms

Mapping the West: Reformation Europe, c. 1560

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 14 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Columbus Describes His First Voyage (1493)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Martin Luther: Holy Man or Heretic?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad ?

Terms of History: Protestant Reformation

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 14.1 Worlds Collide: Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (c. 1567)

Quiz for Document 14.1 LaunchPad

Document 14.2 Illustrating a Native Perspective: Lienzo de Tlaxcala (c. 1560)

Quiz for Document 14.2 LaunchPad

Document 14.3 Defending Native Humanity: Bartolomé de Las Casas, In Defense of the Indians (c. 1548–1550)

Quiz for Document 14.3 LaunchPad

Document 14.4 Scripture and Salvation: Martin Luther, Freedom of a Christian (1520)

Quiz for Document 14.4 LaunchPad

Document 14.5 Sources in Conversation: Reforming Christianity: John Calvin, Ordinances for the Regulation of Churches (1547), and Registers of Constitory of Geneva (1542–1543)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 14.6 Responding to Reformation: St. Ignatius of Loyola, A New Kind of Catholicism (1546, 1549, 1553)

Quiz for Document 14.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 15: Wars of Religion and the Clash of Worldviews, 1560–1648

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Religious Conflicts Threaten State Power, 1560–1618

French Wars of Religion, 1562–1598

Dutch Revolt against Spain

Elizabeth I’s Defense of English Protestantism

The Clash of Faiths and Empires in Eastern Europe

The Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648

Origins and Course of the War

The Effects of Constant Fighting

The Peace of Westphalia, 1648

Economic Crisis and Realignment

From Growth to Recession

Consequences for Daily Life

The Economic Balance of Power

The Rise of Science and a Scientific Worldview

The Scientific Revolution

The Natural Laws of Politics

The Arts in an Age of Crisis

Magic and Witchcraft

Mapping the West: The Religious Divisions of Europe, c. 1648?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 15 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Sentence Pronounced against Galileo (1633)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Political Authority and Religion: What Happened When Subjects Held Different Beliefs?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: The Scientific Revolution

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 15.1 Legislating Tolerance: Henry IV, Edict of Nantes (1598)

Quiz for Document 15.1 LaunchPad

Document 15.2 Barbarians All: Michel de Montaigne, Of Cannibals (1580s)

Quiz for Document 15.2 LaunchPad

Document 15.3 Defending Religious Liberty: Apology of the Bohemian Estates (May 25, 1618)

Quiz for Document 15.3 LaunchPad

Document 15.4 Codifying Poverty: City of Norwich Poor Rolls (1570)

Quiz for Document 15.4 LaunchPad

Document 15.5 The Scientific Challenge: Galileo, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615)

Quiz for Document 15.5 LaunchPad

Document 15.6 Sources in Conversation: The Persecution of Witches: The Witch of Newbury (1643) and The Trial of Suzanne Gaudry (1652)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 16. Absolutism, Constitutionalism, and the Search for Order, 1640–1700

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Louis XIV: Absolutism and Its Limits

The Fronde, 1648–1653

Court Culture as an Element of Absolutism

Enforcing Religious Orthodoxy

Extending State Authority at Home and Abroad

Constitutionalism in England

England Turned Upside Down, 1642–1660

Restoration and Revolution Again

Social Contract Theory: Hobbes and Locke

Outposts of Constitutionalism

The Dutch Republic

Freedom and Slavery in the New World

Absolutism in Central and Eastern Europe

Poland-Lithuania Overwhelmed

Brandenburg-Prussia: Militaristic Absolutism

An Uneasy Balance: Austrian Habsburgs and Ottoman Turks

Russia: Setting the Foundations of Bureaucratic Absolutism

The Search for Order in Elite and Popular Culture

Freedom and Constraint in the Arts and Sciences

Women and Manners

Reforming Popular Culture

Mapping the West: Europe at the End of the Seventeenth Century

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 16 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Marie de Sévigné, Letter Describing the French Court (1675)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The English Civil War

