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Applications Index
0.1 A Review of Fractions
0.2 Real Numbers
0.3 Adding and Subtracting
0.4 Multiplying and Dividing
0.5 Exponents and Order of Operations
Chapter 0: Summary
Chapter 0: Summary Exercises
Chapter 0: Chapter Test
1.1 Transition to Algebra
Activity 1: Exchanging Money
1.2 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
1.3 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
1.4 Solving Equations with the Addition Property
1.5 Solving Equations with the Multiplication Property
1.6 Combining the Rules to Solve Equations
1.7 Linear Inequalities
Chapter 1: Summary
Chapter 1: Summary Exercises
Chapter 1: Chapter Test
2.1 Formulas and Problem Solving
Activity 2: Graphing with a Calculator
2.2 Sets and Set Notation
2.3 Two Variable Equations
2.4 The Cartesian Coordinate System
2.5 Relations and Functions
2.6 Tables and Graphs
Chapter 2: Summary
Chapter 2: Summary Exercises
Chapter 2: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-2: Cumulative Review
3.1 Graphing Linear Functions
Activity 3: Linear Regression: A Graphing Calculator Activity
3.2 The Slope of a Line
3.3 Linear Equations
3.4 Rate of Change and Linear Regression
3.5 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Chapter 3: Summary
Chapter 3: Summary Exercises
Chapter 3: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-3: Cumulative Review
4.1 Graphing Systems of Linear Equations
Activity 4: Agricultural Technology
4.2 Solving Equations in One Variable Graphically
4.3 Systems of Equations in Two Variables
4.4 Systems of Equations in Three Variables
4.5 Systems of Linear Inequalities
Chapter 4: Summary
Chapter 4: Summary Exercises
Chapter 4: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-4: Cumulative Review
5.1 Positive Integer Exponents
Activity 5: Wealth and Compound Interest
5.2 Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation
5.3 Introduction to Polynomials
5.4 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
5.5 Multiplying Polynomials and Special Products
5.6 Dividing Polynomials
Chapter 5: Summary
Chapter 5: Summary Exercises
Chapter 5: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-5: Cumulative Review
6.1 An Introduction to Factoring
Activity 6: ISBN’s and the Check Digit
6.2 Factoring Special Polynomials
6.3 Factoring: Trial and Error
6.4 Factoring: The ac Method
6.5 Factoring Strategies
6.6 Factoring and Problem Solving
Chapter 6: Summary
Chapter 6: Summary Exercises
Chapter 6: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-6: Cumulative Review
7.1 Roots and Radicals
Activity 7: The Swing of a Pendulum
7.2 Simplifying Radical Expressions
7.3 Operations on Radicals
7.4 Solving Radical Equations
7.5 Rational Exponents
7.6 Complex Numbers
Chapter 7: Summary
Chapter 7: Summary Exercises
Chapter 7: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-7: Cumulative Review
8.1 Solving Quadratic Equations
Activity 8: The Gravity Model
8.2 The Quadratic Formula
8.3 An Introduction to Parabolas
8.4 Quadratic Equations and Problem Solving
Chapter 8: Summary
Chapter 8: Summary Exercises
Chapter 8: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-8: Cumulative Review
9.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions
Activity 9: Communicating Mathematical Ideas
9.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
9.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
9.4 Complex Rational Expressions
9.5 Graphing Rational Functions
9.6 Rational Equations and Problem Solving
Chapter 9: Summary
Chapter 9: Summary Exercises
Chapter 9: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-9: Cumulative Review
10.1 Algebra of Functions
Activity 10: Half-Life and Decay
10.2 Composition of Functions
10.3 Inverse Functions
10.4 Exponential Functions
10.5 Logarithmic Functions
10.6 Properties of Logarithms
10.7 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations
Chapter 10: Summary
Chapter 10: Summary Exercises
Chapter 10: Chapter Test
Chapters 0-10: Cumulative Review
A.1 Solving Inequalities in One Variable Graphically
A.2 Solving Absolute-Value Equations
A.3 Solving Absolute-Value Equations Graphically
A.4 Solving Absolute-Value Inequalities
A.5 Solving Absolute-Value Inequalities Graphically
Answers to Reading Your Text, Summary Exercises, Chapter Tests, and Cumulative Reviews
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