Invitations to Geometry and Topology

by ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2003-01-02
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
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This volume presents an array of topics that introduce the reader to key ideas in active areas in geometry and topology. The material is presented in a way that both graduate students and researchers should find accessible and enticing. The topics covered range from Morse theory and complex geometry theory to geometric group theory, and are accompanied by exercises that are designed to deepen the reader's understanding and to guide them in exciting directions for future investigation.

Table of Contents

Contributors ix
A topologist's view of perfect and acyclic groups
A. J. Berrick
The geometry of the word problem
M. R. Bridson
The Fuller index
M. C. Crabb
A. J. B. Potter
The Borel--Weil theorem for complex projective space
M. Eastwood
J. Sawon
Morse theory in the 1990s
M. A. Guest
The Dirac operator
N. J. Hitchin
Hermitian geometry
S. M. Salamon
Indices of vector fields and Chern classes for singular varieties
J. Seade
Appendix: Research publications of B. F. Steer 321(4)
Index 325

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