Integrative Statistics for the Social & Behavioral Sciences

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2011-04-04
Publisher(s): SAGE Publications, Inc
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The authors have been teaching undergraduate statistics for over twelve years and wrote this book after increased frustration with other textbooks on the market for undergraduate statistics. Almost all books currently on the market ignore the fact that parametric tests are related to one another under the General Linear Modeling paradigm which has become the predominant statistical methodology in modern statistics. In addition, they often treat the subject of statistics superficially and explore very few statistical concepts and tests OR they go into tremendous depth on the most common tests, but do not provide a basis for comparing the calculations done by hand with the numerous computer software outputs that are available today. Thus, students end up being exposed to very few statistical tests, and primarily learn how to conduct and interpret those tests by hand. This leaves them unprepared for the real-world applications of statistics. Students lack knowledge of the full range of statistical tests available to them, the skills to choose the appropriate statistical analysis when faced with a dataset, and the skills to interpret the output from the wide variety of statistic software packages that are available. In other words, they leave the typical undergraduate statistics course understanding the purpose of statistics, but lack the ability to actually conduct an appropriate statistical analysis on a dataset from the real world.In Ha & Ha's Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, the authors focus on the conceptual and practical aspects of statistics, not requiring that every test be calculated by hand or require that the course have a computer lab-based component.

Table of Contents

About the Authors
Descriptive Statistics
Introduction to Statistics: What Are You Getting Into?
Getting Started With Statistics
Frequency Distributions and Graphing
The Mean and Standard Deviation
The Normal Distribution, Standardized Scores, and Probability
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
Sampling Distribution of the Mean and the Single-Sample z Statistic
Inferential Statistics
Single-Sample Tests
Two-Sample Tests
Additional Hypothesis Tests
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Complex ANOVA Designs
Correlation and Regression
General Linear Model
Nonparametric Tests
Homework Answers
Appendix: Statistical Tables
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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