Every Woman Is a World : Interviews with Women of Chiapas

by ; ; ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2008-10-30
Publisher(s): Univ of Texas Pr
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Born in the remote mountains and tropical forests of southern Mexico, the elder women of Chiapas have witnessed tumultuous change during their lifetimes, which in some cases spanned the entire twentieth century. Through hard experience, these women have gained unique perspectives on the transformations that modernity has brought to their traditional way of life. Reflecting on this rich store of wisdom, artists Gayle Walker and Kiki Suárez began interviewing and photographing Chiapanec women between the ages of 60 and 108. In this book, they present the life stories of twenty-eight women, who speak for the silent members of a divided society-well-to-do, urban ladinas of European descent; mixed race, low-income mestizas; and indigenous Maya from the highlands and Lacandon rainforest.As the women tell their stories, they shed light on major historical events as well as the personal dramas of daily life. For some, the Mexican Revolution and the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic are still painfully vivid. Others focus on recent social upheavals, such as the 1994 Zapatista Uprising. Women whose families had more resources fondly recall their high school days, while poorer women tell tragic stories of deprivation, hunger, and family violence. Particularly thought-provoking are the women's attitudes toward marriage, work, religion, and their own mortality. Considering the limited opportunities these women faced, Walker and Suárez sum up the significant theme of these interviews by observing that the women of Chiapas "remind us that if we are flexible, creative, and courageous, we have many more possibilities than we think we have."

Table of Contents

Guadalupe Vasquez
Teresa Dominguez Carrascosa
Maria del Carmen Gomez Gomez
Juliana Lopez Perez
Beatriz Mijangos Zenteno
Juana Koh
Merle Greene Robertson
Maria Patishtan Likanchiton
Carlota Zepeda GallegosLuvia Amalia Burguete Sanchez
Minerva Penagos Gutierrez
Ana Maria Refugio Pineda Gomez
Koh Martinez
Dolores Rovelo Arguelles
Francisca Gomez Lopez
Manuela Ramirez Gomez
Natividad Elvira Pineda Gomez
Sebastiana Perez Espinoza
Dilery Penagos Gutierrez
Micaela Diaz Diaz
Maruca Navarro viuda de Alfonso
Maria Meza Giron
Dolores Maceiras viuda de Suarez
Victoria Aguilar Hernandez
Koh Maria
Herminia Haro Haro
Pascuala Perez Gomez
Rosa Lopez
People, Customs, and Events
Suggested Reading
Author Biographies
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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