Escaping the Giant Wave

Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2004-09-01
Publisher(s): Aladdin
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best book ever  September 6, 2012
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this book is the very favorite book i have ever read just amazing so amazing :)

Escaping the Giant Wave: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


The worst vacation ever!Thirteen-year old Kyle thought spending a vacation on the Oregon coast with his family would be great. He'd never flown before, and he'd never seen the Pacific Ocean.Kyle's perfect vacation becomes a nightmare while he's babysitting his sister, BeeBee. An earthquake hits the coast and starts afire in their hotel. While fighting their way through smoke and flame, Kyle remembers seeing a sign at the beach that said after an earthquake everyone should go uphill and inland, as far from the ocean as possible. Tsunamis, giant waves that often follow earthquakes, can ride in from the sea and engulf anyone who doesn't escape fast enough.Can Kyle and BeeBee outwit and outrun nature's fury to save themselves from tsunami terror?

Author Biography

Peg Kehret's books for young readers are regularly recommended by theAmerican Library Association, the International Reading Association, and the Children's Book Council. She has won twenty-one children's state book awards, the Golden Kite Award from the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators, the PEN Center West Award for Children's Literature, and the Henry Bergh Award from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for Saving Lilly. A longtime volunteer at the Humane Society, she often uses animals in her stories.

Peg and her husband, Carl, live in a log house on ten acres of forest near Mount Rainier National Park. Their property is a sanctuary for blacktail deer, elk, rabbits, and many kinds of birds. When she is not writing, Peg likes to read, watch baseball, and pump her old player piano.

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