Loose-leaf Version for Freedom on My Mind, Volume 1 A History of African Americans, with Documents

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Edition: 2nd
Format: Loose-leaf
Pub. Date: 2016-09-09
Publisher(s): Bedford/St. Martin's
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Freedom on My Mind is Bedford/St. Martin's African American history survey textbook that follows the tradition of Calloway's First Peoples and DuBois and Dumenil's Through Women's Eyes in combining historical narrative and primary sources in one book. Each chapter includes a document project based on a theme or event that challenges students to analyze the sources and consider them within the context of the history they just read. Authored by a team of respected historians and teachers, Freedom on My Mind presents African American history from the early slave trade in Africa through the present day and tells the African American story within the larger context of United States history.

Author Biography

Deborah Gray White (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago) is Board of Governors Professor of History at Rutgers University. She is the author of many works including Too Heavy a Load: Black Women in Defense of Themselves, 1894-1994; Ar'n't I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South; and the edited volume Telling Histories: Black Women Historians in the Ivory Tower. She is a recipient of the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship and the Woodrow Wilson International Center Fellowship. Her current project uses the mass marches and demonstrations of the 1990s to explore the history of the decade.
Mia Bay (Ph.D., Yale University) is Professor of History at Rutgers University and the Director of the Rutgers Center for Race and Ethnicity. Her publications include To Tell the Truth Freely: The Life of Ida B. Wells and The White Image in the Black Mind: African-American Ideas about White People, 1830-1925. She is a recipient of the Alphonse Fletcher Sr. Fellowship and the National Humanities Center Fellowship. Currently, she is at work on a book examining the social history of segregated transportation and a study of African American views on Thomas Jefferson.
Waldo E. Martin Jr. is professor of history at the University of California, Berkeley. His scholarly and teaching interests include modern American history and culture with an emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; his principal areas of research and writing are African American intellectual and cultural history. He is the author of "A Change is Gonna Come": Black Movement, Culture, and the Transformation of America 1945-1975 (forthcoming) and The Mind of Frederick Douglass (1985); he coedited, with Patricia Sullivan, The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in the Untied States (forthcoming). Martin has published numerous articles and lectured widely on Frederick Douglass and on modern African American cultural and intellectual history.

Table of Contents

Versions and Supplements
Maps and Figures
Introduction for Students

Chapter 1. From Africa to America, 1441-1808
Opening Vignette: Prince Henry's African Captives
African Origins
The History of West Africa
Slavery in West Africa
The Rise of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Europe in the Age of the Slave Trade
The Enslavement of Indigenous Peoples
The First Africans in the Americas
The Business of Slave Trading
The Long Middle Passage
Capture and Confinement
On the Slave Coast
Inside the Slave Ship
Hardship and Misery On Board
Conclusion: The Slave Trade’s Diaspora
Chapter Review
Document Project: Firsthand Accounts of the Slave Trade
Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, 1789 - Belinda, The Petition of Belinda - James Barbot Jr., General Observations on the Management of Slaves, 1700 • A Slave in Revolt Alexander Falconbridge, An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa, 1788 - The Brig Sally's Log
Suggested References

Chapter 2. African Slavery in North America, 1619-1739
Opening Vignette: "20 and Odd Negroes:" The Story of Virginia's First African Americans
Slavery and Freedom in Early English North America
Settlers, Servants, and Slaves in the Chesapeake
The Expansion of Slavery in the Chesapeake
The Creation of the Carolinas
Africans in New England
Slavery in the Middle Atlantic Colonies
Slavery and Half-Freedom in New Netherland
Slavery in England’s Middle Colonies
Frontiers and Forced Labor
Slavery in French Louisiana
Black Society in Spanish Florida
Slavery and Servitude in Early Georgia
The Stono Rebellion
Conclusion: Regional Variations of Early American Slavery
Chapter Review
Document Project: Making Slaves
The Codification of Slavery and Race in Seventeenth-Century Virginia, 1630–1680 • The Massachusetts Body of Liberties – An Act for Regulating of Slaves in New Jersey, 1713–1714 • The South Carolina Slave Code, 1740 - Samuel Sewall, The Selling of Joseph (1700) - The Code Noir
Suggested References

Chapter 3. African Americans in the Age of Revolution, 1740-1783
Opening Vignette: The New York Slave Plot of 1741
African American Life in Eighteenth-Century North America
Slaves and Free Blacks across the Colonies
Shaping an African American Culture
The Slaves’ Great Awakening
The African American Revolution
The Road to Independence
Black Patriots
Black Loyalists
Slaves, Soldiers, and the Outcome of the Revolution
American Victory, British Defeat
The Fate of Black Loyalists
Closer to Freedom
Conclusion: The American Revolution’s Mixed Results for Blacks
Chapter Review
Document Project: Black Freedom Fighters
Phillis Wheatley, A Poem to the Earl of Dartmouth, 1772 • Phillis Wheatley, Letter to the Reverend Samson Occom, 1774 • Lemuel Haynes, Liberty Further Extended, 1776 • Jean Baptiste Antoine de Verge, "American Soldiers" • Boston King, Memoirs of a Black Loyalist, 1798 • The Death of Major Peirson
Suggested References

