Librarian's Handbook for Seeking, Writing, and Managing Grants

Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2011-05-18
Publisher(s): Libraries Unltd Inc
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A comprehensive book that covers the full spectrum of the grant process, Librarian's Handbook for Seeking, Writing, and Managing Grants is designed to provide all the information necessary for librarians and educators to become effective members of grant-development and management teams. Written in an easy-to-understand, succinct format, it will be invaluable even for those with little or no background knowledge and regardless of the size or type of library or information center.Recognizing that grants are developed through a sequential process, the volume focuses on the fundamental components of grant planning, grant writing, and grant management. Readers will learn to identify potential federal and state funding sources, organize and manage the proposal development process, do research, and establish and encourage participation on local development teams. They will also learn about specific aspects of grant management, such as budget and finance monitoring; hiring; research compliance and policies; sub-agreements and partnership forms; and reporting requirements.

Author Biography

Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis, PhD, is associate professor of library and information science in the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver, CO. Dr. Hall-Ellis wrote Libraries Unlimited's From Research to Practice: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in LIS Education and Grants for School Libraries. She holds a PhD in library and information science from the University of Pittsburgh and an MLS from the University of North Texas. Stacey L. Bowers is the outreach and access services librarian for the Westminster Law Library in the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver, CO. She is the principal investigator of the Wolters Kluwer Law Business Grant from the American Association of Law Libraries. Bowers holds a JD and an MLIS from the University of Denver. Christopher Hudson is the project coordinator for the Law Librarianship Fellows Program at the University of Denver, CO, that is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. Hudson holds a JD from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and an MLIS from the University of Denver. Claire Williamson served as the outreach center coordinator for the Law Librarianship Fellows Program at the University of Denver, CO that is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. Williamson holds a JD and MLIS from the University of Denver. Joanne Patrick is an administrator for the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver, CO. She holds an MA in communications from the University of Denver.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xi
Introductionp. xv
Grant Developmentp. 1
Planning: The Core of Proposal Developmentp. 3
Planning Definedp. 5
The Rationale for Planningp. 6
Readiness for Planningp. 7
Historical Commitment to Planningp. 10
The Reward System for Staff Contributionsp. 10
Culture and Complexity of the Organizationp. 11
Rate of Growthp. 12
Financial Resourcesp. 14
Ready Reference Handbooks and Toolsp. 14
Access and Availability of Informationp. 15
Willingness to Take Risksp. 16
General Guidelines for the Predevelopment Planning Processp. 16
Calculating the Funding Potentialp. 18
Managing Proposal Developmentp. 19
Selecting Partner Organizationsp. 19
Calendar Developmentp. 28
Planning Meetingsp. 33
Initial Planning Meetingp. 34
Conceptual Design Meetingp. 35
Working Meetingsp. 35
Decisions Relating to Proposal Preparationp. 35
Writing and Editing Issuesp. 37
Document Formatting Issuesp. 39
Project Designp. 41
Needs Statementp. 42
Context of the Problemp. 43
Justification for the Projectp. 44
Aspect to be Addressedp. 44
The Importance of a Lucid Mission Statementp. 44
Project Goal Developmentp. 45
The Relationship of the Goal and Objectivesp. 47
Conceptual Design of the Projectp. 50
Preliminary Checklistsp. 50
Methodologiesp. 50
The Dynamic Process Underlying Project Designp. 53
Laying the Groundwork for a Collaborative Effortp. 53
Steps to Prepare the Project Designp. 54
Project Managementp. 58
Establishing an Advisory Groupp. 59
Orientation for the Advisory Groupp. 60
Parental Involvement with the Projectp. 60
Project Narrativep. 65
Proposal Functionsp. 66