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Absolutism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 16.1 The Sun King: Louis de Rouvroy, Duke of Saint-Simon, Memoirs (1694–1723)

Quiz for Document 16.1 LaunchPad

Document 16.2 Sources in Conversation: Regime Change: The Trial of Charles I and The Confession of Richard Brandon the Hangman (1649)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 16.3 Civil War and Social Contract: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651)

Quiz for Document 16.3 LaunchPad

Document 16.4 The Consent of the Governed: John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (1690)

Quiz for Document 16.4 LaunchPad

Document 16.5 Opposing Serfdom: Ludwig Fabritius, The Revolt of Stenka Razin (1670)

Quiz for Document 16.5 LaunchPad

Document 16.6 Genre Painting: Pieter Bruegel the Younger, A Village Kermis (1628)

Quiz for Document 16.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 17. The Atlantic System and Its Consequences, 1700–1750

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Atlantic System and the World Economy

Slavery and the Atlantic System

World Trade and Settlement

The Birth of Consumer Society

New Social and Cultural Patterns

Agricultural Revolution

Social Life in the Cities

New Tastes in the Arts

Religious Revivals

Consolidation of the European State System

A New Power Alignment

British Rise and Dutch Decline

Russia’s Emergence as a European Power

Continuing Dynastic Struggles

The Power of Diplomacy and the Importance of Population

The Birth of the Enlightenment

Popularization of Science and Challenges to Religion

Travel Literature and the Challenge to Custom and Tradition

Raising the Woman Question

Mapping the West: Europe in 1750?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 17 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Montesquieu, Persian Letters: Letter 37 (1721)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Consumer Revolution

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Progress

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 17.1 Captivity and Enslavement: Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Written by Himself (1789)

Quiz for Document 17.1 LaunchPad

Document 17.2 Sources in Conversation A "Sober and Wholesome Drink": A Brief Description of the Excellent Vertues of That Sober and Wholesome Drink, Called Coffee (1674) and The Coffee House Mob (1710)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 17.3 A Domestic Drink: Richard Collins, "A Family at Tea" (c. 1726)

Quiz for Document 17.3 LaunchPad

Document 17.4 Westernizing Russian Culture: Peter I, Decrees and Statutes (1701–1723)

Quiz for Document 17.4 LaunchPad

Document 17.5 Early Enlightenment: Voltaire, Letters concerning the English Nation (1733)

Quiz for Document 17.5 LaunchPad

Document 17.6 Questioning Women’s Submission: Mary Astell, Reflections upon Marriage (1706)

Quiz for Document 17.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 18. The Promise of Enlightenment, 1750–1789

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Enlightenment at Its Height

Men and Women of the Republic of Letters

Conflicts with Church and State

The Individual and Society

Spreading the Enlightenment

The Limits of Reason: Roots of Romanticism and Religious Revival

Society and Culture in an Age of Enlightenment

The Nobility’s Reassertion of Privilege

The Middle Class and the Making of a New Elite

Life on the Margins

State Power in an Era of Reform

War and Diplomacy

State-Sponsored Reform

Limits of Reform

Rebellions against State Power

Food Riots and Peasant Uprisings

Public Opinion and Political Opposition

Revolution in North America

Mapping the West: Europe and the World, c. 1780

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 18 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Denis Diderot, "Encyclopedia" (1755)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Women and the Enlightenment

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Enlightenment

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 18.1 Rethinking Modern Civilization: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men (1753)

Quiz for Document 18.1 LaunchPad

Document 18.2 An Enlightened Worker: Jacques-Louis Ménétra, Journal of My Life (1764–1802)

Quiz for Document 18.2 LaunchPad

Document 18.3 Reforming the Law: Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishments (1764)

Quiz for Document 18.3 LaunchPad

Document 18.4 Reforming Commerce: Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)

Quiz for Document 18.4 LaunchPad

Document 18.5 Enlightened Monarchy: Frederick II, Political Testament (1752)

