Foundations of Clinical Research

Edition: 4th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2020-01-17
Publisher(s): F.A. Davis Company
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Become a successful evidence-based practitioner

How do you evaluate the evidence? Is the information accurate, relevant and meaningful for clinical decision making? Did the design fit the research questions and was the analysis and interpretation of data appropriate?

Here are all the materials you need to take your first steps as evidence-based practitioners…how to use the design, data and analysis of research as the foundation for effective clinical decision making. You’ll find support every step of the way as you progress from the foundations of clinical research and concepts of measurement through the processes of designing studies and analyzing data to writing their own research proposal.

Five Stars.“Best book I have read explaining research. Not too complicated - but very thorough.”—Amazon Reviewer

Simply the best. “This is such a valuable resource. Bought it for the DPT program I am enrolled in. I will keep it as an excellent resource. So well written.”—Amazon Reviewer

… this is a great book.“It explains concepts so well! Our professor changed to this book the next year. All the OTs and PTs in my PhD program have bought this book. This is in my keep forever collection. Everyone in my department has the book and only loans it out with strict instructions for its return.”—Kelly A., Amazon Reviewer

Table of Contents

1. Frameworks for Generating and Applying Evidence
2. On the Road to Translational Research
3. Defining the Research Question
4. The Role of Theory in Research and Practice
5. Understanding Evidence-Based Practice
6. Searching the Literature
7. Ethical Issues in Clinical Research

8. Principles of Measurement
9. Concepts of Measurement Reliability
10. Concepts of Measurement Validity
11. Designing Surveys and Questionnaires
12. Understanding Health Measurement Scales

13. Choosing a Sample
14. Principles of Clinical Trials
15. Design Validity
16. Experimental Designs
17. Quasi-Experimental Designs
18. Single - Subject Designs
19. Exploratory Research: Observational Designs
20. Descriptive Research
21. Qualitative Research

22. Descriptive Statistics
23. Foundations of Statistical Inference
24. Comparing Two Means: The t-test
25. Comparing More Than Two Means: Analysis of Variance
26. Multiple Comparison Tests
27. Nonparametric Tests for Group Comparisons
28. Measuring Association for Categorical Variables: Chi-Square
29. Correlation
30. Regression
31. Multivariate Analysis
32. Measurement Revisited: Reliability and Validity Statistics
33. Diagnostic and Screening Procedures
34. Epidemiology: Measuring Risk

Part V: Putting It All Together
35. Writing a Research Proposal
36. Critical Appraisal: Evaluating Research Reports
37. Synthesizing Literature: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
38. Disseminating Research

A. Statistical Tables
B. Relating the Research Question to the Choice of Statistical Test
C. Data Management

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