Legal Research and Writing for Paralegals [Connected eBook with Study Center]

Edition: 10th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2024-02-01
Publisher(s): Aspen Publishing
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Buy a new version of this textbook and receive access to the Connected eBook on Casebook Connect, including lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities. Access also includes practice questions, an outline tool, and other helpful resources. Connected eBooks provide what you need most to be successful in your undergraduate and law school classes.

Legal Research and Writing for Paralegals emphasizes the skills and issues that paralegals encounter in practice. Thoroughly up to date, the Tenth Edition continues to combine clear text with visual aids, writing samples, tips, and pointers. Designed specifically for paralegal students, Deborah Bouchoux's classroom-tested approach teaches cutting-edge research skills, writing style, and proper citation form to equip students with an essential skill set and well-founded confidence.

The author's logical and comprehensive approach enhances students' understanding. Part I covers Primary Authorities, Part II discusses Secondary Authorities, and Part III covers the basics of Legal Writing. In addition, Bouchoux integrates writing strategies into each research chapter to demonstrate the link between the two processes. The text thoroughly explains proper citation form and updating/validating legal authorities. The Legal Writing section includes samples of legal writing, such as letters, a court brief, and a legal memorandum.

New to the Tenth Edition:
  • Significant focus on newer technologies available to legal researchers such as Lexis+ Brief Analysis, Westlaw Edge's Quick Check, and more.
  • Coverage of the use of analytics tools now used by legal professionals, such as Lexis+ Context.
  • An entirely new section in Chapter 11 on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in legal research.
  • Expanded section on techniques to achieve gender-inclusive language.
  • A new section in Chapter 15 on using tech tools such as ProWritingAid, BriefCatch, WordRake, NoRedInk, and Cooley GO to improve writing.
  • A new section on texting and confidentiality issues in Chapter 16.
  • A completely revamped and expanded discussion on e-memos in Chapter 17.
  • Revised throughout with new ethics alerts and updated figures.
  • All new Research Questions and Internet Legal Research Assignments included in each chapter.
Professors and students will benefit from:
  • Clear pedagogy designed to enhance the accessibility of the material.
  • Targeted and ample exercises help students learn how to use a wide range of research sources.
  • Charts and practice tips, updated for this edition, help students apply what they have learned.
  • Thorough coverage of electronic research with chapters on both Internet research and fee-based services.

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