Introduction to Public Health

Edition: 6th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2020-03-20
Publisher(s): Jones & Bartlett Learning
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Table of Contents

PartI What Is Public Health?
Chapter1 Public Health: Science, Politics, and Prevention
Chapter2 Why Is Public Health Controversial?
Chapter3 Powers and Responsibilities of Government
PartII Analytical Methods of Public Health
Chapter4 Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health
Chapter5 Epidemiologic Principles and Methods
Chapter6 Problems and Limits of Epidemiology
Chapter7 Statistics: Making Sense of Uncertainty
Chapter8 The Role of Data in Public Health
PartIII Biomedical Basis of Public Health
Chapter9 The “Conquest� of Infectious Diseases
Chapter10 The Resurgence of Infectious Diseases
Chapter11 The Biomedical Basis of Chronic Diseases
Chapter12 Genetic Diseases and Other Inborn Errors
PartIV Social and Behavioral Factors in Health
Chapter13 Do People Choose Their Own Health?
Chapter14 How Psychosocial Factors Affect Health Behavior
Chapter15 Public Health Enemy Number One: Tobacco
Chapter16 Public Health Enemy Number Two and Growing: Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity
Chapter17 Injuries Are Not Accidents
Chapter18 Maternal and Child Health as a Social Problem
Chapter19 Mental Health: Public Health Includes Healthy Minds
PartV Environmental Issues in Public Health
Chapter20 A Clean Environment: The Basis of Public Health
Chapter21 Clean Air: Is It Safe to Breathe?
Chapter22 Clean Water: A Limited Resource
Chapter23 Solid and Hazardous Wastes: What to Do with the Garbage?
Chapter24 Safe Food and Drugs: An Ongoing Regulatory Battle
Chapter25 Population: The Ultimate Environmental Health Issue
PartVI Medical Care and Public Health
Chapter26 Is the Medical Care System a Public Health Issue?
Chapter27 Why the U.S. Medical System Needs Reform
Chapter28 Health Services Research: Finding What Works
Chapter29 Public Health and the Aging Population
PartVIII The Future of Public Health
Chapter30 Emergency Preparedness, Post-9/11
Chapter31 Public Health in the Twenty-First Century: Achievements and Challenges

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