Federalism and the Dictatorship of Power in Russia: Stoliarov, Mikhail

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2002-10-01
Publisher(s): Paul & Co Pub Consortium
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This is an analysis of the historical traditions and distinctive features of modern Russian federalism. It reviews the state of affairs in today's Russia as it strives to become a federal democracy securing the rights and liberties of its citizens. By tracing two contrasting ideas -- federalism and derzhavnost (dictatorship of power) -- in the legacy of the Russian state, and in relations between the modern federal government and the regions, it demonstrates the need for balance in the delimitation of power.

Table of Contents

Statehood Legacy
Sovereign Russia: Traditions of Power
Russian Administrative Reforms: The Wheel of History
Dictatorship of Law or Law of Dictatorship: The New Russian Dilemma
Russia and Self-Determination According to Lenin
Stalin's Ethnic Policy
The Rollercoaster of Russian Federalism
'We, the Multinational People of the Russian Federation...'
State Making in Russian: The Modern History
Tatarstan: A Case in Point
Russia in August 1998 and Afterwards: 'The Patient is More Alive Than Dead'
Federalist Hopes that Did Not Come True
Quo Vadis, Russia?
From Yeltsin to Putin: Transit into a New Millennium
Elite and Power: Heroes or Hostages?
The Principles of Federalism in Russian Style
Federal Minister German Gref and Others..
Federation and State Development: Political Parties' Approach
'Union Lasts Forever'
Tatars Versus Russians: A Glimpse into History
Elections 2000: Governors Wanted!
Sovereignty or the Ghost of Separatism
Lament for the Russian Republic
Federalism, Great Power Centrism, Ethnicity: Pro et Contra
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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