From Learning Disabled to Enabled : A mother's journey to find an effective way to teach reading to her daughter and the children she Teaches

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-01-26
Publisher(s): Trafford on Demand Pub
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Join this mother and educator as she searches to find a more effective way to teach her child to read. While embarking on a great adventure of learning she finds strength and wisdom never imagined.This writing is a reflection of the journey she took; how she changed the course of her daughter's life and the students she teaches. It tells of the knowledge she gained and how she is now sharing her findings with others who are searching for a more effective and efficient way to teach all children to read at their highest potential.


This is a story about change and not just a little shift. It's what Phillip Schlechty, in his book Creating Great Schools, refers to as "disruptive change". It includes change within a system, but more importantly change within oneself. There is a tidal wave of change that is coming or perhaps is already here. Me, along with many others, are leading the way and making the path smoother by lovingly bringing knowledge to those who are seeking it and guiding others who do not yet know what questions to ask.For me, this course has been frustrating at times, yet more fulfilling than I could have dreamed. It has led me down many paths that are non-traditional for educators and has given me more knowledge than ever imagined having. By working my way through the many phases of learning and growth I have discovered great joy, wisdom, and strength. I have ridden this wave for five years and am continually moving forward. I will never return to many of the places I have been and I joyously embrace all that is, has been, and is coming. I have found the answers I was searching for. By writing this book I hope to share those truths and encourage many to start asking questions. In doing so I am optimistic the transitions between that which has been and that which is here (the paradigm shift) will be easier and smoother.

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