Intentional Interviewing and Counseling : Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society

by ; ;
Edition: 7th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2009-04-03
Publisher(s): Brooks Cole
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Master interviewing skills with INTENTIONAL INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING! This textbook will give you the tools you need to adapt your skills to meet both individual and multicultural uniqueness, conduct interviews using five different theoretical approaches, and be well on your way to developing a personalized style and theory of interviewing and counseling that matches your own aptitudes and affinities. Case studies, sample interviews, and "Portfolio of Competencies" are just a few of the many tools that will help you master the material and become a better listener.

Table of Contents

Before You Start: Building Competency in Interviewing and Counseling
Toward Intentional Interviewing and Counseling
Ethics, Multicultural Competence, and Wellness
Attending Behavior: Basic to Communication
Hearing Client Stories: How to Organize an Interview
Questions: Opening Communication
Observation Skills
Encouraging, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing: The Skills of Active Listening
Observing and Reflecting Feelings: A Foundation of Client Experience
Listening Skills: How to Conduct a Well-Formed Interview
Helping Clients Generate New Stories that Lead to Action: Influencing Skills And Strategies
The Skills of Confrontation: Supporting While Challenging
Focusing the Interview: Exploring the Story from Multiple Perspectives
Reflection of Meaning and Interpretation/Reframing: Helping Clients Restory Their Lives
Influencing Skills: Five Strategies for Change
Skill Integration
Skill Integration: Putting it All Together
Microskills and Counseling Theory: Sequencing Skills and Interview Stages
Determining Personal Style and Future Theoretical/Practical Integration
Appendix: Glossary of Terms for Brain Areas Discussed in Research Portions of this Book
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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