A History of the Pacific Islands: Passages through Tropical Time

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2001-09-14
Publisher(s): RoutledgeCurzon
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This is a book about the past and present Pacific Islands, wide-ranging in time and space. It spans the centuries from the first, pre-European, Melanesian and Polynesian settlement of Islands from New Guinea to Tahiti and Easter Island, until the present day. Indigenous social, economic and political systems are examined and then the post-sixteenth-century European 'discovery' of the Pacific. Cultural, political, trading, social and personal exchanges in island worlds are analysed and described, from 1767 to the year 2000.

Table of Contents

List of Maps
List of Illustrations
Sea of Uprearing Billows
Sea-Lanes: An overviewp. 3
Defining an Oceanp. 10
'Big Waqa, Great Labour': Oceanic Worlds on Shore and Sea
Darkness from the Seap. 21
The Way to Atuonap. 33
Destinies Ashorep. 44
Vaka from Tangaroa: European Exploration from the Sixteenth Century
Unpacific Seas, Ultimate Landfallsp. 57
Oceania Charted, Humankind Redefined 1767-1793p. 73
Schooner on the Reef: Cultural Exchanges in Island Worlds 1800-1860
Mirrors and Mobilityp. 87
Money, Rim Ports, Shipowners and Timep. 104
Literature, Death, Marriage, Dependence and Island Mindp. 114
Ages of Passing Innocence: Lives, Commerce and Politics in Oceania 1860-1914
Credit and Copra Kingsp. 129
Power, Labour, Production, Outport and Identity: The Fiji case 1871 to 1919p. 141
Not from Mountain but Canoep. 155
Ports, Passage-Making Mortality and Moderated Morality in the Labour Trafficp. 162
'Bout Ship and Try Again: Worlds' Impingement and Colonial Orders 1914-1945
Ironic Gestures, Senses of Self and Survivalp. 183
Romance and Realitiesp. 191
Visions and Contradictions: The Early Twentieth Centuryp. 204
Shipping Companies, Competition and Japan's Dull Steel 1900-1940p. 217
Islands in Wartime: Like Destroyers in Line Aheadp. 233
Finale 1945-2000
Postwar Worlds, Retrospectivelyp. 259
Notesp. 273
Bibliographyp. 300
Indexp. 311
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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