Quiz for Document 18.5 LaunchPad

Document 18.6 Sources in Conversation: Racism and the Enlightenment: David Hume, "Of National Characters" (1754), and Robert Hancock, "The Tea Party" (1756–1757)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 19. The Cataclysm of Revolution, 1789–1799

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Revolutionary Wave, 1787–1789

Protesters in the Low Countries and Poland

Origins of the French Revolution, 1787–1789

From Monarchy to Republic, 1789–1793

The Revolution of Rights and Reason

The End of Monarchy

Terror and Resistance

Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety

The Republic of Virtue, 1793–1794

Resisting the Revolution

The Fall of Robespierre and the End of the Terror

Revolution on the March

Arms and Conquests

Poland Extinguished, 1793–1795

Revolution in the Colonies

Worldwide Reactions to Revolutionary Change

Mapping the West: Europe in 1799

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 19 Review

Primary Source Analysis: The Rights of Minorities (1789)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Perspectives on the French Revolution

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Revolution

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 19.1 Defining the Nation: Abbé Sieyès, What Is the Third Estate? (1789)

Quiz for Document 19.1 LaunchPad

Document 19.2 The People under the Old Regime: Political Cartoon (1815)

Quiz for Document 19.2 LaunchPad

Document 19.3 Establishing Rights: National Assembly, The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)

Quiz for Document 19.3 LaunchPad

Document 19.4 Sources in Conversation: A Call for Women’s Inclusion: Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman (1791), and Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 19.5 Defending Terror: Maximilien Robespierre, Report on the Principles of Political Morality (1794)

Quiz for Document 19.5 LaunchPad

Document 19.6 Liberty for All?: Decree of General Liberty (August 29, 1793) and Bramante Lazzary, General Call to Local Insurgents (August 30, 1793)

Quiz for Document 19.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 20. Napoleon and the Revolutionary Legacy, 1800–1830

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

A General Takes Over

From Republic to Empire

The New Paternalism: The Civil Code

Patronage of Science and Intellectual Life

"Europe Was at My Feet": Napoleon’s Conquests

The Grand Army and Its Victories, 1800–1807

The Impact of French Victories

From Russian Winter to Final Defeat, 1812–1815

The "Restoration" of Europe

The Congress of Vienna, 1814–1815

The Emergence of Conservatism

The Revival of Religion

Challenges to the Conservative Order


Political Revolts in the 1820s

Revolution and Reform, 1830–1832

Mapping the West: Europe in 1830?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 20 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Wordsworth’s Poetry (1798)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Napoleon: For and Against

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Romanticism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 20.1 Napoleon in Egypt: The Chronicle of Abd al-Rahman al-Jabartî (1798)

Quiz for Document 20.1 LaunchPad

Document 20.2 Codifying French Law: Napoleon Bonaparte, The Civil Code (1804)

Quiz for Document 20.2 LaunchPad

Document 20.3 The Conservative Order: Prince Klemens von Metternich, Results of the Congress at Laybach (1821)
Quiz for Document 20.3 LaunchPad

Document 20.4 Challenge to Autocracy: Peter Kakhovsky, The Decembrist Insurrection in Russia (1825)

Quiz for Document 20.4 LaunchPad

Document 20.5 Sources in Conversation: The Romantic Imagination: Joseph M. W. Turner, Transept of Tintern Abbey (c. 1794), and Wordsworth, "Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey" (1798)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 20.6 Musical Romanticism: Reviews of Beethoven’s Works (1799, 1812)

Quiz for Document 20.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 21. Industrialization and Social Ferment, 1830–1850

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Industrial Revolution

Roots of Industrialization

Engines of Change

Urbanization and Its Consequences

Agricultural Perils and Prosperity

Reforming the Social Order

Cultural Responses to the Social Question

The Varieties of Social Reform

Abuses and Reforms Overseas

Ideologies and Political Movements

The Spell of Nationalism

Liberalism in Economics and Politics

Socialism and the Early Labor Movement

The Revolutions of 1848

The Hungry Forties

Another French Revolution

Nationalist Revolution in Italy

Revolt and Reaction in Central Europe

Aftermath to 1848: Reimposing Authority

Mapping the West: Europe in 1850

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 21 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto (1848)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Effects of Industrialization

