Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Volume 2 (Seagull Edition)

Edition: 4th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2013-10-08
Publisher(s): W. W. Norton & Company
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Customer Reviews

Required  November 19, 2014
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

I wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't a required book.

Great History Book  April 11, 2014
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

Give Me Liberty – An American History is a very good textbook that goes into much detail about what America's history is away from Britain. The book seems to lay on being a good history textbook and that's what it seems to be good at here. However it does not come with teacher guides, so if you're going to be teaching with this book, please remember that. The author, Eric Foner has penned many textbooks for students and this is just spectacular in the way he has organized his information in Give Me Liberty. The book is a good, if not great reference textbook for U.S. History cl[censored] and it's used at the college level most of the time, but can be used at the high school level if so desired.

The book touches from Lincoln and the Civil War era and beyond and goes into painstaking detail about what happened during those eras, what Lincoln did to assist the United States, and what was ahead for the U.S. Of course some may find this information boring to them but for History subject buffs and for other people interested in historical things, this textbook is definitely worth a look into to learn a few things.

I can't express enough how Foner goes into detail in a lot of things, this man has done his research on literally everything in this book and left no stone unturned for students and teachers alike. Give Me Liberty is a fantastic history guide for all ages and I implore schools to use this textbook whenever they can for History cl[censored].

Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Volume 2 (Seagull Edition): 5 out of 5 stars based on 2 user reviews.


Clear, concise, integrated, and up-to-date, Give Me Liberty! is a proven success with teachers and students. Eric Foner pulls the pieces of the past together into a cohesive picture, using the theme of freedom throughout. The Fourth Edition features stronger coverage of American religion and a reinforced pedagogical program aimed at fostering effective reading and study skills. The Seagull Edition includes the full text of the regular edition in a compact volume, for an affordable price.

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