Empire City

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2002-10-01
Publisher(s): Columbia Univ Pr
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As perhaps never before in its extraordinary history, New York has captured the American imagination. This major anthology brings together not only the best literary writing about New York -- from O. Henry, Theodore Dreiser, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Paul Auster, and James Baldwin, among many others -- but also the most revealing essays by politicians, philosophers, city planners, social critics, visitors, immigrants, journalists, and historians.The anthology begins with an account of Henry Hudson's voyage in 1609 and ends with an essay written especially for this book by John P. Avlon, former Mayor Rudolph Guiliani's speechwriter, called "The Resilient City," on the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center as observed from City Hall. The editors have chosen some familiar favorites, such as Washington Irving's A History of New Yorkand Walt Whitman's "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry," as well as lesser-known literary and historical gems, such as Frederick Law Olmsted's plan for Central Park and Cynthia Ozick's "The Synthetic Sublime" -- an updated answer to E. B. White's classic essay Here Is New York, which is also included. The variety and originality of the selections in Empire City offer a captivating account of New York's growth, and reveal often forgotten aspects of its political, literary, and social history.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. xv
Introductionp. 1
Colonial Period (1624-1783)p. 15
Account of Henry Hudson's Voyage in 1609, (1611)p. 23
New Amsterdam, Frontier Trading Post, from Historisch Verhael, (1626)p. 26
Letter of the Eight Men to the States-General of the United Netherlands Provinces Regarding the Fear in New Amsterdam of the Indians During the Wars of 1643-1645 (1643)p. 28
The Representation of New Netherland, 1650p. 30
Exclusion of Jews from Military Service in New Amsterdam, (1655)p. 31
Remonstrance of the Inhabitants of the Town of Flushing (1657)p. 33
Description of the Towne of Mannadens, (1661)p. 36
Mercantilist Ideas, from England's Treasure by Forraign Trade, (1664)p. 38
Prosperity in New York, from A Brief Description of New York, (1670)p. 40
True Copy of Articles Whereupon ... The New Netherlands Were Surrendered (January 1674)p. 42
The Demand for English Liberties in New York: The Charter of Liberties and Privileges (October 30, 1683)p. 44
Leisler's Rebellion: Benjamin Blagge's Memorial, from The Documentary History of the State of New-York, (1689)p. 50
Contract of an Indentured Apprentice (October 2, 1718)p. 54
From the New York Weekly Journal (March 11, 1733)p. 56
Andrew Hamilton's Defense, from A Brief Narrative of Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger (1736)p. 59
The Great Negro Plot of 1741, from The New York Conspiracy, (1741)p. 65
The Trial of John Ury, from The New York Conspiracy, (1741)p. 69
Description of New York City in 1748, from Travels into America, (1748)p. 71
Opposition to a Sectarian College, from The Independent Reflector, (1753)p. 77
State of the Province of New York, Cadwallader Colden (1765)p. 81
From A Tour Through Part of the North Provinces of America, (1774)p. 83
From Diary of Pastor Schaukirk, (1775)p. 86
Journal of Lieutenant Isaac Bangs (1776)p. 89
Hessian Views of New York City, (1777, 1780)p. 92
The Forgotten Saga of the Prison Ships, (1990)p. 94
Rise to National Dominance (1783-1860)p. 99
From An Excursion to the United States of North America in the Summer of 1794, (1794)p. 107
From Travels, (1799)p. 109
From Travels Through Canada, and the United States of North America in the Years 1806, 1807, 1808p. 111
Remarks of the Commissioners-for Laying Out Streets and Roads in the City of New York (1811)p. 116
Free Schools, (1809)p. 124
