Family-focused Nursing Care

by ; ; ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2015-02-16
Publisher(s): F.A. Davis Company
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Nurses have a unique role in redefining the way we view partnerships in healthcare—

Transitioning from individualized to family-focused care is not only advocated by the Institute of Medicine; it’s becoming a way of life. Families want their perspectives and choices for their loved ones to be heard.  

Try searching for family-focused nursing resources, and you may be surprised. Recent evidence-based research and strategies for family-focused nursing texts are hard to find.

That’s why we’ve made it our priority to deliver the most up-to-date educational resource to help nurses meet the goal of empowering patients and their families—throughout the entire nursing process.

Table of Contents

  1. Health Care Needs for the 21st Century
  2. Moving to Family-Focused Care
  3. Thinking Family to Guide Nursing Actions
  4. Communication With and About Families
  5. Family Assessment
  6. Cultural and Diversity Aspects of Health and Illness Care Needs  
  7. Using Family Theory to Guide Nursing Practice 
  8. Developing a Family-Focused Nursing Practice
  9. Family and Nurse Presence in Family-Focused Care
  10. Family-Focused Care in Acute Settings
  11. Family-Focused Care and Chronic Illness
  12. Family-Focused Care to Meet Population Needs
  13. “Doing For” Versus “Being With”
  14. Family-Focused Nursing Actions
  15. Teaching Family Members Supportive Care 

View the Contributors, Reviewers, and full Table of Contents here.

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