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Socialism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 21.1 Establishing New Work Habits: Factory Rules in Berlin (1844)

Quiz for Document 21.1 LaunchPad

Document 21.2 New Rules for the Middle Class: Sarah Stickney Ellis, Characteristics of the Women of England (1839)

Quiz for Document 21.2 LaunchPad
Document 21.3 Sources in Conversation: The Division of Labor: Testimony Gathered by Ashley’s Mines Commission (1842) and Punch Magazine, "Capital and Labour" (1843)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 21.4 What Is the Proletariat?: Friedrich Engels, Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith (1847)

Quiz for Document 21.4 LaunchPad

Document 21.5 The Promise of Emigration: Gottfried Menzel, The United States of North America, With Special Reference to German Emigration (1853)

Quiz for Document 21.5 LaunchPad

Document 21.6 Demanding Political Freedom: Address by the Hungarian Parliament (March 14, 1848) and Demands of the Hungarian People (March 15, 1848)

Quiz for Document 21.6 LaunchPad

Document 21.7 Imperialism and Opium: Commissioner Lin, Letter to Queen Victoria (1839)

Quiz for Document 21.7 LaunchPad

Chapter 22. Politics and Culture of the Nation-State, 1850–1870

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The End of the Concert of Europe

Napoleon III and the Quest for French Glory

The Crimean War, 1853–1856: Turning Point in European Affairs

Reform in Russia

War and Nation Building

Cavour, Garibaldi, and the Process of Italian Unification

Bismarck and the Realpolitik of German Unification

Francis Joseph and the Creation of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Political Stability through Gradual Reform in Great Britain

Nation Building in North America

Nation Building through Social Order

Bringing Order to the Cities

Expanding Government Bureaucracy

Schooling and Professionalizing Society

Spreading National Power and Order beyond the West

Contesting the Nation-State’s Order at Home

The Culture of Social Order

The Arts Confront Social Reality

Religion and National Order

From the Natural Sciences to Social Science

Mapping the West: Europe and the Mediterranean, 1871

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 22 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Mrs. Seacole: The Other Florence Nightingale

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Nation-State in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Nationalism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 22.1 Ending Serfdom in Russia: Peter Kropótkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist (1861)

Quiz for Document 22.1 LaunchPad

Document 22.2 Fighting for Italian Nationalism: Camillo di Cavour, Letter to King Victor Emmanuel (July 24, 1858)

Quiz for Document 22.2 LaunchPad

Document 22.3 Realpolitik and Otto von Bismarck: Rudolf von Ihering, Two Letters (1866)

Quiz for Document 22.3 LaunchPad

Document 22.4 Social Evolution: Herbert Spencer, Progress: Its Law and Cause (1857)

Quiz for Document 22.4 LaunchPad

Document 22.5 Sources in Conversation: The Science of Man: Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871), and Figaro’s London Sketch Book of Celebrities (1874)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 23: Empire, Industry, and Everyday Life, 1870–1890

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The New Imperialism

The Scramble for Africa — North and South

Acquiring Territory in Asia

Japan’s Imperial Agenda

The Paradoxes of Imperialism

The Industry of Empire

Industrial Innovation

Facing Economic Crisis

Revolution in Business Practices

Imperial Society and Culture

The "Best Circles" and the Expanding Middle Class

Working People’s Strategies

National Fitness: Reform, Sports, and Leisure

Artistic Responses to Empire and Industry

The Birth of Mass Politics

Workers, Politics, and Protest

Expanding Political Participation in Western Europe

Power Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

Mapping the West: The West and the World, c. 1890?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 23 Review

Primary Source Analysis: An African King Describes His Government

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Experiences of Migration

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Home Rule

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 23.1 Defending Conquest: Jules Ferry, Speech before the French National Assembly (1883)

Quiz for Document 23.1 LaunchPad

Document 23.2 Subverting Empire: Imperial Federation Map of the World (1886)