Accounts and Recollections of the War of 1812 from the popular press (1814, 1846)p. 132
From A History of New York, Diedrich Knickerbocker (1819)p. 134
From Travels Through North America, (1825)p. 143
From Notions of the Americans and New York, (1828, 1851)p. 145
From Travels in North America in the Years 1827 and 1828p. 152
From The Domestic Manners of the Americans, (1832)p. 156
From America and the Americans, (1833)p. 159
Letter, March 1, 1833p. 162
Workies, from Men and Manners in America, (1833)p. 163
Diary: 1835, 1847, 1849p. 165
From Cinco meses en los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte desde el 20 de abril al 23 de setiembre de 1835 (Five Months in the United States of North America from April 20 to September 23, 1835)p. 171
The Dans Kamer: A Revery in the Highlands, (1835)p. 173
From Democracy in America, (1835)p. 178
Letters from New York, (September 23, 1841; October 21, 1841; May 1, 1843)p. 180
From American Notes for General Circulation, (1842)p. 186
Two Worlds, from Journal, (1843)p. 195
Doings in Gotham, Letters III and V, (1844)p. 198
Diary: 1857, 1859, 1863, 1869p. 202
Murray Hill Reservoir, November 25, 1849, (1849)p. 206
From Travels in the United States ... during 1849 and 1850p. 209
The Points at Midnight, (1850)p. 212
From Moby-Dick, (1851)p. 222
From Things as They Are in America, (1853)p. 224
From A Few Months in America: Containing Remarks on Some of Its Industrial and Commercial Interests, (1854)p. 228
From The Englishwoman in America, (1854)p. 233
From Land und Leute in Amerika: Skizzen aus dem Amerikanischen Leben (Land and People in America: Sketches of American Life), (1857)p. 240
From Life and Liberty in America, (1859)p. 244
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry and Mannahatta, (1856, 1860)p. 247
Industrial Metropolis (1860-1898)p. 255
Selected Writings of African Americans in Brooklyn (1849-1928)p. 261
The Republic of New-York, from Debow's Review, (1861)p. 268
Up Broadway to Madison Square, from Ragged Dick, (1868)p. 273
Selected Writings on Central Park, (1858, 1870)p. 278
The Life of the Street Rats, from The Dangerous Classes of New York and Twenty Years' Work Among Them, (1872)p. 292
From The Age of Innocence, (1920)p. 294
Sandhog, from My Life and Loves, (1922)p. 301
Selected Writings by Henry George (1879, 1883)p. 305
Vice-Buster, from Frauds Exposed, (1880)p. 311
The New Colossus, (1883)p. 314
Bathing at Coney Island, from Coney Island Frolics, (1883)p. 316
The Senate Committee on the Relations Between Labor and Capital, Testimony of Thomas B. McGuire (1883)p. 318
Experience of a Chinese Journalist, from Puck, (1885)p. 329
The Two Revelations, from Evolution and Religion, (1885)p. 332
From How the Other Half Lives, (1890)p. 338
A Glimpse of High Society, from Society as I Have Found It, (1890)p. 356
From New York History 1860-1890, (1891)p. 362
From Darkness and Daylight, (1892)p. 370
Minetta Lane, (1896)p. 383
Selected Writings by Colonel George Waring (1897, 1899)p. 390
World City (1898-1948)p. 397
Brooklyn Could Have Been a Contender, from The New York Times, (December 28, 1997)p. 407
The Tenement-House Exhibition of 1899, (1901)p. 422
The Padrone System, from Reports of the Industrial Commission on Immigration and Education (1901)p. 430
The Plan of a City, (1902)p. 436
Immigrant Attitudes, a Humorous View, from Observations by Mr. Dooley, (1902)p. 440
New York: Good Government in Danger, from McClure's, (1903)p. 443
From The Gospel of Wealth, (1903)p. 452
No Constantine in Sight, from The Education of Henry Adams, (1904)p. 456
Built Like a Bonfire: The General Slocum Disaster, June 15, 1904, (2001)p. 458
The Desirability of Comprehensive Municipal Planning in Advance of Development, (1905)p. 464
The Day's Work of a "New Law" Tenement Inspector, from Charities and the Commons 17, (1906-1907)p. 474
From The American Scene, (1907)p. 477
From Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, (1905)p. 488
Selected Writings of O. Henry (1862-1910)p. 496
