Innovations in Narrative Therapy: Connecting Practice, Training, and Research

Edition: 00
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2011-03-07
Publisher(s): W. W. Norton & Company
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Narrative therapy introduces the idea that our lives are made up of multiple events that can be strung together in many possible stories. Replete with case examples from clinical practice, this is the first book about narrative therapy that interweaves practice, training, and research.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. ix
Forewordp. xiii
Introductionp. 1
Critically Reflecting: From Practice to Theory
The Significance of Story: A Historical, Cultural Backdropp. 23
Storied Therapy as a Three-Act Playp. 37
Circulation of Languagep. 91
Pivotal Momentsp. 122
Extending Learning: From Theory to Practice
When All the Time You Have Is Now: Re-Visiting Practices and Narrative Therapy in a Walk-In Clinicp. 147
Journey From the Underworld: Working With the Effects of Trauma and Abusep. 167
Working With the Languages of Addictions: A Story With Pivotal Momentsp. 188
Group Practices With Men Who Have Used Abusep. 206
Conclusionp. 228
Referencesp. 233
Indexp. 245
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