Quiz for Document 23.2 LaunchPad

Document 23.3 Resisting Imperialism: Ndansi Kumalo, His Story (1890s)

Quiz for Document 23.3 LaunchPad

Document 23.4 Global Competition: Ernest Edwin Williams, Made in Germany (1896)

Quiz for Document 23.4 LaunchPad

Document 23.5 The Advance of Unionism: Margaret Bondfield, A Life’s Work (1948)

Quiz for Document 23.5 LaunchPad

Document 23.6 Sources in Conversation: Artistic Expression: Edgar Degas, Notebooks (1863–1884)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 24. Modernity and the Road to War, 1890–1914

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Public Debate over Private Life

Population Pressure

Reforming Marriage

New Women, New Men, and the Politics of Sexual Identity

Sciences of the Modern Self

Modernity and the Revolt in Ideas

The Opposition to Positivism

The Revolution in Science

Modern Art

The Revolt in Music and Dance

Growing Tensions in Mass Politics

The Expanding Power of Labor

Rights for Women and the Battle for Suffrage

Liberalism Tested

Anti-Semitism, Nationalism, and Zionism in Mass Politics

European Imperialism Challenged

The Trials of Empire

The Russian Empire Threatened

Growing Resistance to Colonial Domination

Roads to War

Competing Alliances and Clashing Ambitions

The Race to Arms

1914: War Erupts

Mapping the West: Europe at the Outbreak of World War I, August 1914

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 24 Review

Primary Source Analysis: ""Going to Battle" (A Turkish Poem)

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Debating the Revolt in Art, Ideas, and Lifestyles

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Modern

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 24.1 The Idealized Family: Sir Francis Galton, "Eugenics: Its Definition, Scope, and Aims" (1904), and International Eugenics Conference Poster (c. 1921)

Quiz for Document 24.1 LaunchPad

Document 24.2 Tapping the Human Psyche: Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)

Quiz for Document 24.2 LaunchPad

Document 24.3 The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola, "J’accuse!" (January 13, 1898)

Quiz for Document 24.3 LaunchPad

Document 24.4 Militant Suffrage: Emmeline Pankhurst, Speech from the Dock (1908)

Quiz for Document 24.4 LaunchPad

Document 24.5 Sources in Conversation: Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism: Rudyard Kipling, The White Man’s Burden and Editorial from the San Francisco Call (1899)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 24.6 Exalting War: Heinrich von Treitschke, Place of Warfare in the State (1897–1898), and Henri Massis and Alfred de Tarde, The Young People of Today (1912)

Quiz for Document 24.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 25. World War I and Its Aftermath, 1914–1929

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Great War, 1914–1918

Blueprints for War

The Battlefronts

The Home Front

Protest, Revolution, and War’s End, 1917–1918

War Protest

Revolution in Russia

Ending the War, 1918

The Search for Peace in an Era of Revolution

Europe in Turmoil

The Paris Peace Conference, 1919–1920

Economic and Diplomatic Consequences of the Peace

A Decade of Recovery: Europe in the 1920s

Changes in the Political Landscape

Reconstructing the Economy

Restoring Society

Mass Culture and the Rise of Modern Dictators

Culture for the Masses

Cultural Debates over the Future

The Communist Utopia

Fascism on the March in Italy

Mapping the West: Europe and the World in 1929?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 25 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Memory and Battlefield Tourism

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Middle East at the End of World War I: Freedom or Subjugation?