The Spirit of the Girl Strikers, from The Outlook, (1910)p. 506
Scenes at the Morgue, from The New York Times (March 26, 1911)p. 511
Abram I. Elkus, Opening Statement, from New York State Factory Investigating Commission (October 10, 1911)p. 516
From The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, (1912)p. 519
Judges in the Gate, from They Who Knock at Our Gates in American Magazine, (1914)p. 526
Compact Between the States of New York and New Jersey, "The Port Authority" (1921)p. 530
A Meditation in Broadway, from What I Saw in America, (1921)p. 533
From The Color of a Great City (1923)p. 536
From Manhattan Transfer, (1925)p. 541
Arrangement in Black and White, (1927)p. 548
An American Catholic Answers Back, from the Atlantic Monthly, (1927)p. 553
General Retrospect and Summary, from The Graphic Regional Plan of 1929p. 555
Selected Writings of Thomas Wolfe (1925-1935, 1935)p. 564
Harlem Runs Wild, (1935)p. 575
New York, (1935)p. 580
The Man-Moth, (1935)p. 582
From Going to the Territory, (1986)p. 585
The Fourteenth Ward, from Black Spring, (1936)p. 592
My Lost City, from The Crack-Up, (1936)p. 602
The Fairy Catastrophe, from When the Cathedrals Were White, (1936)p. 611
Apology for Breathing, from Back Where I Came From, (1938)p. 619
From The Mohawks in High Steel, from Up in the Old Hotel, (1938)p. 624
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities, (1938)p. 639
Ten Misconceptions of New York, (1939)p. 647
The Eighty Yard Run, (1942)p. 653
The Making of a New Yorker, (1943)p. 666
Voice, (1945)p. 673
Beyond, from A Walker in the City, (1946)p. 676
World Capital (1948-2002)p. 683
A Place (Any Place) to Transcend All Places, (1948)p. 691
Here Is New York, (1949)p. 695
Selected Writings of Langston Hughesp. 712
The King of Harlem, (1955)p. 720
Angel Levine, (1955)p. 725
Remarks on the Groundbreaking at Lincoln Square, (1959)p. 736
The Day Lady Died, (1959)p. 739
Fifth Avenue, Uptown, (1960)p. 741
New York Scenes, from Lonesome Traveler, (1960)p. 750
The Blackout, November 9, 1965, from POPism: The Warhol '60's, (1980)p. 760
The Balloon, (1968)p. 762
Introduction and Summary, from The Second Regional Plan (1968)p. 767
Goodbye to All That, (1968)p. 779
The Yankees, (1968)p. 788
Bedford-Stuyvesant: Giving a Damn About Hell, from Robert Kennedy: A Memoir, (1969)p. 798
13-Point Program and Platform, (1969)p. 808
Get the Mafia and the Cops Out of Gay Bars, (1969)p. 813
From Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers, (1970)p. 815
The Fallen Idol: The Harlem Tragedy of Earl Manigault, from The City Game, (1970)p. 824
Ode to New York, (1974)p. 834
New York, (1977)p. 838
The Brooklyn Bridge, from Sketches from Life, (1981)p. 840
It's Six A.M. Do You Know Where You Are?, (1982)p. 845
Boodling, Bigotry, and Cosmopolitanism: The Transformation of a Civic Culture, from Dissent, (fall 1987)p. 851
Auggie Wren's Christmas Story, (1990)p. 863
Autumn in New York, (1990)p. 870
Manhattan, 1976, from About This Life, (1993)p. 873
Shot: A New York Story, (1993)p. 878
Talk That Talk, from In the Place to Be, (1994)p. 891
A Region at Risk: A Summary of the Third Regional Plan for the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Metropolitan Area Regional Plan Association (1996)p. 895
One Large Garlic and Anchovy: The Search for the Perfect Slice, (1997)p. 905
The Second Inaugural Address: The Agenda for Permanent Change, (1998)p. 908
Someplace in Queens, (1998)p. 918
The Midnight Tour: Working the Edgar Allan Poe Beat in the Bronx, (May 15, 2000)p. 927
Down and Out and Up Again: Walking Freestyle Through the Upper East Side and Sleeping Rough in Central Park, from Time Out Book of New York Walks, (2000)p. 937
The Synthetic Sublime, from Quarrel and Quandary, (2000)p. 946
New York: Science Fiction, (2000)p. 962
The Resilient City, (2001)p. 965
Sources and Acknowledgmentsp. 977
Indexp. 983
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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