Framing Shakespeare on Film

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2000-03-01
Publisher(s): Ohio Univ Pr
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The aesthetics of frame theory form the basis of Framing Shakespeare on Film. This ground-breaking work expands on the discussion of film constructivists in its claim that the spectacle of Shakespeare on film is a problem-solving activity. Professor Howlett convincingly demonstrates how the viewer's expectations for understanding the genre of Shakespeare on film -- as intertextual and conceptual frames that include Shakespeare's drama, the world, and the audience's ideals -- can be manipulated by the director's cinematic techniques.

Author Biography

Kathy M. Howlett is Associate Professor of English and Co-Director of the Cinema Studies Program at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Table of Contents

Credits xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction Rare Visions 1(19)
The Frame's the Thing
Franco Zeffirelli's Hamlet
The Voyeuristic Pleasures of Perversion
Orson Welles's Othello
Framing Ambiguity
Kenneth Branagh's Henry V
Breaking the Frame
Akira Kurosawa's Ran
Vivid Negativity
Richard Loncraine's Richard III
Utopian Revisioning of Falstaff's Tavern World
Orson Welles's
Gus Van Sant's
Playing on the Rim of the Frame
Kenneth Branagh's
Notes 201(30)
Bibliography 231(12)
Filmography 243(6)
Index 249

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