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Fascism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 25.1 The Horrors of War: Fritz Franke and Siegfried Sassoon, Two Soldiers’ Views (1914–1918)

Quiz for Document 25.1 LaunchPad

Document 25.2 Mobilizing for Total War: L. Doriat, Women on the Home Front (1917)

Quiz for Document 25.2 LaunchPad

Document 25.3 Sources in Conversation: Revolutionary Marxism Defended: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, The State and Revolution (1917), and "He Who Does Not Work Does Not Eat" Plate (1921)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 25.4 Establishing Fascism in Italy: Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism (1932)

Quiz for Document 25.4 LaunchPad

Document 25.5 A New Form of Anti-Semitism: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (1925)

Quiz for Document 25.5 LaunchPad

Chapter 26. The Great Depression and World War II, 1929–1945

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Great Depression

Economic Disaster Strikes

Social Effects of the Depression

The Great Depression beyond the West

Totalitarian Triumph

The Rise of Stalinism

Hitler’s Rise to Power

The Nazification of German Politics

Nazi Racism

Democracies on the Defensive

Confronting the Economic Crisis

Cultural Visions in Hard Times

The Road to Global War

A Surge in Global Imperialism

The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939

Hitler’s Conquest of Central Europe, 1938–1939

World War II, 1939–1945

The German Onslaught

War Expands: The Pacific and Beyond

The War against Civilians

Societies at War

From Resistance to Allied Victory

An Uneasy Postwar Settlement

Mapping the West: Europe at War’s End, 1945?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 26 Review

Primary Source Analysis: A Family Copes with Unemployment

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Nazism and Hitler: For and Against

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Civil Disobedience

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 26.1 Collectivizing Farming: Antonina Solovieva, Sent by the Komsomol (1930s)

Quiz for Document 26.1 LaunchPad

Document 26.2 Socialist Nationalism: Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Pamphlet (1930)

Quiz for Document 26.2 LaunchPad

Document 26.3 Sources in Conversation: The Spanish Civil War: Eyewitness Accounts of the Bombing of Guernica and Pablo Picasso, Guernica (1937)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 26.4 Seeking a Diplomatic Solution: Neville Chamberlain, Speech on the Munich Crisis (1938)

Quiz for Document 26.4 LaunchPad

Document 26.5 The Final Solution: Sam Bankhalter and Hinda Kibort, Memories of the Holocaust (1938–1945)

Quiz for Document 26.5 LaunchPad

Document 26.6 Atomic Catastrophe: Michihiko Hachiya, Hiroshima Diary (August 7, 1945)

Quiz for Document 26.6 LaunchPad

Chapter 27. The Cold War and the Remaking of Europe, 1945–1960s

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

World Politics Transformed

Chaos in Europe

New Superpowers: The United States and the Soviet Union

Origins of the Cold War

The Division of Germany

Political and Economic Recovery in Europe

Dealing with Nazism

Rebirth of the West

The Welfare State: Common Ground East and West

Recovery in the East

Decolonization in a Cold War Climate

The End of Empire in Asia

The Struggle for Identity in the Middle East

New Nations in Africa

Newcomers Arrive in Europe

Daily Life and Culture in the Shadow of Nuclear War

Restoring "Western" Values

Cold War Consumerism and Shifting Gender Norms

The Culture of Cold War

The Atomic Brink

Mapping the West: The Cold War World, c. 1960

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 27 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Torture in Algeria

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Decolonization in Africa

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Welfare State

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 27.1 Stalin and the Western Threat: The Formation of the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) (1947)

Quiz for Document 27.1 LaunchPad

Document 27.2 Truman and the Soviet Threat: National Security Council, Paper Number 68 (1950)

Quiz for Document 27.2 LaunchPad

Document 27.3 Throwing Off Colonialism: Ho Chi Minh, Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Vietnam (1945)

Quiz for Document 27.3 LaunchPad

Document 27.4 The Psychology of Colonialism: Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1961)

Quiz for Document 27.4 LaunchPad

Document 27.5 Sources in Conversation: The Condition of Modern Women: Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1949) and Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1963)

Quiz for Document 27.5 LaunchPad

Document 27.6 Cold War Anxieties: "How You Can Survive Fallout": Life Magazine Cover and Letter from President John F. Kennedy (1961)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 28. Postindustrial Society and the End of the Cold War Order, 1960s–1989

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

The Revolution in Technology

The Information Age: Television and Computers

The Space Age

The Nuclear Age

Revolutions in Biology and Reproductive Technology

Postindustrial Society and Culture

Multinational Corporations

The New Worker

The Boom in Education and Research

Changing Family Life and the Generation Gap

Art, Ideas, and Religion in a Technocratic Society

Protesting Cold War Conditions

Cracks in the Cold War Order

The Growth of Citizen Activism

1968: Year of Crisis

The Testing of Superpower Domination and the End of the Cold War

A Changing Balance of World Power

The Western Bloc Meets Challenges with Reform

Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Bloc

Mapping the West: The Collapse of Communism in Europe, 1989–1990?