Components of the Proposalp. 67
Cover Sheet (Face Sheet)p. 70
Abstractp. 70
Table of Contentsp. 71
Introductionp. 71
Needs Assessmentp. 71
Goals, Objectives, and Activitiesp. 72
Service Programsp. 74
Evaluation Design and Research Implicationsp. 75
Dissemination of Findings, Results, and Productsp. 77
Plan for Continued Support (Sustainability)p. 78
Budgetp. 78
Appendicesp. 80
Letter of Transmittalp. 80
Proposal Writing, Design, and Organizational Guidelinesp. 81
Project Personnelp. 85
Project Staffing Requirementsp. 85
Requirements from the Funding Agencyp. 87
Requirements from the Applicantp. 90
Capabilities Statements for Key Project Personnelp. 90
Principal Investigator (or Project Director)p. 93
Support Staffp. 94
Local Personnel Available to the Projectp. 94
Library Administratorsp. 94
Librarians in Public Library and Academic Library Settingsp. 97
School Librariansp. 98
Instructional Personnelp. 98
Parentsp. 99
Project Evaluationp. 101
Overview of the Evaluation Processp. 102
Evaluation Methodsp. 102
Formative Evaluationp. 103
Summative Evaluationp. 104
The Basics of Evaluationp. 106
Selecting an Evaluatorp. 127
Internal Evaluation Teamsp. 127
External Evaluation Teamsp. 132
Planning the Evaluationp. 132
Analyzing Evaluation Datap. 136
Writing the Evaluation Reportp. 137
Executive Summaryp. 137
Formative Evaluationp. 137
Summative Evaluationp. 138
Budget Developmentp. 141
The Role of the Budgetp. 142
Budget Preparationp. 143
Ground Rules for Budget Preparationp. 144
Identify the Costsp. 145
Drafting the Budgetp. 147
Reviewing the Budgetp. 163
Additional Budgeting Considerationsp. 163
The Influence of Funding Agencies on Budget Formattingp. 163
Budget Adjustments and Amendmentsp. 164
Subcontractsp. 164
Appendicesp. 167
The Roles of Appendicesp. 167
Grant Compliances and Assurancesp. 168
Demographic Data and Community Descriptionsp. 170
Profiles of Participating Institutionsp. 170
Curriculum Vitae and Job Descriptionsp. 170
Standards, Benchmarks, and Academic Achievementp. 173
Literature Review, ôBest Practices,ö and Modelsp. 173
Letters of Commitment and Letters of Supportp. 179
Bibliography of Resources Consultedp. 180
Implementation and Managementp. 183
After the Proposalp. 185
Activities Between the Submission and Decisionp. 186
Strategies for Successful Grant Recipientsp. 187
Strategies for Organizations Failing to Obtain Grant Fundingp. 189
Poor Grantmanship Practicesp. 190
The Narrativep. 190
The Budgetp. 191
The Detailsp. 192
Resubmitting the Proposalp. 193
Implementing the Projectp. 195
Getting Started: Celebrate, Praise, and Communicatep. 195
Notifying Partnersp. 197
Accepting the Awardp. 199
Review Project Award Information and Documents Provided by the Grantorp. 200
The Project Handoffp. 200
Acceptance Paperworkp. 201
Internal Accounts and Fiscal Paperworkp. 201
Staffing and Trainingp. 201
Hiring Project Personnelp. 204
Employees, Consultants, and Volunteersp. 207
Developing Position Descriptionsp. 209
Advertising the Positionp. 211
The Interview Processp. 213
Developing Interview Questionsp. 214
After the Hiring Decision Is Madep. 217
Setting Up the Project Officep. 218
Announcing the Grant Awardp. 219
Internal Promotion of the Grant Awardp. 219
Traditional Ways of Promoting the Grant Projectp. 219
Web Sites and Other Electronic Publicationsp. 220
Online Surveysp. 220
Promoting the Grant Project Using Social Mediap. 221
Building an Online Community to Support the Grant Projectp. 222
Overlooked Opportunities to Promote the Grant Projectp. 222
Managing the Project Day-to-Dayp. 225
Organizational Structure: The Big Picturep. 225
Roles and Responsibilities: The Detailsp. 227
Operationsp. 230
Managing Peoplep. 231
Management Stylesp. 231
Leadership and Team Buildingp. 234
Deadlines, Calendars, and Timelinesp. 235
Planning for the Unexpectedp. 249
Project Accountabilityp. 253
Fiscal Managementp. 254
Accounting and Financial Managementp. 255
Budget Modificationsp. 260
Cost Sharep. 262
Legal Overview and Issuesp. 267
Components of a Contractp. 269
Contract Terms and Their Importancep. 270
General Contract Tipsp. 272
Grants versus Contractsp. 272
Specific Types of Agreements in the Grant Contextp. 273
Project Evaluationp. 282
Conducting Evaluationsp. 283
Writing Project Reportsp. 284
Deliverablesp. 286
Project Closeoutp. 289
Glossary of Grant Termsp. 291
Bibliographyp. 299
Indexp. 305
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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