Chapter 4. Slavery and Freedom in the New Republic, 1783-1829
Opening Vignette: Benjamin Banneker and the Limits to Freedom in the New Nation
The Limits of Democracy
The Status of Slavery in the New Nation
Slavery’s Cotton Frontiers
Slavery and Empire
Slavery and Freedom outside the Plantation South
Urban Slavery and Southern Free Blacks
Gabriel’s Rebellion
Achieving Emancipation in the North
Free Black Life in the New Republic
Free Black Organizations
Free Black Education and Employment
White Hostility
The Colonization Debate
Conclusion: African American Freedom in Black and White
Chapter Review
DOCUMENT Project: Free Black Activism
Absalom Jones and Others, Petition to Congress on the Fugitive Slave Act, 1799 • Letters From a Man of ColorSentiments of the People of Color, 1817 •  Freedom’s Journal • Kidnapping of an African-American Mother and Child • Bobalition Broadside, 1825
Suggested References

Chapter 5. Black Life in the Slave South, 1820-1860
Opening Vignette: William Wells Brown and Growing Up in the Slave South
The Expansion and Consolidation of Slavery
Slavery, Cotton, and American Industrialization 213
The Missouri Compromise Crisis 215
Slavery Expands into Indian Territory 216
The Domestic Slave Trade 218
Black Challenges to Slavery 220
Denmark Vesey’s Plot 221
David Walker’s Exile 222
Nat Turner’s Rebellion, the Amistad Case, and the Creole Insurrection 225
Everyday Resistance to Slavery 227
Disobedience and Defiance 227
Runaways Who Escaped from Slavery 229
Survival, Community, and Culture 232
Slave Religion 233
Gender, Age, and Work 235
Marriage and Family 237
Conclusion: Surviving Slavery
Chapter Review
Document Project: Slave Testimony
James Curry, Narrative of James Curry, A Fugitive Slave • Lewis Clarke, Questions and Answers about Slavery (1845) • Mary Reynolds, The Days of Slavery, 1937
Suggested References

Chapter 6. The Northern Black Freedom Struggle and the Coming of the Civil War, 1830-1860
Opening Vignette: Mary Ann Shadd and the Black Liberation Struggle Before the Civil War
The Boundaries of Freedom
Racial Discrimination in the Era of the Common Man
The Growth of Free Black Communities in the North
Black Self-Help in an Era of Moral Reform
Forging a Black Freedom Struggle
Building a National Black Community: The Black Convention Movement and the Black Press
Growing Black Activism in Literature, Politics, and the Justice System
Abolitionism: Moral Suasion, Political Action, Race, and Gender
Slavery and the Coming of the Civil War
Westward Expansion and Slavery in the Territories
The Fugitive Slave Crisis and Civil Disobedience
Confrontations in "Bleeding Kansas" and the Courts
Emigration and John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry
Conclusion: Whose Country Is It?
Chapter Review
DOCUMENT Project: Forging an African American Nation --
Slave and Free; North and South
Sarah Mapps Douglass, To Make the Slaves’ Cause Our Own, 1832 • Henry Highland Garnet, An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America, 1843- Frederick Douglass, What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?, 1852 - Escaping Slavery via the Underground Railroad - Dred and Harriet Scott - "Jim Crow"
Suggested References

Chapter 7. Freedom Rising: The Civil War, 1861-1865
Opening Vignette: Robert Smalls and the African American Freedom Movement during the Civil War
The Coming of War and the Seizing of Freedom, 1861–1862
War Aims and Battlefield Realities
Union Policy on Black Soldiers and Black Freedom
Refugee Slaves and Freedpeople
Turning Points, 1862–1863
The Emancipation Proclamation
The U.S. Colored Troops
African Americans in the Major Battles of 1863
Home Fronts and War’s End, 1863–1865
Riots and Restoration of the Union
Black Civilians at Work for the War
Union Victory, Slave Emancipation, and the Renewed Struggle
for Equality
Conclusion: Emancipation and Equality
Chapter Review
Document Project: Wartime and Emancipation
Alfred M. Green, Let Us . . . Take Up the Sword, 1861 • Isaiah C. Wears, The
Evil Injustice of Colonization
, 1862 • Susie King Taylor, Reminiscences of My Life in Camp, 1902
Suggested References

Chapter 8. Reconstruction: The Making and Unmaking of a Revolution, 1865-1885
Opening Vignette: Jourdan and Mandy Anderson Find Security in Freedom after Slavery
A Social Revolution
Freedom and Family 378
Church and Community 381
Land and Labor 384
The Hope of Education 386
A Short-Lived Political Revolution 390
The Political Contest over Reconstruction 390
Black Reconstruction 393
The Defeat of Reconstruction 397
Opportunities and Limits outside the South 400
Autonomy in the West 400
The Right to Work for Fair Wages 403
The Struggle for Equal Rights 405
Conclusion: Revolutions and Reversals
Chapter Review
Document Project: The Vote
Sojourner Truth, Equal Voting Rights, 1867 • Proceedings of the American Equal
Rights Association, A Debate: Negro Male Suffrage vs. Woman Suffrage, 1869 • Mary Ann Shadd Cary, Woman’s Right to Vote, early 1870s
Suggested References

Appendix: Documents
Appendix: Tables and Charts
Glossary of Key Terms

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