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 28 Review

Primary Source Analysis: A Citizen’s Experience of Gorbachev’s Reforms

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: Feminist Debates

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Neo-liberalism

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 28.1 Prague Spring: Josef Smrkovský, What Lies Ahead (February 9, 1968)

Quiz for Document 28.1 LaunchPad

Document 28.2 A Revolutionary Time: Student Voices of Protest (1968)

Quiz for Document 28.2 LaunchPad

Document 28.3 Children Fleeing from a Napalm Attack in South Vietnam: Nick Ut, Photograph (June 8, 1972) and Vanity Fair Interview (2015)

Quiz for Document 28.3 LaunchPad

Document 28.4 The Rising Power of OPEC: U.S. Embassy, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Ban on Oil Shipments to the United States (October 23, 1973)

Quiz for Document 28.4 LaunchPad

Document 28.5 Facing Terrorism: Jacques Chirac, New French Antiterrorist Laws (September 14, 1986)

Quiz for Document 28.5 LaunchPad

Document 28.6 Sources in Conversation: Glasnost and the Soviet Press: Nina Andreyeva, Polemics, and Pravda Editorial, Principles of Perestroika (1988)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Chapter 29: A New Globalism, 1989 to the Present

Guided Reading Exercise LaunchPad

Collapse of the Soviet Union and Its Aftermath

The Breakup of Yugoslavia

The Soviet Union Comes Apart

Toward a Market Economy

International Politics and the New Russia

The Nation-State in a Global Age

Europe Looks beyond the Nation-State

Globalizing Cities and Fragmenting Nations

Global Organizations

An Interconnected World’s New Challenges

The Earth and Its People Threatened

Population, Health, and Disease

North versus South?

Radical Islam Meets the West

The Promise and Problems of a World Economy

Global Culture and Society in the Twenty-First Century

Redefining the West: The Impact of Global Migration

Global Networks and Social Change

A New Global Culture?

Mapping the West: The World’s Top Fifteen Economies as of 2017

Map Quiz LaunchPad


Chapter 29 Review

Primary Source Analysis: Václav Havel, "Czechoslovakia Is Returning to Europe"

Quiz for Primary Source Analysis LaunchPad

Contrasting Views: The Dutch Debate Globalization, Muslim Immigrants, and Turkey’s Admission to the EU

Quiz for Contrasting Views LaunchPad

Terms of History: Globalization

Quiz for Terms of History LaunchPad

LearningCurve LaunchPad

Summative Quiz LaunchPad

Documents from Sources of The Making of the West LaunchPad

Document 29.1 Sources in Conversation: Ethnic Cleansing: The Diary of Zlata Filipovi? (March 5, 1992–June 29, 1992), and Aida Šehovi?, ŠTO TE NEMA (Why are you not here?) (2017)

Quiz for Sources in Conversation LaunchPad

Document 29.2 An End to Apartheid: The African National Congress, Introductory Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (August 19, 1996)

Quiz for Document 29.2 LaunchPad

Document 29.3 Changing Global Economies: World Bank, World Development Indicators (2010)

Quiz for Document 29.3 LaunchPad

Document 29.4 Combating Climate Change: European Commission, "Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: The Road from Paris" (2016), and Reactions to the Paris Climate Agreement

Quiz for Document 29.4 LaunchPad

Document 29.5 Nationalism and the EU: Paresh Nath, European Nationalism Cartoon (2017)

Quiz for Document 29.5 LaunchPad

Document 29.6 Remembering European History: Tony Judt, "What Have We Learned, If Anything?" (2008)

Quiz for Document 29.6 LaunchPad

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